Thursday, December 11, 2008


I woke up about 2 hours ago, I guess after the Xanax wore off. I tried to sleep still, and then just a few minutes ago, I had a short dream where I heard Spanish speaking by a woman, it was my son's caregiver, into a phone, and my son was in the background, shrieking out and trying to get someone's attention.

My son needs me and he wants to be with me.

And look at what has been done to him.

I read in the NYT for Tuesday a big article about how MRI leads to incorrect diagnosis and is not foolproof and things don't get detected. Which makes me question, still, exactly what was found on my MRI when it wasn't even done with contrast.

I have X-rays that show damages, but not an MRI? It doesn't make any sense.

The song: "See You Soon" has been replaying in my mind since I woke. "In a bulletproof vest, I'll be doing my best..." over and over. Is anyone looking into any of this? on behalf of me and my son?

I want my son back. I want Wenatchee held accountable, and all those involved. I want those who are corrupt within the FBI, who worked with Whittemore and Abbey lawyers to harm me and my son, caught.

Karin's husband's last name, was, I believe, she said, "Whittemore/Whittmore" but she didn't want to tell me. I believe it is HER father who is in the NYC FBI.

If no one is going to look into this for me, I am going to go myself, and I will hunt down that information until I have it, with help from someone I know who I may be able to convince to help me, but it will take much longer. Her name, full name, needs to be known, and exposed. I will not rest until this is done. It's going to lead to other things in that line-up as well.

I just started writing about her again, because even before my baby died, she kept coming up in my mind. I knew I had to get her name and that her family needed to be investigated.

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