Friday, December 26, 2008

My Low White & Red Blood Cell Count

I was just wondering, today...

When I was having all the pain that I believe was caused by magnetic pulse, not only did I have low glucose (which could have triggered seizures finally) and low potassium (a possible result of diarrhea from seizures and dehydration from magnetic pulse), I also, at that time, had low white blood cell count.

Now, apparently, I have low red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and yet high hemocrit.

So I was wondering what causes low white blood cell count...

It isn't stress.

Stress actually causes HIGH white blood cell count. Low white blood cell count is caused by radiation, including that from magnetic pulse.

So I wondered why I now have low red blood cell count. I found out, AFTER magnetic pulse for long periods of time, the red blood cell count will be abnormal for up to one year from time of exposure. Abnormally low.

Which is interesting to me. Because there were a few medical professionals in Wenatchee and the Chelan area who did NOT want me to get even CBCs of any kind. One very odd example was the extensive lengths a nurse named Alison, who was Catholic, and who was the only nurse that was bad enough I was going to report her to a nursing board...well, she began working at the clinic I was transfered to, Wenatchee Valley Medical clinic, and she went to GREAT lengths to keep me from getting a blood test. I remembered thinking it was very odd, because why would she care? What could show up in a simple blood test? But she was extremely nervous about it and kept telling the doctor that I couldn't have any tests done unless it was approved by Dr. Freed first and if he was gone, I couldn't have the tests done.

I pointed out that this protocol had been removed when I asked Freed about it. There was nothing holding anyone back from getting a blood sample from me. But Alison did NOT want this to happen. I had to go back, I believe, and get the test, and I'm pretty sure that was the one that showed abnormally low white blood cell count.

This Alison was the same one who kept lying to Freed and others, saying I was harassing her when I wasn't. I had called for an appointment and she kept hanging up on me. I would say, "Hi, this is Cameo.." and she'd hang up on me. So I kept calling, and then she complained I was phone-harassing. One of the receptionists said it was bizarre and they knew I was just trying to get an appointment.

Later, Alison told Freed she wanted security to escort her and to be present when I was at the clinic. She did the same thing the Abbey people did, trying to make me look as though I was harassing and dangerous when I wasn't.

Alison wasn't nervous about getting permission from Dr. Freed for a blood test for me. Before she ever told the doctor about this, I heard her trying to convince them not to do it.

There was something wrong with her.

It was after this, I think, that I began having seizures and then also showed low glucose and alkaline phosphate. Then, I tried to get further testing for my son because I knew he was going through the same thing, and several people deliberatey interfered with my son getting his blood sample taken and tested.

Different doctors refused even basic diagnostics like X-rays and MRI and stuff, but I knew this was to cover for medical malpractice from my childbirth injuries. I also had one Dr. try to deny muscle relaxants for the twitching, and when the nurse asked for Cafergot for me for my migraine, he refused this. It could have been they didn't want anything to prove an ergotamine-type of medication worked.

However, blood tests? It's a little strange when someone goes to great lengths to deny blood tests.

Oh, and then Tomas Cabellero or Paul Cassel nervously asked me, when I was in Whatcom county, if I'd had any blood tests done. I said not yet and he sounded relieved. It was the last time I talked to him over the phone. I can't remember who it was. I think it was Cabellero because I remember immediately thinking, why does he sound relieved that I haven't had any blood tests done lately? I know it was a man from Wenatchee and it only could have been Cabellero or Cassel.

Here is what it says about low white blood cell count:

"Why the Test is Performed Return to top

The test is performed to find out how many white blood cells you have. Your body produces more white blood cells when you have an infection or allergic reaction -- even when you are under general stress."

The rest of the general information is at:

I don't have any of the other conditions: liver or spleen disease, bone marrow disease, or collagen-vascular diseases. I don't have low white blood cell count NOW either. It's normal. I had low WHITE blood cell count when I was being radiated by magnetic pulse, and now I have low RED blood cell count, from the damage that was incurred.

It first affects your white blood cell count, and then the red. It goes through a process.

How ODD, that I was under that much stress, then, but I did not have elevated white blood cell count. Hmmm. I was having seizures too...hmmm.

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