Monday, December 1, 2008

Working At "The Post Pub"

I'm writing about my former workplace, and getting fired, not because I care personally, and I'm not angry about anything, but because of stupid comments like the one I received by the last person.

So, to protect myself in showing I was not a bad worker, but had a bad boss in a questionable workplace...Here is the following information:

1. The person who got me the job is the father of my baby. The person who told me he was able to keep me there or could influence letting me go, is the same person--the father of the baby.

2. I was told to get a new job, secretly, by a couple of coworkers months ago. But I didn't, because I was lazy and didn't want to move around. I was aware it wasn't the greatest, but I made decent tips, and just didn't have time to be getting something else. The person who pulled me aside said everyone knew the boss, Kathy, hated me. Everyone agreed she treated me differently from everybody else, and these were my coworkers. She yelled at me, harassed me, and even made claims I was trying to pull illegal stuff, until I said I wanted to point out the problem to the owner. Then she'd backtrack. If someone else forgot their card, they'd use another employee card. If I forgot my card, she'd make me go back home, and then tell me as I'm on my way back, she got someone else to take my shift. My coworker pointed out other things:

1. A cockroach infestation problem that have been present for months, and to this day, not had a pest inspector fix it. Cockroaches and these weird bugs crawled over glasses, plates, and tables.

2. Photos of naked women were displayed out in the open, in the kitchen, until after someone must have found out I'd discussed this with a coworker and they were taken down.

3. Women were regularly on the receiving end of sexual harassment.

4. My boss, Kathy, drank on the job and let everyone else drink on the job, if she thought you wouldn't tell. One of her favorite employees was A., who was a known alcoholic and would be totally sloshed and Kathy would serve her before work. Kathy was often inebriated by the end of her own shift.

5. Almost all of my coworkers drank on the job, including me for awhile. We'd drink throughout the shift and it was not considered to be a big deal.

6. Food and sanitary conditions for keeping food were not met. Customers complained of sour sauces and dressings, and rotten baked potatoes.

7. Customers were served beyond the point of drunkenness. This was a place where, if you knew the right people, you would be served until you were rip-roaring drunk. There was no cut-off. One woman staggered around, totally drunk, as I had to take my attention off of tables to worry about her. I kept my eye on her until she caught a cab.

8. No one was ever carded, until after I'd worked there about a month or two and, I think, my boss Kathy figured out I was the "reporting type". Then, they started to card people.

9. Kathy was known to steal money and/or create mistakes and then blame it on servers she didn't like. She did this with a woman who had been her friend for over 20 years and this woman, P., said she knew Kathy was doing it to me too, and told me so.

10. One server kept screwing up my orders by taking my food and not telling me what she'd taken and sometimes giving it to the wrong table. It was made to look like my fault and after 3 weeks of the same, I asked her to leave my food alone and do not take it out for me. She sided with Kathy after that, I guess, feeling insulted, although I had only wanted to clear up misunderstandings.

11. I had a couple of workers beg me to find a new job because they were convinced the place was going to get "shut down", for a number of reasons. One also thought there was possibly some kind of drug trafficking, but I never personally saw any evidence of this, on a larger scale. I mean, people would help eachother with a little pot, but I didn't see large-scale stuff, or have knowledge of anything to report. But it was suspected.

12. Kathy would talk about me, badly, to her customers, right in front of people, and the other worker who did this openly, was Niki, who I actually liked, but who I had customers coming up to me about, asking me why she was "such a hater" and was so mean to me. I could only assume it was because of Spiderwoman's jealousy over attention I got from her Spiderman. It was the only time she flared, and it seemed to be jealousy.

I was not fired from an ethical workplace to begin with. Anyone should know that if other things are wrong, if someone decides they don't like you, what makes you think you'll be treated in fairness or ethically? Despite this, I liked most of my coworkers and I tried to ignore Kathy and even though she was rude and mean to me, I was always polite to her, and nice, and I didn't talk about her even, until a couple of days before she fired me. Prior to that, everyone else was talking to ME about HER, but I showed her respect by not talking behind her back, even when she didn't give me the same courtesy.

Kathy always wanted to fire me. I think she got wind of my blog and was offended by things I wrote. I also know some of her regulars, who came only to see HER, would talk about me and I do know there were primarily Catholic. Towards the end, I became more of a liability because they probably realized I could report things. I never planned to. After I started dumping the drinks down the trash--the drinks intended for employees who were drinking on the job, and who were allowed to drink well-past drunkenness, I had a couple others who wanted to get rid of me. I was ruining the "fun" and pissing some people off. I had quit drinking myself, altogether, a couple of months prior to this.

I was also being harassed by the father of my baby and I don't think he wanted me around while I was pregnant, with his partner knowing about it. There were some people who wanted me out, as well as some customers who complained I made mistakes when I didn't, who were just trying to screw with me.

All said, I was glad to have a job when I did, and had I not been made to feel it's essential to prove I'm a good worker, and that I wasn't fired for being mentally ill or unable to work for a weird reason, I wouldn't have made this post. But I'm not going to have just one more accusation leveled at me, that I cannot take criticism or "blame others" for things I've done.

I was fired for wrong reasons, and there were problems there, and it was not my fault. I should have left when others warned me to go, but I refused, because I didn't want to move around. I was a conscientous and dependable worker and regularly filled in for others when they wanted a day off. I covered for anyone's shift when they needed me. There were some really good people there, and they know who they are. I really enjoyed working with those of you who had my back, and I wish you the best.

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