Thursday, December 25, 2008

Forced to Go with Paul Cassel bc of Disability (April 21, 2008)

I never wanted Paul Cassel. I knew he wasn't good, from the start. I am not fickle. As for my mother, I am hot and cold towards her as her promises change with every shifting wind and that's normal. As for wanting Beaty and then NOT, I cannot help it if I discovered he wasn't ethical to begin with. I have to adapt to circumstances and problems as they arise. So here, I was getting very bad with regard to my physical health and knew I needed some kind of medical attention for injuries. I already knew I couldn't get care in Wenatchee so I tried Whatcom county, but Wenatchee got to them as well, with that OBGYN saying there was barely anything wrong. I now have evidence this is wrong. I have injuries serious enough to make pregnancy difficult if not impossible without almost total bedrest. So I went with Paul Cassel, because I hoped he'd help me get change of venue. But Cassel screwed me AND my son. He did what my mother and locklyn and the bairds wanted, and they didn't want my son out of the area. Cassel withheld evidence from the Judge and refused to get a more descriptive letter or statement from my PCP. When I was okay to travel, I even asked for MORE visitation with my son, and CPS refused:

Please Forward to Paul Cassell‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/21/08 3:25 PM
To: (; (
Mr. Caballero,

Will you please forward this to Paul Cassell and have him contact me by email? I don't have long distance and have had a difficult time even trying to contact him because of circumstances beyond my control over here. When I can, I check email and this remains the best way to reach me, for any reason. The fax I faxed from was from my place of work and please do not fax things there. I was allowed to make an outgoing fax, but don't want things coming to me.

Please see to it that arrangements are in place and made beginning today, with Bellingham, for a suitable family placement for my son, preferably with a family that knows sign language, but most importantly, one with lots of time attention and love. I want my son to be placed as close to me as possible so I may visit him frequently and minimize his adjustment troubles. It would be best to directly place him with me.

As I said before, I do not expect to have to deal with Wenatchee offices much longer, and the ADA is getting involved, and I've a doctor willing to vouch for me. Your offices are now on legal notice that this travel affects my disability and that a doctor believes it does and it is common knowledge I cannot get objective care, or any care at all in Wenatchee, and neither, evidentally, can my son.

I need the rest of Oliver's medical records as they come in, which should be in the next 2 weeks, so I can pass these off to the P.I. brain injury law firm that has taken an interest in what happened.

Also, in the interim, could you arrange to have a lawyer appointed to specifically represent my son? There is an attorney for the state, and one for me, and NO ONE for my son. I want a lawyer for my son, for now and when he is transferred to Bellingham.

Please be sure Marie and Michelle get my notice I've sent you and Paul a doctor's note about my disability, so I can at least be placed on a train for tomorrow and the return trip.

Also, I have repeatedly asked for Holiday Inn reservations, and Russ and CPS told me months ago that they've been working on it all this time and yet they've done nothing. I consider this to be evidence of harassment, by promising me something and stringing me along, and then failing to deliver as promised.

Please forward this email to Paul Cassell and have Paul contact me. Paul, could you advocate for me on these things please? I need internet/business office access and was promised this months ago. CPS was willing to pay over $100 for a room at Red Lion but refused to move me to HOliday Inn or the Coast Inn, where there is business access to a computer, which I need for work. I only work PT now and am looking for other PT or FT work and must have access. I also need it to speak and communicate with you and with others I've business with. I do not have long distance and cannot afford postage for U.S. snail mail. THe room rate is comparable at the Holiday Inn or Coast Inn, to where I'm at now, and the last time I was in a room last week at the Lodge, they had not even cleaned the toilet first. It was unsanitary, funny how CPS will make allegations of 'unsanitary' conditions, but put people in rooms where there are infestation problems with ants, uncleaned toilets, and other problems besides.



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