Thursday, December 25, 2008

Refusal of State to Accomodate Disability (April 21, 2008)

RE: This Week's Visits‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/21/08 7:18 PM
To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (
Cc: Caballero, Tomas (ATG) (; Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (;
How inconvenient and expensive this entire case must be for your "department". I'm sure you understand I share your concerns, especially as regards the rights of both me and my son to NORMAL healthcare.

YOU are not providing for my son's needs. I am far better prepared to meet the needs of my son than ALL of you, put together, as evidenced by the actions taken in this case.

Furthermore, your expenses are likely to be much higher once this is removed through a change of venue and if Paul Cassell is not going to advocate for this, there will have to be another attorney appointed. He may also want to talk to a party which could provide "second chair" better than one Bob Beaty, and that is the ADA.

You are demonstrating an unwillingness to not only accomodate for my injuries, which have grown signficantly worse and symptomatic with each demand that I make the trip to your town, but also a refusal to respect my parental rights, which, you well know, I still have.

If you refuse to provide other accomodations, or solutions for this trip, and force me to board this bus again, KNOWING and fully aware of my injuries and the doctor's recommendation, you prove you have no respect or regard for human rights, period--not the right of my son to see his mother, to healthcare and diagnostics, and to my rights of not being forced to take a trip which is extremely painful to me and which has caused further degeneration of my condition.

You have also refused to pay for an additional seat or for an additional ticket on even the BUS, to ensure I at least have 2 seats back to back and have paid for them, which would at least HELP.

I work in Blaine, and I have the right to medical care. My son still cannot get normal care in Wenatchee and yet YOU want to force it and force HIM to endure YOUR politics with only your own interests in mind and not of his needs.

You narrow-minded, inefficient, cruel, and self-serving hypocrites. You work for a department called "child protective services" and all you have done is harm my son, traumatize him, and refuse him his right to healthcare, diagnostics, and educational opportunities he clearly needs.

Knowingly, you tell his injured mother to board a bus, when her doctor advises against it and I've let you know repeatedly what damage this has caused me.

You GET ON THE PHONE with Bellingham TODAY and make arrangments for another family for my son to transition to. You put the protective order on my son in CANADA, after your "department" TOLD ME it was okay if I left the country. You did not put the order on him in Wenatchee, and I have every single right, as does my son, to jurisdiction outside of your political hell-hole.

I'm sorry, but you will not win.

Deal with it.

I will add CPS to my lawsuit for damages, and the state, if this continues, and to my son's lawsuit as well. You think it's "more expensive" to move this case to Whatcom county? Just wait until you start paying Caballero to fend off ADA violations.


Subject: RE: This Week's Visits
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 18:29:44 -0700

Ms. Garrett,

If you were to take the train to your visits it would require that you leave Monday morning from Bellingham at 8:45am, travel to Seattle with a 5 hour layover in Seattle and then arrive in Wenatchee at 8:45pm. The Department would have to provide you with 3 nights in a hotel and then you would leave on Thursday morning from Wenatchee at 5:45am, have an 8 hour layover in Seattle and then arrive in Bellingham at 9pm. This would not only cost the Department much more money, but you would be away from your job and home for 4 entire days. This does not seem like a viable option, nor does it seem it would be healthy for you to be away from home for so much time and layed over in the Seattle train station for so many hours. I also cannot provide a train ticket at a moment's notice as it requires a credit card to purchase which means I need time to go through the head financial workers in Spokane. A credit card purchase is much more time consuming than a voucher and cannot be done last minute. I believe I shared this information with you in a letter last week. I would advise you to utilize the bus ticket I purchased for you today and had wired to Bellingham (costing the Department an extra fee as you are unwilling to provide us with your address). Your visits will continue on the same days and times as they have been for some weeks now. I hope you can make it to them and if you cannot it would be appreciated if you could provide at least 24 hours notice so your son, your aunt and the visit supervisor are not inconvenienced.

Thank you,

Michelle Erickson, MSW

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