Thursday, December 25, 2008

Further Notice to Speech Therapists re. Disability (April 21, 2008)

RE: Oliver's IFSP meeting‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/21/08 3:36 PM
To: Leah Harris (
hi, leah, has anything been arranged? I need to know what time so I can be there when I'm in town.

Oliver will be moved to Whatcom county pretty soon, so could you let me know who is over there that will work with him? I have a note from a doctor which states this case should be removed or transfered to this county, because I have a disability which worsens with travel to Wenatchee. I also work over here and need to have more frequent visitation with my son. So my lawyer will be working on something to move him over here.

If you could let me know when a meeting is scheduled I'd appreciate it. I have to be ON a bus back to Bellingham, from Wenachee, by 12:30 on Wednesday, so it must be before that time so I can get back in time for work.


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