Thursday, December 25, 2008

Notice to State of Worsening Disabilities (April 21, 2008)

RE: This Week's Visits‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/21/08 3:12 PM
To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (; (
This is last minute notice about vouchers. I come into Wenatchee hurting and tired and want to nap in my hotel room before visitation. Please have that hotel room ready. The other thing is that I obtained a note from my doctor asking this court case be transfered to over here because he agrees it is worsening my medical condition. I faxed this to the AG office and Paul Cassell this early afternoon, around noon. You should make contact with Caballero about it. I cannot take the bus, and to put me on the bus, which has affected my health, will be putting me at risk and your organization as well, for liability and damages in violation of the ADA.

I would like to have a train ticket for tomorrow or available at the same time I would arrive for the bus, and next week I will hopefully have Cassell make a motion for immediate transfer of this case, and for arrangements to be made for my son to be moved close to me here.


Subject: This Week's Visits
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:55:46 -0700

Ms. Garrett,

This week for the last time I will travel to the bus station and the Holiday Lodge to purchase your bus ticket and hotel room for you. Your vouchers for every week from here on out can either be available for you to pick up here at my office during your Wed visit each week or I can deliver them to your attorney’s office for you to either pick up or they can be mailed to you by your attorney. This will have to be the manner in which I provide you with your vouchers since you refuse to provide a mailing address to the Department. This is the way I provide travel and lodging to all my clients. It is a waste of the Department’s time and resources for me to spend a half an hour of my day traveling to vendors to purchase your hotel and lodging when you are capable of doing so yourself. If I do not hear back from you before Wednesday of this week directing me to leave your vouchers for you at the front desk then I will deliver them to your attorney on Wednesday. Please note the following paragraph with the information about your vouchers that has been included in the last two letters I provided to you on 04/09/08 and 04/15/08:

I have enclosed your vouchers for your bus ticket and hotel for your visits next week which are scheduled for the same hours: Tuesday 3-5 and Wednesday 10-12. I will provide a Link bus pass to you monthly. I will also provide your vouchers for bus tickets and hotel to you each Wednesday for the following week, just as I have done today. You will need to present the voucher at the Wenatchee NW Trailways bus station each Week before you leave to buy your ticket for the following week. Holiday Lodge will also accept the voucher directly from you upon your arrival at the hotel.

Please only respond to me where you would like me to leave your vouchers for next week, either with your attorney or at the front desk of my office. All other correspondence should go through Marie as she continues to be your first point of contact. Thank you for your valuable time and take care.

Michelle Erickson, MSW

Social Worker III

Division of Children and Family Services


Phone: (509) 667-6118

Fax: (509) 664-6358

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