Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oliver's Trauma and Depression (May 1, 2008)

Emergency: My Son Is Depressed‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 5/01/08 10:52 AM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (;
My aunt told me she tried to email you but it bounced back. My attorney Paul Cassel was also having difficulties emailing "out" and I've been having problems too, losing emails I'm trying to send out to you.

My son is NOT okay. I do not believe he is safe unless he is with me, someone who knows him best who is able to tell if something is going on. My aunt is agreeing with me, that he's not been alright, especially in this last week.

I just got off the phone with my son and he was not just screaming in frustration, he was sobbing until I talked to him for a long time and told him we'd see eachother soon and that he'd live with me. Holly said he's waking up in the morning depressed and this morning he won't eat his breakfast.

Everytime I've called this last week, he's been crying and upset and once Holly let me talk to him in his room, alone with me, and he jabbered away, babbling happily until the door opened (I could hear it) and Holly came in to end the call and Oliver started fussing and crying again.

This is harder on me NOW than it was in the beginning nad my son is NOT okay. He needs his mother and he needs to be immediately placed into my care.

I have a good place to live, and have been taking care of other people's kids as a nanny again, and I live in a safe and secure house.

There are no "barriers" as I use no drugs, drink very seldom, and don't even date, not that it's anyone's business. My first priority IS and has always been my son.

I have a doctor over here who is taking care of me and wants to help me with my damages from Wenatchee doctors, and he also wants to help my son and refer him out to Children's hospital in Everett for further diagnostics. I am absolutely the best advocate for my son and his needs. I also found out where there is a preschool that uses sign language and am looking into classes for me and my son both.

I would agree to a stipulation that if my son is returned to me, ASAP, I will agree to allow CPS or anyone else come in to drop by visits, appointed and unexpected, observe me in public with my son, and I would even agree to diagnostics and services. IF my son is placed in my care right away, I will do whatever you want, agreeably. I cannot and will not say he is dependent on anyone other than me because I am the best person for him to be with and live with NOW. But I would agree to whatever monitoring you wish to have, and to do anything else, to ease your mind if you are concerned there is any resididual or ongoing concern.

NO one here thinks there is anything wrong with me and I have friends, a good neighborhood, and a good support system.

I am asking you to please place my son back into my care ASAP. I need to keep my eye on him and he's not alright. He wants to be with his mother, and I and my own aunt can see this is true.

He is not even able to eat, and has been depressed and crying.

The last time I saw him when we parted, was heartbreaking. I blew him several kisses and he looked so sad. He wants to live with his mom.

I am asking you to consider writing up a stipulation which I would agree to, which would be in everyone's mutual best interest.

Thank you,


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