Thursday, December 25, 2008

Told Cassel I Can't Open Attachments (May 2, 2008)

Can't Open PDF and ADOBE; ADA‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 5/02/08 9:09 AM

I have been trying, but can't open any of the pdf or adobe files. I can't open attachments, basically.

Can someone cut and paste these into a regular email for me? so I can read them? I've spent a lot of time trying, and I need your fax number please so I can
just write out a simple release form for you to talk to my doctor over here.

My son really cannot go another week without seeing me. He's having a very difficult time. This morning he was doing better, but he needs to be with his mother.

I used to take him to the McDonald's play structure, in Wenatchee and then in Canada, at LEAST once a week, and to the playground about twice a week, and he hasn't been there ONCE since he's been away from me.

There is no one else who is going to play with my son like I do, or meet his medical needs and work with doctors over here, like I can. I need to have my rights restored so I am able to get him back into the things he misses. He doesn't even go to the library anymore, and I had him in swim lessons and preschool too. He's not doing any of this.

It's bizarre that I can take care of someone else's kids, and am doing so now, and have done this all my life, but I'm supposedly "unable" to care for my own son.

Ridiculous, and I consider this entire thing to be an abduction of my son, under color of law.

I still haven't called ADA because I was hoping to get a stipulated agreement, but I'm not going to wait if this is going to go forward and continue the way it's been going. If I have to fight this, and fight for my son's basic rights, I think the ADA will be interested in the discrimination against me and MY physical disabilities and also in the discrimination against my son and refusal to get him back into my care.


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