Monday, December 1, 2008

Person Coming Into My Apartment

I thought I would write a couple more clarifications.

The manager who came into our apartment without notice, the same apartment from which I was missing workshirts and then finding them reappear, was caught on tape. When I called 911 he got on the phone and was willing to talk to them. So he was there, and it wasn't my imagination. He also spoke with police and admitted to what he had done, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

He kept claiming he had the "right" to go into any apartment, whenever he wanted to, without an emergency and without notice. He was wrong, and corrected by police.

The guy with him was a maintenance man who also thought it was okay, and was standing by. If this guy was doing this all along, it's not hard to imagine whoever was coming into my apartment and taking shirts of mine and also going through our cupboards and my food, also thought it was okay. At the least, because of more than one entry and nothing seeming to be forced, whoever was doing this figured they'd never get caught, and if they did, they could cover for it or not get into trouble

The police told me what the manager had done was a civil complaint but not a crime. I don't know the exact law on that, but I do know that landlords do not have the right to enter any apartment without written notice or an immediate emergency, and neither case was true.

And the guy admitted to what he did, and was on the phone as well.

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