Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cytotec & Doctors Didn't Want Me to See Ultrasound from George Washington Hospital

I'm starting to wonder now, why PGE gave me Cytotec when I had already expelled the fetus from the miscarriage.

They knew the fetus came out whole and looked fine, and yet afterwards, they did an ultrasound and then decided to give me Cytotec.

Cytotec, I'm reading, causes abortion. If the ectopic pregnancy was still living when the other one had miscarried, it probably was killed by Cytotec.

Right? or, if it's in the ovaries, would it be protected from Cytotec?

I have so many questions. I got a copy of the Ultrasound done at George Washington Hospital.

They took a TON of photos but left only a few on the disc. I don't know why they'd eliminate so many of the photos. It was an investigative ultrasound that took over a half hour and it was very extensive and tons of photos were taken. When I got a copy of the disc, only 5 or 6 views or photos had been saved.

I TOLD the doctors I wanted to see the radiology photos from this ultrasound myself, right after they were taken. I told all of those doctors there, that I'd like to look. They said maybe later they'd show me. Then they didn't want me to see them. Then, they said the radiology department was closed.

So, I was told to ask for records from medical records. I went out of ER and found out where radiology was. It was all locked up. So I meandered until someone came out or was going in, and I said someone was there to show me photos of the sonogram. I said she was expecting me. They told me she was busy right then but I talked for awhile and finally they let me in and decided to pull up the record for me right then and there.

I was able to persuade the radiologists to show me the photos from my songram, after taking an interest in their lives and talking with them a bit. They showed me everything, but all the photos were gone, except a few. It went from about 40 or more photos to 5 or 6. They also made a copy for me then and there and I didn't have to sign any papers.

I got what I wanted, but I never should have told the doctors I wanted to see the radiology results. For whatever reason, they didn't want ME to see any of the photos, and then more than 3/4 of the photos were missing when I saw the CD myself.

It's hard to read sonograms. MRI and X-rays are much, much, easier to interpret. Both I and the radiologist who was a professional (but in MRI not sonogram) could barely make out what it was supposed to be.

The other thing I'm wondering about, is why, when they were using forceps to take out more of the 'products', they didn't want me to see it, and kept asking me if the fetus had come out whole. Was anyone finding other "parts" aside from the intact fetus that I saw? If so, it wouldn't be coming from the ovary I wouldn't think, becaue the ovary would have burst or something.

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