Friday, December 26, 2008

My Sectoral Heterochromia Eyes: Royalty?

I made a new discovery about myself today.

I was watching that film preview for "The Unborn" and the doctor is telling the woman that she has two different colored eyes and this often means there was a twin that was lost.

I have two different colored eyes, sort of. One is green and the other one is green but has a distinct large brown spot. So I wondered if it's the same thing.

It's called heterochromia. So I looked it up online and it's called "sectoral heterochromia" if you have eyes like mine.

I never knew this about myself! Also, they think it has something to do, maybe, with things affecting pigment and sometimes people with heterochromia have a section of hair that is white. I don't have this exactly, but I have a section in the back of my head, in the back, of more ash blond hair. My mother says all of my hair was red until a section in the back was rubbed out or fell out, and it came in pale ash blond and not red.

Who knows though. Maybe I have a twin and someone took the baby and no one knows. ;) I don't think my mother had any ultrasounds, so how would we know for sure? lol.

Opthamologists have always been interested in my eyes. They make a big deal about them when they're under the light. I thought it was just flattery they give everyone, but maybe they were more interested in the sectoral heterochromia.

HEY EVERYONE! I'm even rarer than we all though (in every way it seems, I was destined to be, sorry Kaempf, but quite "special").

This is what wiki says, it says those with sectoral heterochromia are even RARER than those with FULL heterochromia where one eye is totally blue and one is totally green:

"Partial or sectoral heterochromia is much less common than complete heterochromia and is typically found in autosomally inherited disorders such as Hirschsprung's disease and Waardenburg syndrome."

It appears this very special species here may have a disease. WHO KNEW?!

Shit. I might even be a CHIMERA.

Okay, ummm...Going to the bathroom mirror now for a better look at my eyes and then I'll describe them minute.

Okay, I have sort of a central heterochromia in that there are two rings of color. On the outside, seagreen blue. Closer to the iris, light moss-yellow green. And then on the right eye, there is a brown spot that I don't have on the other eye. I've always known I had the brown spot difference but I thought a lot of people had eyes like mine. Never thought it was unusual. Does anyone else know someone with this difference?

It's not "aquired heterochromia"--it's always been there.

Hey, and they're not "hazel". Look at this, because according to wiki:

Eyes displaying Central Heterochromia are often referred to as "cat eyes" because of the appearance of a multi-coloured iris. Central Heterochromia appears to be prevalent in irides containing low amounts of melanin.[22] Central Heterochromia does not label an eye as hazel. This is because the outer ring of an eye affected by Central Heterochromia is that iris' true colour.

So, I am still a little doubtful, but what sort of convinces me this is possible, is the fact that my hair color came in a different color too. Very, very light and not red at all underneath all my hair in the back. It's not as noticeable now as when I was younger, but people would point it out to me when I was younger, and could tell, when I pulled my hair up. It looked like very blond highlights.

My skin is the same color everywhere though. I guess heterochromia deals with pigment of eyes, hair, and skin. There can be either excess or lesser than usual pigment and the second is called "hyperchromic" (underpigmented). This would mean my eyes true color should be seagreen blue but the pigment didn't carry to the inner part of the iris, and my hair color should be, I guess, true red, but I have this blond patch.

Well, I looked up the diseases, and I don't have those. I guess it's just an anomoly, or maybe there was a twin, who knows.

Okay, well, this is a little weird. My parent's first baby died after 3 days from some "mysterious" disease that the hospital never autopsied, and now I find out I have sectoral and central heterochromia. What the hell was happening to my mother when she was pregnant? My brother's the only normal one? My mother didn't use drugs at all and was very up on nutrition.

I'm looking online and it says sectoral heterchromia is extremely, extremely rare.

Oh, huh. So now I'm reading it's a sign of royalty. I KNEW IT!

"BirthMark: Brown spot in Left blue eye? (Termed: Sectoral Heterochromia).
Replies: 2
BirthMark: Brown spot in Left blue eye? (Termed: Sectoral Heterochromia).
Kenneth_Drescher (View posts) Posted: 31 Mar 2008 12:37AM GMT
Classification: Query
Surnames: Alquist, Faugust
I'm seeking info on a BirthMark I have: a brown spot in my left blue eye, right eye is blue (Termed: Sectoral Heterochromia). I have straw-blond hair, and reddish-blond beard.

My Uncle: Oscar Faugust, son of: Alma Alquist + Gus Faugust of Jacksonville, IL, USA. They were of Swedish + Danish decent. Also had this same BirthMark.

My Great Aunt: Nell Faugust used to tell me as a child that it was a, "Mark of Swedish Royality!" My Mother scoffed at this.

Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to this trait as the Actress: Kate Boswell has the same BirthMark. There's now even contacts which can be worn to give the 'look' of sectoral heterochromia.

I did some research and apparently this trait was most common in the Royal Families of Russia, Denmark, and other European Courts.

*Seeking any further specific info, and knowledge of individuals whom also have this trait! It's apparently quite rare, and gene, which is recessive must come from both parents!"

Well now, my life story might have a bit of a twist now it seems. For centuries, my family was shuttled around the world, where we sought refuge in hiding, appointing members of the royal family to take posts as forest rangers, to conceal our identity.

Alas! We were discovered, sadly, after the progeny of the ancient royals was indiscreet about her heritage. She and her son were to be eliminated. KILL THEM! said the cowards. SHE IS THE HOLY GRAIL. No! She is the descendent of that Russian family they allegedly killed off in the revolution. No, wait! she is Danish or Swedish royalty and threatens our crown. No...she is next in line to the throne of England!

Well, it's time to examine my DNA folks. I'm either royalty or a chimera (dear God, Pullleeeesse, don't let me discover I'm a chimera. please let me be special and discover I've royalty on both sides of the family...ahem! and then grant me 3 wishes, the first being for full security for me and my son and the second being a restoration of my inheritance).

(of course I'm having fun!)

I wonder what I will discover next. am i really a woman?????

I just found a link with people commenting on their dual sectoral heterochromia in eyes and having a "blond streak". Many of them are being tested for chimerism or mosiacism. I wonder if anyone would pay me to experiment with my genes? No thanks to military experiments involving magnetic pulse, by the way. Been there, done that, and still waiting for the check, thank you.

So I'm reading about chimerism. I guess there are a few famous people (aside from royalty) that have sectoral heterochromia, like Kate Bosworth (hers is more noticeable) and it can be simply genetic anomoly regarding pigment, but is sometimes found to be the first marker for being a chimera. I tell you what, if I find out I'm a chimera, and my parents always knew and never told me, I will be PISSED. I also won't care, one way or the other. I think it would be interesting. I probably absorbed a boy twin if I'm a chimera (who says women are the weaker sex?). Lol. It could be mosaicism too, which is far more common and involves just small chromosomal patch differences. If it's genetic, my son might have it. His hair is all the same, and his eyes are brown, but he has a white patch of skin instead of brown and that's his only birthmark, and it's a pigment birthmark.

SO interesting, eh?

Come to mama, and I will figure out what is ailin' ya. Can I be a non-certified medical investigator? Just want to skip labs and surgery and dead bodies.

I would probably be good at it. I sent in material for a patent, a few years ago, and they contacted me right away. They were patent attorneys and I had thought I had an idea for medical patent but then I went online and checked and someone had thought of it before me, a couple years earlier. I hypothesized that if Botox freezes muscles in the forehead, and some people with migraine respond to "trigger point injections" that freeze muscles in the back of the head, botox might work to alleviate symptoms of migraine, injected into particular parts of the head, for up to 6 months...

So it was a good idea, and I came up with it all on my own, but it was TAKEN! LOL. Maybe I'll come up with another idea. Just need time to think and some puzzles.

Anyway, I wouldn't be embarrassed to be a chimera, which, if you absorbed a male twin, means you could have some male genetic characteristics. I would be totally fine with that. I'm definitely not confused about my sexual orientation at all. I like men and am attracted to men, period. I feel like a woman with the brain of a woman-man. I'm very much a woman, but I can also think like a man when required. I think anyone who is a chimera should be proud because you really ARE special! Not only that, you can help science and medicine as well, because some studies are particular beneficial when done on chimeras or mosaics.

Note to family who reads this blog: if you know something I don't, it's time to tell me. Cough, cough.

There is also information that radiation while a fetus is in utero, can produce heterochromia in the baby. On Intra-uterine irradiation and iris heterochromia:

There is no family history of heterochromia in my family except for in me and my son. My mother had her first baby, which died 3 days later, in Wenatchee, and was living in Wenatchee, and had me, at the Wenatchee hospital. Then my parents moved while I was only 1 year old and my mother got pregnant a year later and had my brother, who has no abnormalities or heterochromia. I was living in Wenatchee when I became pregnant and had my son at the Wenatchee hospital and he may have a form of heterochromia, because of the white patch of skin on his body. Other than that, his only birth abnormality (besides head hematoma and possible internal head bleeding, and jaundice for 3 months) was his enamel dysplasia, where the enamel formation on his teeth was disrupted. Did my family have any enemies? I am sort of wondering about my family's history. And I hope no one confused my father with another guy that had his exact same name, even down to the "Jr." part. Because there were two of them and my mom found out when we were little and lived in Moses Lake because we got mail for him and it wasn't my Dad.

Hmm. On another note, I was wondering, because I am reading some people have changes in eye color as they age, and in hair...I've noticed my blond streak isn't very noticeable now and my brown spot isn't as pronounced either. It's still there, but faded or something. So what does that mean? One doctor wrote it may have something to do with hormones. Makes sense. Don't know everything. Very interesting about my son though. Either he and I both have a very rare genetic trait or we were both exposed to something, while in the womb, that affected chromosomes.

There's one way to find out! Well, wait, maybe I'm wrong. I was thinking we could just, or I could just be tested for some gene type that would explain everything. But if heterochromia, if it's developed in the womb and isn't genetic initially, will genes or chromosomes be affected by other influences? How do you know if your genes show expression of a trait because of something natural, or because of something that wasn't good and caused chromosomes to alter? Which one is first? Even with chimerism, is it always caused by some genetic deal, or can something that is environmental cause what it takes for the chimera...well absorbing a twin would be natural, but if you're going back to the egg and kind of division, is it possible something in the environment contributes to the way an egg develops and chromosomes are divided? So many questions.

Wow. Just found out I would have been killed by the Nazi's, over my eyes:
"Heterochromia has even inspired "eye-catching palettes." Then again, the Nazis and Mengele conducted experiments and exterminated people, including children, with Heterochromia."

I wish I could read some of these medical journals. I want to read this one from NIH, about a condition of deaf-mutism, heterochromia, and epilepsy (all in one disorder I guess):

1: Rev Otoneuroophtalmol. 1959;31:481-3.Links
[A second case of deaf-mutism with heterochromia iridis and epilepsy.]
[Article in French]


And this one:
Heterogeneity in Waardenburg syndrome.
[A second case of deaf-mutism with heterochromia iridis and epilepsy.]. Rev Otoneuroophtalmol. 1959;31:481–483. [PubMed]; BORBOLLA VACHER L, ...

From what I've read so far, the lighter pigmentation anomolies in myself and my son, if this is inherited and congenital and not the result of some environmental factor, could be explained by the following (and possibly more) diagnosis's:

1. simple hetrochromia,
2. congenital Horner's syndrome (probably not this one),
3. Waardenburgs syndrome ,
4. Parry-Romberg syndrome

Some of these disorders are also associated with epilepsy and other things, but I'm going to do more reading before coming to any conclusions. My guess would be that this, if congenital, could be a form of Waardenburg's or simple heterochromia (which is pigment changes with no other known factors). Then again, maybe I'm a chimera...who knows, with those high testosterone levels. lol. But my absorption of a twin wouldn't explain why my son also has pigment anomolies.

Okay, don't think it's Parry's, because that one seems more extreme with facial wasting characteristics. I don't think it's Horner's either because many of the characteristics are constant. For example, drooping eyelids--I get this, but only with migraine on one eye. Waardenburg's is sort of iffy but still a slight possibility because you don't have to have all of the traits. Deaf-mutism is common, but you could have the other signs and not this one. So sort of still interested in this one. Of course it could be simple heterochromia because that is just pigment anomolies I think, and I considered the possibility of a rare form of albinism--"HPS" but this is probably not it, so I'm stuck with thinking of the following:

1. Waardenburg's (possibly prediposed to seizure with this one),
2. simple heterochromia,
3. HPS albinism,
4. irradiation or other environmental causes of chromosome anomolies in utero,
5. mosaism or chimerism (still wouldn't explain why my son has a form of pigment anomoly, unless chimerism is absorption of a twin and mosaism is more congenital or hereditary. I don't know, are there any cases of hereditary chimerism? seems unlikely but will find out.)

My son has a white patch of skin like the girl in this article has, on her arm. She has Waardenburg's. Usually deaf-mutism is present, but it is not necessary. It is also possible to have other neurological problems without deafness with this disorder. See link: Also, it appears, the hearing difficulties cannot be determined by regular hearing tests, but only by checking brainstem responses. From this article:

"The hearing of the child could not be examined with pure tone audiometry. Bilateral hearing loss was noted on auditory brainstem response. However, there were no signs or symptoms of Hirschsprung aganglionosis. No chromosomal abnormality was found."

My son's white patch is found on his torso, a common site for these patches to appear, according to this article. As for me, I only have two of the criteria and two criteria are required for a diagnosis. I have the hypopigmentation of eye, and then the hypopigmentation of hair. For my son, he has the white patch, which he had from birth, and his hearing has never been checked in the proper way to rule out this kind of disorder.

It still doesn't make sense to me that my son could speak so well and then it goes to gibberish. Unless there are other neural features. From what I read, seizures are associated with this disorder.

I still know we were affected by a magnetic pulse, but I am interested in finding out what the cause of my and my son's pigmentation signs are about.

Waardenburg's is an inherited disorder and needs only one parent to carry it to the next generation, with a 50/50 chance of passing it on.

I looked up "congenital leukoderma" which is just a partial albinism of the skin alone, but I think it's odd that I have the eye heterochromia and patch of hair and my son has the white patch. It could be just a sign of partial albinism, but there are other things to rule out as well. Now, I've read that if it's congenital, before birth, it is considered to be "partial albinism", not leukoderma. Still, there are some disorders which include partial albinism in the diagnostics, and actually, while my patch of hair that was lighter could be a trait of albinism, what of the sectoral heterochromia? Having a brown spot in one eye is not hypopigmentation. I have central heterochromia, which is a lighter ring closer to the pupil, but then I have a brown spot that is darker, in one eye and that doesn't seem to fit albinism. I don't know if this is it, because what I'm reading about partial albinism, is that it's extremely rare to pass on to a family member. Not only that, but both parents have to have the gene for it. I just don't think that's likely and there was no history of this in my son's father's family. I don't think this can be explained by simple partial albinism.

This is crazy. I stumbled across all of this just by seeing a t.v. film preview and recognizing things in myself and my son. And I've been listening to The Backstreet Boys all night. Hhaaaaahhahhahaaaa!

I'm finding many, many, articles about the link between radiation (I'm including electromagnetic fields) and hypopigmentation, enamel dysplasia, and heterochromia in hair and eyes. There is a definite link between exposure in utero and these anomolies. It cannot be disputed. I have believed, as have pediatric dentists, that enamel dysplasia of my son was caused by traumatic birth, but it can also be caused, apparently, by radiation. The only thing, is to rule out differentials. For one thing, what is in Wenatchee that would cause this in both me and my son and possibly affected my parent's first baby, which died 3 days after birth? Secondly, what other inherited conditions would produce such rarities, on the basis of chromosomes alone? My sectoral heterochromia is extremely, extremely rare in normal cases of chromosomal inherited things. Like the articles all say, it's even rarer than having one full blue eye and then one green eye, or brown eye. So, while this is seen in those exposed to radiation and electromagnetic fields in utero, what else might cause this, on a genetic basis? I would also like to rule out the influence of pesticides, but I think this is very unlikely because I stayed in a pesticide free apartment and didn't go out to the orchard while pregnant. Not even once. I don't think sectoral heterochromia is from this either, or more people in Wenatchee would have it.

It has to be something with genetics or unique environmental exposures.

From I'm reading now, it's looking like it is also possible for a fetus and unborn baby, that is exposed to electromagnetic or other fields, to die within days of birth from respiratory and other problems.

I am using a very wide lens right now, and then I will narrow it down of course, but I'm thinking I need to be broad-minded, just in case.

This is how I'm wrapping it up tonight (my roommate needs the computer). With this, from wiki:

In anatomy, heterochromia refers to a difference in coloration, usually of the iris but also of hair or skin. Heterochromia is a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment). It may be inherited, due to genetic mosaicism, or due to disease or injury.[1]

In my mind, it's one thing or the other. My son and I are both affected, so either we both have mosaicism, possibly have a form of Waardenburg's, or we were both affected by environmental sources that cause injury in utero.

Next day: So it sounds out there to imagine I and my mother were affected by electromagnetic fields during pregnancy, but this was the line of thought--first I found radiation can cause heterochromia when there's in utero exposure. Then I thought about Wenatchee's proximity to various sources of electricity because that area is a major supplier of electrical energy. It is also possible to be under an electromagnetic field and never feel a thing but have minor damages. Usually, you wouldn't feel anything at lower levels. So it's possible that when I was in Wenatchee, I was exposed to lower levels but didn't know. If someone cranked it up somehow, it would cause benign fasciculations and heart arrythmias. If someone cranked it up anymore, it would cause problems with electrical toys if they are targeted, and cause severe pain, and would trigger seizures. It's even possible that short bursts intermittant would do this and yet the source of all the problems could still be the same thing and trigger different symptoms at different levels. It's also possible my family had enemies, and my father was something of a whistleblower himself, but I think it's more likely that this matter is congenital. That's what I'm thinking. If it is, it should show up in DNA and chromosomal testing for mosaisism or could possibly be a sign of Waardenburg's, but that might be less likely. I would rule out congenital conditions before looking into environmental causes, but I would not completely rule out environmental causes until or unless congenital conditions are completely ruled out.

The other thing to think about is that an electrical source, or radiation...the reason why this can CAUSE mosaisicism in utero is because it disturbs and disrupts chromosomes and when this happens, you get anomolies. Mosaicism is caused by disruption with the chromosomes, and this can happen on its own or it can be caused by radiation. In fact, irradiation is used to purposefully separate chromosomes, by scientists wishing to isolate or break certain chains, for studying mosaicism. See wiki on mosaicism for info on this.

Well, that's as far as I can make guesses. Nothing further can be known without testing for things. So my research on this ends here until further notice or I find out someone wants to do experimental work with my genes or test me.

I'll include any information I find about royalty, which is most fun, and if I find anything out about myself, whether I'm a mosaic or whatever, I'll post that too.

Just found an example of royalty and sectoral heterochromia through an Italian ancestry: Grace Talarico di Capace (Baronessa Grazia Talarico di Capace) was born on July 2, 1946. She, along with her family, were involved with Emilio Pucci Haute couture in Rome, serving as fashion designers, fabricators and consultants for Pucci's Roman atelier throughout the 1960's. She is an American of Italian birth from the ancestral family of Alaric I.[1]

Hahaha! Here's a funny post, from wiki answers. This girl asks the question of whether there is any known prejudice against those with heterochromia and the answers are hilarious. I guess I should make an answer though, and let her know there IS one known prejudice--Nazi's would've killed ya. So I would've gone to Nazi death camp on account of my eyes. Here's the link to the question though and the funny responses:

I found a link with some photos of sectoral heterochromia. There are other links within the link. I will definitely upload a photo of my eyes. My eyes are more subtle, like the first one featured in this link, except instead of the golden streak, I have a sort of dark-rust brown streak. It's really faded though and used to be more pronounced--I read this can happen with changes in hormones. At any rate, I'll load a photo of my eyes. I don't know when my roommate is getting his camera attachment so I'll find some neighbor or hispanic friend around and see if they'll help me out. Anyway, here is the link. Down towards the bottom there's a very distinct example of sectoral heterochromia. Oh, if it seems my blond streak in the back of my head will still show, I'll take a photo of that too:


  1. Fascinating Blog!! I saw the same movie preview and it got me online checking it out!! I have sectoral heterochromia. I have two blue eyes but they each have brown spots in them. One is very large. As for that note about different hair colors or premature graying.... I have natural blonde hair. It was almost white when I was little and has gradually darkened to a carmel blonde but I have been prematurely graying since I was 24 years old.
    The royalty thing ~ you might really be on to something there!! My family has deep roots in Sweden!! Thanks for all the research!!

  2. hey, thank you anonymous,
    this was a nice comment to receive. i like the ones i get about the mtv thing and this one, because it's a nice diversion from my complicated mess of a life now, to discuss normal things of general interest. So I appreciate these comments, from Daniel, and now you. so interesting, huh?! I never thought anything about it until seeing this movie preview and how funny to find out it's actually significant--we are a rarity! i never connected my blond streak in the back of my head with my different eye color with the brown spot. Of course, I thought the royalty bit was fun to discover, and i scoured for information about royalty idea. i think there must be more in books and it's not online yet. i heard it's found in different royal lineages: swedish, russian, and other european. most of my heritage is european. i don't know about royalty for me...i've heard we owned a "garrett castle" somewhere in europe but lost it through hard times, and then i've wondered about a surname davis and wooten bc there's a wooten hall in one of diana's childhood homes. my grandmother says we are all fortunate we didn't get "the wooten nose" which was supposed to be slightly bulbous. i wonder about our luxembourg ties the most, and Granny says we are really related to lady godiva, the real one, and i think she was english courts or something. i found there was an english king with heterochromia, and, i think, a saxon king, but i looked for examples of the russian and danish/swedish heterochromia and couldn't find any. i'm sure there are examples, but i didn't find names entered. you know what too, i am not certain, but i THINK, you can only get this through a gene from both sides of the family. i'll add to my post if i find out more about the royalty thing, bc that would be fun to write about. if we were ever royalty we probably got banned from someplace for being too rowdy or activist.

  3. hello, sorry to post again, but i had wanted to agree with you, that i DID read a lot of the royalty in denmark and sweden had the sectoral heterochromia eyes, so wanted to affirm if you've deep roots in sweden, who knows! i also think waardensburg (which isn't always a given if you've heterochromia) was discovered by a danish man, and makes me wonder if there are more instances in denmark/sweden. i read a couple of people's post where they were told by grandparents it is the mark of royalty--read this from denmark and swedish ancestry. anyway, will do more research later and see what i can find. thanks again for the comment. let us know if you discover your link!

  4. Really Interesting--it's nice to read about someone with a similar eye trait--I've never met anyone with what I have (one eye has a blue ring with green inside and a large brown spot, the other has a blue ring with green and yellow specks). My ancestors are from Europe, so who knows? I used to have people ask if I injured my eye, now some really observant people just say it's really cool. Anyways, your blog was fun to read!

  5. My dad has BOTH heterochromia and sectoral heterochromia. One eye is half bright blue and half brown, split diagonally, and the other eye is a brilliant green. He is half Danish and half Norwegian.

    I've heard the same things about Danish Royalty... I have a cousin who lived in Denmark for a while and gave me a rundown of some of the silly genetic traits royal family members have... I don't remember them all, but there's some strange thing about a pattern of moles on the rightful king's backside in addition to heterochromia.

    My eyes change color every couple of years. They have gone from bright blue to hazel to green to gray with a yellow central heterochromia to their current slate gray. I wonder if more changes are on the way...

  6. Holy Christ. First of all, I want to say that I am another owner of a sectoral heterochromia, AND I became interested in researching it after seeing that stupid "Unborn" commercial as well... I was thinking a resorbed twin would be a great talking point, and was excited...only to find literally the same confusion that you did over what the hell is wrong with me. Thanks for your long and wonderful post that went through most of the craziness that I went through too!

    I've always considered it to just be a fun little pigment mutation, but now I'm sort of freaked about what kind of genetic disorder I could have. I ruled out Waardenburg's because of the deaf symptom, but didn't realize it can present without. Let me know if you have any other good links on this stuff.

    My family is German and Norwegian, so the European royalty might be in me too :D (resorbed twin or princess...resorbed twin or princess...which do I choose?!) Also I don't have children,but neither of my parents remember anyone at all with a heterochromia of any sort.

    It might be fun to start a discussion board on this somewhere?

  7. Hey everyone,

    Thanks for all your comments, and it IS an interesting topic, huh? I published all the newer comments and then realized now I have to respond to all at the end instead of individually.

    to anonymous, your eye color sounds really pretty and I'm glad you liked my post. After reading all these posts, and since we've discovered how absolutely "rare" we are, it would be fun to all submit photos and a generalized ancestry list. This trait is supposed to require the recessive gene on BOTH sides of the family so this is makes it even more fascinating. I'm sure there are a lot of dormant carriers out there too, but those of us who have identified this, could put up more information online. Like someone here mentioned, start a site or message board or something. If we collect our information we may be able to get paid as there are probably a lot of scientists who would love to examine our DNA. What's odd too, is that I just discovered, through miscarriage, that I was carrying twins. One was a boy in normal position, and the other was in my ovary. If somehow the one in the ovary had absorbed into the other one, it could have been an incidence of chimerism. We'll never know now, but I have sonograms that show this was a baby, not a "cyst". I'm going to write more about this loss in another post because I'm sad and upset about it, but for twin purposes, thought I'd mention it here. The other weird thing is, I "knew" I was having twins and said something to the father about it and then when I only saw one baby on sonogram, I was confused. The other one wasn't detected, but it was there, hidden.

    There is a law against cloning "chimeras" because of ethics. In a way, if it should be against chimeras, it should be against all cloning, because who says those natural chimeras out there are abnormal or an embarrassment? they are special, and we should see them in a positive light, I think.

    Really, though, it would be fun to put up some of our ancestry and surname stuff,and photos (maybe one of face and one closer up of just the eyes) and share information and figure out how much we should charge scientists to examine our DNA. It would also be a good idea to name where we were conceived, what location, and name any known electrical fields or power plants, nuclear facilities that are nearby, to rule out an environmental cause for differential. Too bad we don't all live near eachother, because we could all go to the "Unborn" together. lol :).

    I wonder if we have any other traits in common, in our personalities and interests? That's more of a stretch, but I'm sort of curious. I'm interested in the old adages and myths too, about the pattern of moles. I have a few moles. ;)

    I am wondering about blood transfusions as well, how this would alter findings. I've had two separate incidences of blood transfusion in my life--after a car collision in 1995, and recently, after complicated miscarriage. I'm sure it doesn't change DNA, but how does it alter other things?

    I haven't set up a message board, but if someone knows how to start one, let me know. Otherwise, perhaps I could set up a new "blogger" site specifically devoted to sectoral heterochromia inclusive of things related. We could contribute information to the blog and add photos and heritage links.

    I know there must be a lot more about this in books and science/medical journals and it would be great to add this online, because there's not very much out there right now.

    Daniel, your Dad's eyes sound fascinating. That's really unique and must be quite startling...I do hear a lot about Danish and Norgwegian heterochromia. Since most of the royalty links are supposed to be of Russian, Danish/Norwegian, and European descent, I wonder if this because of a Viking influence...back then we would guess it was genetic and not caused by irradiation in the womb, so I'm wondering. If it was just the chimera thing, it would seem this could happen to anyone of any race--that twins could be reabsorbed.


    Do you think we should start a message board or a blogger site for this? If message board, It would be better for you to start it bc I've not done it before, but if blogger site, I could do that. Is it possible to add a message board to blogger? maybe I could just add one to this site. If not, I could link it up to the message board.

    I have some German ancestry too, like you. It's technically "Luxembourg" but my grandmother just says "German".

    I think what it comes down to, is being tested. I think those with sectoral heterochromia are so significantly rare, they are of interest to the science community because what genetic traits would cause this? and for this to pop up when it's required on both sides of the family, if it's a mutation, is very rare. The other thing though, is that many of us could be hidden (to be discovered) mosaics or chimeras, and this is especially fascinating to scientists and geneticists, enough that a whole law was passed in the U.S. to prevent scientists from recreating mosaics and chimeras purposefully.

    The first indicator, and often the only visible one, is this eye variation.

    The only way to know is to be tested. I think we should put up all of our information and see if any science group would be interested in doing research on us. I know I could use the extra money personally, and it would be a fun way to make a contribution to science as well.

    What do you guys thinks?

  8. Oh hey, Nissa,

    I found your photo on your blog. Very cool! I hope you don't mind I'm posting the link for others to see your eyes:

    I hope we can get a big site or list up of photos and ancestry and information of those with sectoral heterochromia. I'll try to get someone to focus one on my eyes soon and will add it to this post. I think one of my roommates has a cam.

  9. If you have eyes like Baroness Grace Talarico di Capace(Baronessa Grazia Talarico di Capace, you are very lucky- that type of Sectoral Heterochromia is gorgeous. It looks like a tiger! It is a sign of royalty. Alexander the Great also had this type of Heterochromia. The Baroness' son is even higher royalty. He is Princely Count Vitus Sebastian Barbaro, Patrician of Venice. The
    5th Princely Count of the Grand Principality of Transylvania and the Baron dell'Albergo. I don't know if he has it too.

  10. Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for your post. lol. It made me smile and laugh a little bit too. I had last written a post "Wanted: One Very Rich Man" and at first thought this was a response! lol. I thought, "Wow. I was just about to inquire of some professional matchmakers and check out the dubious and not-so-rich "Millionaire's club, and I get a tip to the whatshisname Princely Count Vitus!" lol. I'm just kidding. That is interesting though, I'll have to look up photos of them both--the mother and son. I don't know if mine are like that or not. Probably not so dramatic...I've seen some photos where the eyes are very striking and stand out and my brown spot is smaller. I'll have to get an "eye" photo up. They change with what I wear too...because the outside is blue and the inside is a moss green, if I wear teal, or such shadow, I can convince them to appear sort of dark teal, and the brown spot is on the right side. That's interesting her son got the exact same eyes! From what I've read it seems to disappear and reappear, often skipping generations.

    I'm so glad you wrote in. I've been in a bad mood all day. Thank you.

  11. Your right on it skipping a generation. I don't believe Princely Count Vitus Sebastian Barbaro has Heterochromia. His eyes seem to be a kind of hazel brown/green. Nonetheless, in reference to your other post, I think he more than qualifies- and not to mention hot, Italian and stylish to boot! I think he is a big shot automobile designer for Ferrari and Bentley- very well educated and talented. If you track him down, step aside. I'm available- first bids!(lol)

  12. P.S. to my last comment: darn! I cannot find any photos. I once found a painting of Grace, but can't find it again. I didn't find any photos of her son either--they are elusive. I am realizing google and the Internet on whole needs massive expansion. There is a lot of information not out there yet, for example, I tried looking up the artist J. Zanghill Gilbert and found nothing. I DID find some bio information on the son, who actually has accomplished a LOT in his life, which has only been as long as mine. He has my respect, with a mouthful of a title like that and still working hard on various things. The guy is into art, AND engineering, AND philosophy, AND athletics...good ground rules for his "fight club" too. I was thinking of forming "mi mafioso" with my own code of conduct myself. A mafia that fights fair and uses their brains, passion, and fortitude, not guns. This had led me on one HUGE tangent which is at least interesting. Still would like to see photos. I should marry someone with an Italian last name to match my first name, but I think my current phase of looking for a marriage of convenience may be unfruitful. I know no one from the Millionaire's Club would want me--I don't think they could handle me, and probably want dumb blonds, and what matchmaker is going to take me? I would be a marriage of "inconvenience" to most, they would think, and worry about their "undoing" of trying to transform Eliza Doolittle.

    Where are the people who want to pay me to research my chimera or royal genes anyway?!

    I'll bet we lost everything by becoming Puritans. We gave it all up for Martin Luther and the New England of America. Or in the French deal of revolution by becoming hated for our loud mouths, or, hmmm...I don't think there's any Italian in our family, though my father's biological mother did have an Italian lover for many years in New York City, after divorcing the man who took his kids into hiding in Idaho (to conceal their royal identity).

  13. I was NOT going to write again to this same comment, but then I looked up Eliza Doolittle on wiki and found this in the synopsis and could not stop laughing:

    The final test requires Eliza to pass as a lady at the Embassy Ball, and after weeks of preparation, she is ready. All the ladies and gentlemen at the ball admire her, and the Queen of Transylvania invites her to dance with her son, the prince ("Embassy Waltz").

    hahahaa! ;)

  14. Hi Mama, I'm sorry that I've been away from this post - post holiday business...but yes, a new blog would be awesome, for us to post. That actually might be more easy to do than a message board, which can sometimes get off topic and wide. You can set authors for it, if you'd like, where we can contribute. It sounds fun!

    Also, I am interested to hear of the possible Viking/Norse connection, as a considerable amount of my genes are Norwegian. (I'm a mix between German/Norwegian and a sprinkle of Native American)

    Let me know if you do this - I'm on board - you can email me through my profile at my blog. Thanks for posting a link and checking out my picture as well!

    Take Care!

  15. Hey Nissa,

    Sounds good. I think it would be fun too. I am right in the middle of some transitions so I'll have to let you know more a little later...Will be getting a different computer soon so let you know!

    This one has been crashing a lot and had problems.

  16. Oh, I missed this comment from anonymous about Vitus and first dibs. Lol. How do you know his eyes are not heterochromia? I couldn't find a photo of him anywhere, but yes, he does sound hot. I am sure you don't even need "first dibs"...someone like that does his homework. He'd have us checked out before we ever met and on my form it would say: "disqualified--unsuitable" or something. Besides, I've lost all of my alluring trappings like Italian made shoes, highlighted hair, manicures, and Nordstrom's best. I used to dress up so cute! and read the latest French magazines from a magazine import I am a true Eliza Doolittle, but worse I'm afraid. lol! Still fun to think and lust, no? You know what they say about engineers besides...creative and experimental. So if he's good looking on top of all these other virtues, why is he not MARRIED! hmm...answering my own question...swinger? it seems they all are, does it not?

    I have no idea why I'm writing on like this, it's girlish, but I will tell you what, I met the most gorgeous Italian man when I was working last, and he said he was married so off limits, and I protected him from himself, because he was even flirting with me, drunk, but he was HOT. Young I think, but Italian with these eyes and dark hair and lean physique and although I'm not rich, I know well-pressed when I see it. All of the women there were sad when he left. I felt very, very, tempted. But no! did the right thing! ;)

    You seem fun and you've probably got a lot to offer besides your eyes, and I will introduce you if we are ever in a room and no longer anonymous.

    I'm not the jealous type. You deserve the best, just like me, whatever best will look like for me. I sometimes wonder, if it's someone rich, is he very, very, old and eccentric and just needs a thrill now and then? Will I become an Anna Nicole? or could I find a partner who wants to change the world with me, one revolution (fashion or not) at a time.

  17. I saw Princely Count Vitus Sebastian Barbaro once at the Pebble Beach Concours D'elegance- a posh, exclusive car show for swanky, international types, fashion designer Ralph Lauren happened to be there too! I don't know- VB might have been representing Ferrari or Bentley or something. I was just in the general audience section- the big-wigs have "club house" privs. Anywho, the guy has something- there is a certain mystique to him. It might be the whole "Transylvania" thing that gives off a sexy vampire quality-or Venice being romantic- but the ladies were sure going "ga-ga" over him. Objectively, he is very handsome, stylish and intelligent- a real charmer to the ladies! Cameo, you should head over to the Concours in California to snag that "millionare" you are looking for! Just in case our Princely Count Vitus Barbaro has some model or princess already lined up on the side.(lol)

  18. Hahaa! This has got to be the funniest comment line, and look how it's digressed to talking about this guy. Well, I am glad to hear the gossip--something fun. Why doesn't HE have his own "wiki" page anyway?!

    What I was most impressed with, was how he modeled his boxing club or whatever, with the motto of fair fight, and endurance, and what was the other one? equality? I thought, "Hmmm...something different there." Egalitarianism in the blue blood--very attractive quality, and I liked the fact his family is intellectual to some know, maybe not to the point of being boring, but patrons of the arts, and very well-rounded. I liked the fact he studied a little philosophy, so he has the thinking and questioning side, but he's also a red-blooded athlete, and then you throw in some science and art...well...I don't know if he even needs to be hot on top of all that. But hot too?! No way am I going to CA, believe me, I may have high confidence in myself when I can be semi-unseen-and-incognito, but I rreeaally am not lying when I say I'd have nothing to wear, and you know, it doesn't really matter, but it does. It would be an embarrassment. I actually think I'd have a better chance, though with someone interesting like this than maybe someone from a "millionaires club". I need someone who appreciates my mind, for all its flaws. With the internet, I could get so far, just showing my face and hair, but you do have to have a decent wardrobe to be seen in public. I could definitely use a makeover. It would be difficult to explain my situation and blog besides. Some may not be bothered and find it interesting, but MOST men (who, I guess I do not want to marry anyway) would not find this attractive...
    I wonder if you couldn't go though...I would totally cheer you on, and could live vicariously through whatever bits of information you give me. ;)

    I'm glad someone brought him up though--I've learned some things: A. there are people with very long titles living in the U.S., B. there are some rich who actually sound more appealing than appalling.

    On the Transylvania note, that's got to be good for witticism in the boudoir. This older man I was talking to, spoke of Anne Tyler and dropped a book by for me, the other day. Oh wait, but is it Anne Rice? Isn't she the one who wrote the Vampire series? And yes, Venice speaks for itself. I used to have a calendar when I was young, in high school, of all these european scenes and the one with the boats in Venice was my favorite and I had an old sort of modern watercolor of this scene, from the 50s or 40s, which I found at an antique/flea market. Two actually, but one, I was told was actually a view of boats in a part of Paris where they're moored and the other was a solitary boat scene, I called it the "Jesus Escape" painting because it had this view of a very narrow alleyway and a small boat moored at the end and it made me think of the times Jesus wanted to ran away from the crowds to find solitude.

    I wonder if there's NOT a way for you to gain his notice. You'll have to send a photo of your eyes if you've the heterochromia. If he should be in dire need of a flower girl, he can find me here.

    (You're giving me some terrific ideas for my writing, by the way...nothing's come to mind yet, but ideas are spinning)

  19. Very interesting blog entry! I also have sectoral heterochromia. My mom always told me it was my birthmark, but I didn't find out it actually had a name until recently. My eye doctor never even told me there was a name for it.. she compared it to a mole and said they watch for changes in the brown just as they would a mole on the skin.

    Anyway - Mine's in my right eye. I actually have a photo posted of it here if you'd like to see.

    I'm off to read the rest of the comments on your blog! :-)

  20. Hi Ginger. I really like your email address by the way (not posted here--it's pretty).

    I'm so glad you wrote in! and i'm especially glad you've included photos. I will take a look and maybe post again, another comment.

    I was going to start a blog site with another woman, about heterochromia but I've been busy with newer crazy plans, like marriage. LOL.

    Let me take a look at your eyes and be back.

  21. wow. Ginger, that is an amazing eye and a great photo.

    Your eye reminds me of a forest, with the sun coming through the trees and the earth or landslide or mountain below or like water with the bottom of the river at the end.

    That is one complicated and beautiful eye!

    Thank you for making a comment.


  22. My name is Jennifer, love the Blog. I also have sectorial heterochromia . the closest relation im aware of is my grandfather is from baffin island and i was born in Labrador. i am curious to why me? I have an older sister 2 brown eyes brown hair younger sister 2 brown eyes brown hair my mother 2 brown eyes black hair. will continue to read & look forward to reading more.

  23. Hi I have the same thing in my left eye however my eyes are green, but on the left i have a brown spot?? I have reddy blonde hair. and im irish. none of my family have this in there eyes just me?? The reason i looked this up today was because of that movie i seen a trailer for it last night fascinating.

  24. Hi, I have had sectoral heterochromia for years but didn't realise it was called this until i too saw the unborn trailer and googled it! people have commented on my "oddly" coloured eyes all my life and i never knew the condition had a proper name until now! i used to get upset when people commented and i was made to feel different but now i think isn't it nice to be a bit special, its so cool that it's a rare thing and i can finally tell people what is wrong with my left eye when they ask! Lou :o)

  25. Hi you guys,

    I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. I'm glad you wrote in and I think it's fascinating too! I am wondering if you guys could send in photos of your eyes? It would be fun to see the different types of heterochromia.

    I had a lot of fun writing this post. ;)

    At some point I want to make a specific blog site for this but for now, I'd love to see photos and hear more about your genetic backgrounds, or ethnicities, if you know much about your background

  26. Hi, its always great to know I'm not alone! I also have sectoral heterochromia, one blue eye and 3/4 of my other eye up towards the eyelid is brown. In fact you can't notice the blue in it unless you open the eyelid. I also have red hair, and a twin brother who does not have heterochromia, or red hair. I often wonder if we were triplets. When I first heard about chimera I felt kind of freaked!

  27. hello my name is brittany and I have sectoral heterichromia and I also have a tiwm, her name is staci. My eveys are blue.however, my left eye has a speck of yellow in it. Oldy enough even though no one in my family has it genetically or by ingury i have it. Even more disturbing; when i was born i was not breathing and my skin pigment turned yellow. Since then I have had this oddly colored eye.

  28. I have a brown section in my left eye, the rest is blue. I stumbeled upon this blog and something occurred to me when I saw Gingers picture. The discolored part is very 'square' as is mine. Now, I happen to have a degree in molecular genetics and I know that chimaerism is often expressed in a mosaic pattern. So this could be an indication for the 'absorbed twin'-scenario.

    By the way, being the result of absorbed twins in not much to worry about, identical twins are the result of a 'spliced individual'. A minor point of consideration: if you're a chimaer you consist of two gentic sets in one individual. So it might happen that your children have certain traits that might suggest cheating (cleft chin, without either parent
    having one). So don't go freaking out right away.

    Another extreme example is shown in the following document:
    On page 450, "In 2003..." until page 452.

    So if one of you ever experiences something similar, remember this.

    By the way, I'm Dutch but my surname occurs in Germany and Sweden.

  29. I have a brown section in my left eye, the rest is blue. I stumbeled upon this blog and something occurred to me when I saw Gingers picture. The discolored part is very 'square' as is mine. Now, I happen to have a degree in molecular genetics and I know that chimaerism is often expressed in a mosaic pattern. So this could be an indication for the 'absorbed twin'-scenario.

    By the way, being the result of absorbed twins in not much to worry about, identical twins are the result of a 'spliced individual'. A minor point of consideration: if you're a chimaer you consist of two gentic sets in one individual. So it might happen that your children have certain traits that might suggest cheating (cleft chin, without either parent
    having one). So don't go freaking out right away.

    Another extreme example is shown in the following document:
    On page 450, "In 2003..." until page 452.

    So if one of you ever experiences something similar, remember this.

    By the way, I'm Dutch but my surname occurs in Germany and Sweden.

  30. Sorry I've been behind on responding again. When I get comments it doesn't list the title of the post on blogger so I have to go back and find it in archives which takes forever, or, I have to go to my mailbox for email and locate the post.

    At any rate, you have your own blog so I'll look you up Jane, and see if you could submit a photo.

    Thank you for writing in. I wonder what your ethnicity is? with the red hair?

    Thanks again for writing--it's really interesting to hear from others with this trait.

    I'm posting as Anonymous but this is Mama. For some reason, my password wasn't working right to allow me to post.

  31. Brittany,

    Hi, this is Mama but my password isn't allowing me to post as myself. So I'm Anonymous.

    It's interesting you're a twin. I wonder about the eye trait, if it's from injury from childbirth like pressure or a burst blood vessel or something, or if it's genetic. Because you weren't breathing, well, if there were problems, it's POSSIBLE the eye color is from injury, but you wouldn't know because actual eye color doesn't show up until later, and it would be hard to know if your color is from genetics or trauma.

    The only way to know, maybe, is through genetic testing for traits of mosaisism, chimerism, or some other identifier I guess.

    Thank you for writing in! I just met someone the other day who had one eye that was a little darker than her other eye. She said her coloration occured when she was 6 years old, from an injury. In her case, her entire eye was a little darker, or more amber colored than the other one. You'd have to pay close attention to see it. She looked just like Hope Davis from the movie "Next Stop Wonderland" and I thought she was English, by appearance but she said she was from Australia. I think she must have an English ancestry though, she looked English and many in Australia are from England.

    At any rate, it's easier for her to know, because the color was one way and then it changed.

    If you want to submit a photo, please do!

    Thank you for taking an interest in my post.


  32. Sjors,

    Thank you so much for your very interesting comment.

    I'll have to look up the link you mentioned. You'll have to send in a photo of your eyes!

    It must be interesting to have this rare trait and then a degree in science and access to further information from maybe scientific journals or something.

    Did you have anyone test you, for genetic disposition? If so, what did they do and what did they use?

    Thanks again for writing and I apologize for taking so long to respond.


  33. Hey great blog! I have sectoral heterochromia and I'm doing a research paper on heterochromia. Where did you guys read about all the royalty? I would like to mention that in my paper

    ~thanks :D

  34. Hello! I would like to know more about the resources for the royalty bit. I got some of it verified through wiki or other sites, but I think a library would be more useful. It's probably documented in history books. For example, I tried looking it up with regard to Russian royalty online and found nothing.

    As for my family, I can't think of any royal connection except possibly Lady Godiva through Granny. There was an actual lady Godifa out of England though the story of the naked riding on the horse to free the peasants from taxes is probably myth. She was married. Other than that, I guess on my grandfathers side the Bairds saved William the King or Lion long ago supposedly and were granted land. From the U.S. there is a lot of connection to Presidents and military. George Washington and a couple other presidents and then a lot of military men.

    Oh, and I guess there was a Garrett castle, but I'm not totally sure that's my father's line of Garrett's though his mother says so. His nana had thought the Garretts were of the Irish vein but back somewhere, it was more French which is where a middle name sprouts up in my family: Guy. I don't know. No direct connection to royalty, that I'm aware of.

    If there is indirect lineage, I'll bet it was given up for religion. We probably became puritans or something and took off. I don't know. Garrett is Norman English so that goes back to Vikings eventually and Saxon intermarriage.

    I wish I knew where to look but I don't even time right now to find out.

    Maybe we're of illegitimate offspring if anything.

  35. Woah...never thought I'd find such a great blog on 'sectoral heterochromia' - something I didn't know I had until last week.

    I'm sixteen and have always had different coloured eyes - one is a normal blue, the other is partly the same shade but with a Pacman shaped greeny brown colour round the rest of the iris. I only started wondering if it actually had a medical term and maybe meant something very recently....and it was both an interesting and disturbing experience.

    Although I didn't look further than Wiki, I was confronted with albinism, chimerism, scary pictures of people with Waaaaaaaasenburg's and some odd disease centred around chronic constipation.

    And I though I was healthy.

    However, thanks to reading your fantastic research, I have consoled myself with thoughts of various European royalties and Lord of The Rings type quests to find my lost twin :)

    So cheers!

    Hannah (can't be bothered to not be anonymous) :P

  36. Good to read that there are other people out there with sectoral heterochromia, what a great name for it anyway. The colour of my eye's tend to change with my mood, but generally both are blue with my left having a patch of brown.

    I'm from good old England. My dad is Scottish and mum English, and supposedly my dads line was formerly/still is? part of the Maitland clan which was linked to Royalty of some sort. My dads middle name is Maitland and his dads first name is Maitland, hence the link to the Maitland clan.

    In light of this, the connection between sectoral heterochromia and Royalty is an interesting one, but one i'm not too sure of. I really do think it's a genetic oddity for want of a better word.

    Anyway, I must say I've always felt a little priviledged to have this. Have had a lot of attention from it from all sorts of people including my art teacher who was fascinated by it.

    Good or bad, I wouldn't swap my eyes for anyone elses. We should all feel proud I say lol.

    Cheers guys.

  37. Interesting topic of heterochromia and its link to royalty.

    I have heterochromia of two different colored eyes, not of the sectoral type. I don't know if that has any link to royalty or not. I'm of Dutch and Irish stock.

    The type that has been usually connected to royalty, that I know of, has been sectoral heterochromia.

    I noticed that a royal that you discussed on this blog, Princely Count Vitus Sebastian Barbaro, Patrician of Venice; Baron Albergo has been the subject of a prank on another blog, Avoison. I rather dislike that blog because they make up controversy, stage arguments, and change peoples' comments. Avoison and another blogger Brand Silence often work together in a team to make things up (so be warned). I stopped following them, after they have pulled pranks with several innocent topics/people.

    Other royals that I know of who had heterochromia are Alexander the Great and Anastasius I of the Byzantine Empire. I don't know exactly the type they had.

    Louis Emile Javal was a scientist who had heterochromia, and he did research on optics. His work may be helpful for those wanting to learn more about heterochromia.

  38. read this with interest, I have sectorial hetrochromia, and im an aries

    just joined this facebook group

    Mark from the England..:-)

  39. Hi,

    Interesting blog, I have have this unique I,

    I finally have something to say when people you've never met before stop half way through a conversation and say "er,, whats that brown bit in your eye??

    I joined this facebook group my pics on the page..

    Take care..


  40. Hi Mark!

    Thanks for the comment! I don't know if you left both of them, from yesterday and this morning?

    What is "the England" by the way? England?

    If you know a rich man (or woman) in England to wants to support my cause in getting my son back, let me know! Maybe we could work out a deal in proceeds from my future books or something.

    Glad to hear from you and thank you once again! ;)

  41. Hi, Nice to hear that I'm not alone. I have sectoral heterochromia (one blue eye and one brown with a small bit of blue at the top of my brown eye) they are very noticeable. On a very 'personal note' I also have 3 nipples and had 2 hymens...I also have a twin tho a male twin (I'm female) after researching this recently I'm now totally freaked at the thought of Chimerism! And adding everything up freaks me out, does anyone have any comments or knowledge on this?

  42. I have to confess I am anonymous (last post to this) and Jane my middle name....(I'm Wendy) I was so worried people would laugh at my 'different coloured eyes' plus my 'other anomalies' (see anonymous)_thanks for my blog which I have created and if you want to see me my pics let me know :) BTW I have had nothing but positive comments on my eyes don't know why I would think anyone would laugh :/

  43. I've been trying to get more information about one of my eyes. I have blue eyes, but most of the top half of my right eye is brown. I have Danish ancestors... Could this suggest anything???

  44. I too have sectoral heterochromia and (pale) green eyes, although they get darker in different conditions. In my left eye, the iris is mainly green with brown specs and no blue.
    Whereas in my right eye it is pale green with a large chunk of pale blue, almost white and amberish brown patches.

    I have never seen anyone with eyes like mine before. Another strange thing is that my mother has blue eyes and my father has brown eyes. Somehow, I ended up with green eyes.

    I asked my mother if she knew anyone else in the family with heterochromia/sectoral heterochromis and she said no. She also said my right eye has not always been like that. However, I saw a photograph of me when i was 5/6ish and the sectoral heterochromia is quite clear.
    Strange :)

    Here is a photograph of my eye:

  45. Hello last three commenters! I will address each of you and I'm so sorry these got lost! I think I clicked to publish and then meant to go back and find them and respond and I just forgot. I'll do it tonight.

  46. Oh shoot. I was going to look up Katy's eyes and that link is broken too. I think it's "off" night for my online connections but I'll look it up later.

    Hi Wendy Jane,

    I would love to have your photo added here, if you happen to revisit this post, please do! I'll go ahead and look you up if I can to see if you have a blog and try to reach you that way, in the next couple of days as well


    I read the Danes have more of this than most other countries. I don't know why but the northern europeans have a fairly high rate of sectoral heterochromia and I believe it's the Danes, who have done some research on it as well.


    I believe you about it being there. Maybe your mother forgot or it didn't seem unusual then..she could have dismissed it as being hazel instead of heterochromia. If it developed after birth though, it's usually due to some kind of injury which can change one eye. The hereditary kind is there from birth. I think a lot of people confuse hazel with heterochromia.

    For all we know, you're a chimera or royal. I know I freaked out when I read about chimerism. I like to think "royal" (haha) but I did have twins myself and then I have recently discovered I'm connected to some kind of royalty on both sides of my family, so perhaps I can say it's in the blood.

    It would be really interesting to do studies. There are plenty of illegitimate or legitimate ancestors to certain lines, and this trait is so rare, but often it won't show up in families and skips generations. The fact that it pops up should be enough to wonder...and you might find out that you have a close or direct relation to some aristocratic house from way back. I say, the ones who lost their ancestry were fleeing for their lives because of religious persecution (catholic or protestant/puritan or whatever).

    Then again, we might do genetic testing and find out we're chimeras too. I suppose it's possible to be both. ha!

  47. Hi there. I find your post very interesting. I also have one totally green eye and one that has a brown spot. The weird part is that I have brown hair but I have random bright red hairs throughout my head. Weird.

  48. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you so much for writing! I enjoyed getting your comment with the description about the different colored hairs, because something I haven't written, which you reminded me of, is that while my hair is strawberry blond (with sort of an ash blond patch in the back), I also have found almost solid black hairs on my head. Maybe more of an extremely dark brown and with a highlight of deep copper. But at first glance, they have looked black, and they're thicker than the other hair strands. I haven't found one in a long time, but I've always thought this was strange. If you have a photo of your eyes, please post or send a link--I'm sure other would like to see.

    I'm starting to wonder now, but it's a huge tangent, if people who have heterochromia also tend to have hemophilia more often? I don't know.

  49. I have both center and sectoral heterochromia and it is unlike I have ever seen. Both of my eyes have the center heterochromia of green with light brown near the pupil and it is not a small amount either, then in my left eye I have a chunk that runs from the pupil all the way through both colors that takes up 1/8th of the color and is a solid dark brown. I have done research and it is unheard of to have both in one eye. I do have a dark brown freckle in my right eye but I don't know if that counts. Yes for all of you non believers my eyes are natural. My name is Kc Brewer and you can find me on facebook in a group called. People with sectoral heterochromia.

  50. My son had a twin that I lost early in the pregnancy, and he has one blue eye and one blue-green eye.

    Interesting! I'd never heard that about a twin being possibly involved.

    Also, my daughter has beautiful green eyes, with 1/4 of the iris of one of her eyes covered in brown. She's adopted, so the two beautiful kids with the "weird" eyes aren't related by blood.

  51. I have this too. I'm from Ireland with red hair (male). I guess the vikings raided here enough to have a decent chance of scandinavian blood. I'll post a pic but only have low resolution camera. My eyes are blue with my left eye having like an 1/8 brown. I never even knew what it was until today then googled it and came upon ur wonderful blog.

  52. my boyfriend has sectoral heterochromia, he is danish.. just a comment for the statistics :)

  53. Just thought Id post that you are not alone. I have sectoral heterochromia.. in each eye. I usually refer to my eyes as green or hazel, but they are in fact
    Left-green with a bright blue splotch - and Right- Green with a brown splotch.
    I didn't realize this was rare at all, and now it's apparently even more rare then complete heterochromia

  54. Dear KC,

    I will have to look you up. It sounds very unusual and pretty. I think it's great you're on a page for this...if you come back to this post and find a link to your site, feel free to share it with us. Maybe I'll sign up.

    Thank you.

  55. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm sorry to hear about the twin that was lost but, sort of strange to think of it this way-maybe not really "lost" afterall??!

    What are the odds you'd have 2 kids in the family, non-related, with these kinds of eyes. ? :)

    Thank you for making a post. I do wonder about the chimeras (jk).

  56. Dear April 5th Anonymous,

    Hello! I'm sorry I didn't get back to responding. It would be great if you did post a photo--any resolution is fine if it shows a little bit of what you're talking about.

    Those Vikings!

  57. Thank you Anonymous April 12th,

    it's nice to know, for stats. At some point this would be fun to explore in even more depth. I wonder what kind of research the Danes have!


  58. Dear Anonymous July 18th,

    Your eyes sound really a complete heterochromia but with sectoral heterochromia too? very interesting!

    If you would like to post a photo, please do! :)

    Thank you for writing today and reminding me to check back on this post.

  59. wow im not alone! i too have sectoral heterochromia and my mum says its been there forever. i didnt think anything of it until tonight when i was searching for make up tips for people with different coloured eyes! i have one blue eye and my left eye is green with a brown splodge. i also have a skin condition called chloasma which causes over pigmentation. i wonder now if they are linked??
    i laughed at the royal comments as i once had my palm readand this woman said i had the royal girdle which is a complete arc line starting between the firstand second finger and ending between the ring and little finger. also the origin meaning of my maiden surname is that somewhere along the line, a french king had an affair with a housemaidand my family line is the ilegitimate produce. haha i shall be demanding more wages at work now.

    great blog!

  60. Hi!

    This was a great post to read. You're actually a good writer and should be paid more for that gift alone. :) You write interesting facts in a concise way with humor besides--indicates a good mind, to me at least.

    It's funny you write because I just sat next to another person with sectoral heterochromia at church last Sunday and it was a Russian Baptist church. The woman was Eastern European and had distinctive clear blue eyes with a little bit of sea-green and then brown spots in just one eye.

    I haven't heard of the royal girdle but will have to look it up. I'm not sure if this is a trait that's real, like finger-length distinctions between lefties and righties, or if it's a wives tale, but I'll read up on it.

    Someday you should have the genetic blood testing done. That might be fun.

    Thank you for writing.

  61. thank you for you comments Mama, im actually an English teacher LOL. i refuse to use capitals when i get home as i use them all day long and i had a sticky space bar on my laptop when i wrote my post ;) im still going to demand more wages for my royal blood haha x

  62. Dear Anonymous,

    haha. :) i don't have any way of knowing if you're telling me the truth, but if so, that's very strange. i am not sure if i guessed you did some writing for your work or if i thought you might write that later but i almost added something about that in your actual occupation and decided not to.

    grammar and caps or no caps say nothing. i think it's the content. good grammar, i think, indicates good education and good content, indicates a good mind, whether the grammar is right or not.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. okay, this went from literate sounding person to maybe someone whose main writing is on checkbooks.


    at any rate, thank you for writing. :)

  65. Interesting blog.
    I've had sectoral heterochromia my entire life (Left eye is wholly blue and my right eye is split, top third is blue and the bottom 2/3 is brown). Been like this for as long as I remember. My hair (before I shaved by head because it was thinning so severely that a widow's peak wasn't viable anymore), was a dark, sandy brown). My direct lineage is from Scotland, my paternal Great-Grandmother's maiden name was MacLaine. [i]My[/i] Grandmother traced the MacLaine line back to the islands of Scotland and Clan MacLaine of Loch Buie. She also hinted strongly that I was somehow related to King Ian MacLaine

  66. Dear Doug,

    You sound so familiar but I don't know why. A rose by any other name?

    Thank you for writing, if you have a chance, send in a photo! I've heard this is sometimes common in Scotland, or seen there. Well, I guess too, with a possible royal (genetic) link, it makes sense. I don't know anything about King Ian. Will have to look him up someday.

  67. Hi!
    Just stumbled on this blog as I was looking into the 'cause' of my sectoral heterochromia (just found out the proper name ;).
    I have one blue/grey eye and one blue/grey/green eye with a brown spot (the grey/blue/green variations differ depending on the weather & season).
    The thing that really hit me today after reading all the info online is that I was born with brown hair...WITH a white streak of hair! They told my mum that it could stay or go away after some time...Mine did go away...

    Thanks for putting this online...will now continue reading the rest of the comments...:)
    Hope to speak later...
    Have a great day, Pea (Belgium)

  68. Well, I am another with sectoral heterochromia, which has progressed significantly as I have gotten older. To the best of my knowledge, my family traces back to Niall of the Nine Hostages, so Heaven knows what that means. I used to think these were gold flecks in my greenish-blue eyes, but now there is a definite wedge of golden brown from the pupil to the rim in my left eye. My hair was honey blond as a child, but darkened significantly as I got older and is now maybe 50% gray. Must ask the doctor about this one! Great research!

  69. Hi Pea from Belgium,

    Thank you for your comments! It seems like a lot of this occurs in those with N. European ancestry but I guess it's also in other groups too. The patch of hair you described makes me wonder about the genetics...I recently saw a little boy with regular eyes but he had that kind of a patch of lighter hair....almost white, like a white square in the middle of brown hair (ironically also had the same name as my son! and I happened to sit next to him the other day). My son has a patch of white on his skin but not hair.

    Very interesting. Do you know which royalty or ancestors you might be connected to? if it's not chimmerism? (or maybe there are a lot of royal chimeras!)


  70. Nancy!

    Niall of the 9? hostages?

    I might have to look this up just because it sounds like some kind of viking thing.

    But Niall sounds Irish or Scottish too...hmmm.

    Do yo uthink you just recently noticed this with your eyes, or do you think it's become more pronounced?


  71. I have sectoral or central heterochromia. when i went to the doctor he said hes never ever seen anything like my eyes and hes been a heterochromia doctor person for 25 years! my left eye is brown arounnd the pupil but then on the outside of the iris it is blue. on my right eye there is again brown around the pupil but nstead of blue its a green ring, but there is a third blue ring around the very outside. so its the same as my left except that thereis a green ring between the brown and blue ones. please let me know if you know of anything about this.

  72. hello dont know if the post is still goin on about the sectoral heterochromia or not but i have it as well my left eye is blue with large square shape of brown it at the top.....

  73. Yeah, sure, it's still going. Thanks for writing. If you'd like to send a link to a photo or share what your ancestry is (or thought to be), that would be great. I'm not sure, but I think this kind of field of research might be genetic epidemology.

    I was noticing when I got back home that it's very pronounced in my Dad's eyes, and then this woman who is visiting the church and is from the same town has it as well.

    Thanks for writing.

  74. My 9 month old daughter has eyes that are brown towards the middle and grey on the outside. Her left eye has a wedge of brown at the bottom. Her eyes were totally grey at birth but gradually have turned brown. But now I'm freaked out about the chunk of brown. Has anyone been tested? Do I need to have genetic testing done? Can u have this and not have a genetic disorder?

  75. Interesting blog.
    My new wife, a Ukrainian who is 40 years old has one beautiful steel blue eye and her left is is exactly one half steel blue and the bottom half is brown, in a perfectly straight line, like a half cup of coffee...

    Parents were farmers, she was born long before Cherynobyl.

  76. Fraucha

    Thank you for writing. It sounds so unusual...if you have a photo it would be great to see.

    If it's before Cherbonyl, it definitely sounds more likely to have been from something else, like a split egg?

    What do you think?

  77. Hi! I found this blog very interesting because my name is Natalia, I'm 15 and I've had sectoral heterochromia since I was born. I have the exact same set as you described. My right eye is plain blue all around but my left eye is blue with a portion of it a diferent color. I would like to send a picture of it to you because I think you will find it interesting. My eye is no normal color but a deep red instead of the usual brown in secctoral heterochromia. im so contact me there if you're interested.

  78. Dear Natalia-Princess of Difference,

    Thank you for writing in. We would love to see a photo of your eyes, as they sound beautiful.

  79. Wanted to mention, I got a post from "Viktoria" but it was accidentally deleted by me and then I tried to retrieve it but it was already gone. I might see if I can copy and paste what was there...

  80. I think this is the same person as the one who wrote earlier, but to give benefit of a doubt, here it is.

    Viktoria has left a new comment on your post "My Sectoral Heterochromia Eyes: Royalty?":

    Nice to see the post is still running.
    I'm 15 and got a Sectoral Heterochromia, too, and I have it since I was born.
    But my aunt also has got it, so no royalty, even though I live in Europe (Germany)... And no absorbed twin ;)
    I also have a little over pigmentation in my face but it's really hard to see, nearly invisible (right now I can't see it, but it's there. So really really low over pigmentation).
    No one in my family has this syndrome, on the side of my father (and that aunt) they're just all shortsighted (including me).
    My Heterochromia is in the left eye, a forth of it is brown instead of green. A really small part of the same eye is blue, but no one has ever seen it, I just found out a month ago. But it has to be there for my hole life, too, it's just too similar to the green, just a little darker (and as I said it is small, an eight, maybe). And the black ring that is around some people's iris seems bolder on the left.
    My right eye is quite normal, just a small part seems to be a little darker, but in the centre, not over the full eye or as sector. I think that's usual for eyes.
    The other thing is I don't know who in my family had brown eyes, but my aunt also got that brown sector. No one really knows, maybe I should ask my grandparents if they remember who had brown eyes. It's wonderful to know my ancestors live that way in me, years after their death.
    I just found out what Heterochromia is two days ago and I always liked my eye and now even more, because I know, how rare it is :)

    LG Viktoria

    PS. I hope you understand everything I wrote, I'm not used to write texts about such topics in English ;)

  81. Awesome blog, I also have sectoral heterochromia, and sorta full heterochromia, one brown eye with a green section and one green eye. I was told by someone that I must have had a twin or something and that is why I have different colored eyes, but, who knows. I have gotten many creepy 'too close for comfort' eye stares, I also have been called a witch because of the different eye colors, because in old times they thought people with heterochromia were witches. :/ I have also seen people who have eyes that are one color on the inner circle of their eye and one color on the outer circle of the eye and it is a definite between the colors. I think it is quite amazing. Also I have discovered that in most cases of heterochromia, the color blue is one of the eye colors, or section colors involved, which I find interesting, because blue eye are supposedly absent of almost all pigment, so does that mean that perhaps the eye was going to be green or brown and suddenly went devoid of pigment? hmmm... anyway, very interesting!

    here is a picture of my eyes:
    you'll have to enter it on a search bar unfortunately.

  82. Hi Rachel,

    Thanks for sending the photo! I have to say, your eyes are gorgeous. I spent a little while looking as the color combination and pattern is incredible. Very, very, pretty. Makes me feel like painting actually...the asymetrical balance.

    By the way, do you pluck any instruments?

  83. Rachel,

    I asked because an impression came to mind of an instrument horizontal, being plucked, like a dulcimer, or sewing or pulling something that is lined up, down, something with movement top to bottom. Bent over some kind of work or something, with head over it looking as working with hands.

    Anyway, that's random, but it came to mind after looking at your eyes so I wondered.

  84. Mama,
    In response, thank you for the compliment. And yes I do play some stringed instruments, violin and guitar though. (just started learning, i actually play the piano more, it helps with learning) And I do like weaving and sowing. but for weaving i guess its more of a horizontal thing. but it is kinda amazing you can think of that but just looking.


  85. I have the exact same thing as you. It looks like I have "complete heterochromia" (one brown and one green eye), but I actually have one solid brown one, and then my green one has a huge brown spot in it. :)

    you can't tell that the green one is just a green spot, but in person if you look close enough it's the case.

    so unique :) i love it. never met anyone else in person with it.

  86. Hi Rachel,

    Yeah, it was something where the object is horizontal in front of you and then reaching up and pulling down, or, out and then drawing inwards towards your body. With your head bent over it. Sort of in a row.

    First I thought of strings but I was thinking of the color of the tan of your eyes so wasn't sure about that but then saw someone's head bent over something like I said and then out and in, or top to bottom, from the left to the right. I thought it was sort of like sewing but wasn't sure.

    Anyway, thanks for responding.


  87. It's kind of nice to see so many other people with partial heterochromia. My right eye is brown and my left eye is brown with a blue spot in it. It's interesting because my mom and brother have brown eyes and my dad has green eyes. Nice blog :)

  88. Hello. I have sectoral heterochromia. My left eye is green, and my right eye is about 2/5 brown. I have only ever met two other people who with a 'brown spot' in one eye, and all three of us have green eye color. The first was a girl in college. We both noticed each other's eyes at the same time and started to laugh. My grandmother came to me in a dream and told me that I would recognize the man I would marry because he would have a right eye that was 'special' like mine. I found a green-eyed man with a large brown patch in his right eye just like mine, and married him. We have been happily married for almost 10 years. I have a patch of hair in my bang area that went gray before the rest of my hair. My mother had the same trait, and used to get compliments on it all the time. Also, it seems that some of my internal organs are out of place. When I went into surgery for an appendicitis, the doctors had a difficult time finding my appendix. In fact, it took them a (dangerously) long period of time to diagnose me because the pain was in completely the wrong place. My appendix was up against my back on the right side, instead of in my right abdomen. Put's me in mind of that old kid's game, "Operation!" I wonder if the surgeons put things back the way they found them, or put them back where they were SUPPOSED to be. Hmmm???? As far as I know, my heritage is Japanese, French, Norweigan, and Polish.If you are a fan of the CSI TV show, there is a great episode about a Chimera in season 4. I believe it is the final episode.

  89. I have sectoral heterochromia as well! I've, obviously, known that my left blue eye had a brown patch in it for as long as I can remember, but I've never known what it was until I watched tonight's episode of CSI NY. They mentioned it and my mom and I both looked at each other and said "that's what I/you have!" I started looking into it and found you blog. I've never seen anyone with eyes like mine, so I was cool to find out about other people that have it, especially since it's so rare. I don't have the hair or skin thing, except that my hair was much lighter when I was younger and has since turned pretty much brown, and I'm only 23. It was just interesting finally knowing what was "up" with my eye!

  90. For CSI NY watcher:

    Hi! Thank you for posting a comment about your eyes and how you discovered sectoral heterochromia. :)

  91. I found out a few months ago that my condition was called sectoral heterochromia- I knew about heterochromia, but not the sectoral part. My right eye is blue; the lower two thirds of my left eye is coffee colored, the top third is blue. I have known about this since early childhood, and no one has ever advanced a reason why I'm this way. I also have Type 1 Von Willebrand disease, an autosomal dominant bleeding disorder, and I'm a partial leftie as well. My brother also has VWD, though an extremely mild case, and is a partial leftie, though he does not have heterochromia. I have marveled how I came out so mixed up with the eye color and the handedness. We're all unique, but it's interesting to know that sectoral heterochromia is very rare. By the way, my background is English, Scotch, Welsh, Norman, Dutch, German(from Baden), and Native American.

  92. Hello. Just wanted to share my story. I have sectoral heterochromia also. green/grey/blue eyes with a brown area in my right eye. always had it, born with it. quite funny to read about the whole royality aspect of it. I am danish, my dad did alot of research in our family, and nothing indicates that we're from anywhere else than denmark/scandinavia i think. he made a very huge ancestry tree.

    thanks for some interesting reading.

    peter drastup

  93. I have this! What you described is pretty much just like what I have. I have green eyes with about one fourth of my left eye being dark brown. It has a very defined starting and ending point it doesn't really blend at all
    Here's a picture!

  94. Also, I was a twin but before I was born the twin passed away, I don't know if it has anything to do with my partial heterochromia though...

  95. Thank you for sharing the photo! Maybe the twin has something to do with it--I don't know. Sometimes a twin can become part of the other one and this is sometimes a cause of this trait, for whatever reason. I don't know if this is common with royalty or has been, in the past, and that's why it's genetic (when it's genetic and not from an injury) or what. Maybe even chimeras are part of aristocratic history. I don't know--it's more common in some parts of the world than other parts too.

  96. Hi! Just stumbled upon this blog. Very interesting! I too have this condition which I never knew had a formal name. I have medium to bright blue eyes with a brownish rusty spot in my left eye. It takes up about 1/4 of my eye. I have to say, I have always loved it. Sometimes though, other people freak me out when I first meet them. As we are talking, I see them look back and forth between my two eyes (as if to check to see if they are actually two different colors, trying to figure it out). Several times as I was having a conversation with people they have yelled out, OMG, do you know you have a brown spot in your eye? Whew! Yes, I will reply, I do know that, don't scare me like that! :)I I think it's some type of birthmark. Now of course, I know that there is a name for it....

  97. Hi! Very interesting Blog! I too have this condition for which I didn't know had a formal name. I have bright to medium blue eyes with a brown rusty spot in my left eye which takes up about 1/4 of my eye. I have always loved it, I have to admit. At times though, other people have freaked me out when I meet them. First I notice they look back and forth between my eyes as if to check to see if they are two different colors or what. A few times I have actually had people yell mid sentence, OMG, do you know you have a brown spot in your one eye??!!! Whew! I reply in relief, yes I do know. I would tell them I think it's some kind of birthmark in my eye. It's good to find out that there are other people who have this with some very interesting variations!

  98. Hi! Very interesting Blog! I too have this condition for which I didn't know had a formal name. I have bright to medium blue eyes with a brown rusty spot in my left eye which takes up about 1/4 of my eye. I have always loved it, I have to admit. At times though, other people have freaked me out when I meet them. First I notice they look back and forth between my eyes as if to check to see if they are two different colors or what. A few times I have actually had people yell mid sentence, OMG, do you know you have a brown spot in your one eye??!!! Whew! I reply in relief, yes I do know. I would tell them I think it's some kind of birthmark in my eye. It's good to find out that there are other people who have this with some very interesting variations!

  99. Hi! Very interesting blog. I too have this condition. I never knew it actually had a name. I have bright to medium blue eyes with a rusty brown spot in my left eye, it takes up about 1/4 of my eye. I must admit, I have always loved it. There have been times when people have freaked ME out though, particularly when I meet someone new. I notice them looking back and forth between my eyes (Trying to figure out what is going on). A couple of times as I was talking to someone, they yelled mid-sentence, OMG, do you know you have a big spot in your eye?! Whew! Yes, I reply, I do know. I would tell them I think it's some kind of birthmark in my eye. It's nice to know other people have this condition. Some very interesting variations too!

  100. Hi, just stumbled,

    Thank you.

    Your eyes sound very pretty. I think it stands out more with blue eyes than green because green is sometimes hazel, so that's sort of what I always thought I had, but since they were mainly green, I listed them on driver's licenses as "green".
