Thursday, December 11, 2008

Someone Asks When This All Started...With The Monks?

RE: hey‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 12/11/08 4:40 PM
it started with the monks. I had zero problems and no enemies, and no car vandalism and robberies, and people following me around, and slandering me, and making false reports to police who were catholic and doing favors for their church, until my involvement with the monks.

unless i have a relative who was CIA or military intelligence and my family has a ton of hidden enemies, who all just happened to target me, it all started with the monks. the thing is, that people connected to them and their lawyers were able to reach back and get other people involved against me, because i gave christa schneider my entire life history including names of all past best friends, where they lived, where their parents worked, everything. she knew every single detail and all someone had to do was find out if there was anyone else they could use, in harming me and then harming my son.

> Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:56:19 -0500
> From: (omitted)
> To:
> Subject: hey
> I know it's been a days since writing, but what's new? I have read your daily blog but I haven't been able to understand all the daily issues that you have to deal with. Did it all start with the monk thing or was there a lot of other issues before and after that? If I am asking too personal of questions, just tell me so.

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