Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Response to Pat (on my post about the "Army Wife" doctor)

Blogger Mama said...


You write a huge letter and at the end, again affirm your belief that my perceptions are "distorted".

If I had you for a doctor, you would be just as useless as these ones were. I wasn't at ER here, I was establishing care, and these doctors were fucking idiots. Especially the "Army Wife". For one thing, take pride in your position as "Medical Professional" or "Doctor". Seeing a female doctor wearing an ID collar with "Army Wife" all over it reeks of patriarchy and a backwards mentality altogether. When is the last time you saw a male Doctor with a string around his neck that said "Secretary's Husband", unless it's intended as a total JOKE?

This woman doesn't know her own value, and advertises this to me, as she's saying stupid things at the same time: "I'm going to have to tox screen you" because of MORHINE I was PRESCRIBED to take for treatment for migraine. I wasn't self injecting fucking morphine.

There was ZERO cause to treat me or ANYONE like a drug user or seeker, for this, and she automatically lost all my trust at that. I didn't ASK GOD, "Please God, give me migraines so I can suffer horribly and be forced to require narcotics for pain because nothing else works."

She also was an idiot about women's reproductive systems. She was trying to tell me that NOT having my periods, and/or having only one day of period, which wasn't enough to fill a regular sized tampon halfway, is NORMAL. I wasn't having "normal" periods for 8 months and before that, they WERE normal, and never varied. They had been consistent since I was 13 and this idiot was telling me I was "abnormal" before?

She didn't treat me for yeast when I'd had it since the last ER at their hospital. It had been over a month, and could have been causing a WORSE infection, which could have been why I was passing all this water, because maybe my body was trying to flush out an infection...She didn't even write a prescription, and just told me to buy it myself over the counter, when I still have it systemically, because I got the "thrush rash" on my breasts again, along with the yeast, when it had been treated and non-existent for over a year.

Knowing you and your family, you were hoping I'd have a baby and then take THAT one from me as well, and since you tried to take Oliver last time, and I protested and Holly got him, you thought you could pipe up to get my next baby, because I'm not, according to you, fit to be a mother. Your own husband has contributed to slander against me and should still be sued, and I plan to sue all family responsible for any part of what has happened.

Don't tell me what I should "feel" when it comes to pain, about my own body. I know how I feel, and I feel my pain accurately. If I had such distorted ideas about what works, ergotamine, which is non-narcotic, in Canada, wouldn't have WORKED. I would still be clamoring for narcotics if I was so "drug seeking" or lying and saying it didn't work.

It FUCKING WORKED. Which proves I have FUCKING migraines and was refused treatment for YEARS, by Wenatchee "professionals".

I know my pregnancy pain this time around, was NOT normal, and something was wrong, and I tried to tell the doctors, and they didn't listen to me. I wasn't even checked for the prolapse I told these doctors I had, which could have been why my back and total pain was so great, forcing me to SIT at WORK, because I was in pain, and to take ADVIL, which isn't recommended in pregnancy, because TYLENOL didn't work and I tried it first. I only took Advil a few times, but it's still not good, and yet I had no options because number ONE, Wenathcee doctors ruined my body, and it could and should have been prevented, and number TWO, doctors following, didn't listen to me because Wenatchee kept me from getting diagnostics I needed to assess my injuries.

I could have carried this baby to term if I had not had the severe pain I had, at only 1-2 months of pregnancy, which wasn't normal, and which was and is a result of what they did to me in Wenatchee.

I don't blame the doctors who tried an MRI. I blame Wenatchee.

They have always been at fault, and knew it, and now they have another strike against them.

December 11, 2008 5:36 PM

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