Thursday, January 1, 2009

Still Cannot Sleep

I slept far too much during the day today. I really want to sleep and can't. I may have to break out a sleeping pill.

I am starting to think I don't have an ectopic pregnancy. I mean, maybe I do, but I'm thinking no, because wouldn't they find a heartbeat? They kept talking ectopic, but this is what I think, after all my research and questions, and then knowing how I feel.

First of all, I've lost all tenderness in my breasts. So I don't think I'm pregnant. I do have a very odd pang in my lower back but I'm wondering if it's kidney infection or something. I have cramping but I'm still passing some blood and clots.

I think that if my HCG levels were still high, from what I've read, this is normal. The placental lining is thick, which could be a problem, but I want to be doubly sure there's no ectopic before taking Methergine.

The enlarged ovary may just be a cyst. I think I had an enlarged ovary from my first pregnancy too.

My biggest tip-off is breasts. If I were pregnant, they would feel pregnant and hurt. And that's not there anymore, so I don't think so.

I'll go in, in a couple of days and have them check levels but it's supposed to be normal to have high levels even after miscarriage. And I really do think most of my pain was from prolapse, not an ectopic. The pain I felt was after walking or standing a while and that would be more prolapse pain than anything else.

So, I think I'm normal.

I tend to go around and around and go to the extremes in my questions, but I do this to examine every possibility and then just narrow things down to facts and what makes most sense, and this is what makes most sense to me now.

Also, I reread one of my posts about the ultrasound photos from George Washington and I don't think they were trying to "hide" anything from me--they just didn't want me to see the photos for some reason. I don't know why. As for cutting out all the photos that were taken, I would think they'd leave everything on the record, and why eliminate anything? especially since the photos were already taken? but, someone could have decided to just clean things up.

I think it would have been better to leave all the photos, to have a record of the state of my uterus after all of this. I wish they hadn't taken out any photos.

I am doing more research on Methergine too, and after I told these doctors how I had massive hemmorhage after taking Cytotec, why would they give me Methergine? Methergine is used for the exact same thing that Cytotec is used, and it increases contractions and things. If I almost bled to death after taking Cytotec, why would they send me home with Methergine? I might take it, but after reading what it's for, and knowing my reaction, I wouldn't take this outside of hospital supervision. There is no way I'd take this at home.

It's basically like a second round of Cytotec. They are used for the exact same thing.

It is a good thing I look out for MYSELF. because if I didn't, I'd be dead by now. Anyway, anyone can go online and see how Cytotec and Methergine are similar.

AND, these doctors sent me home with Methergine and no narcotics or painkillers to go along with it. From what I read, the top drug that is Co-used with Methergine and Cytotec, is FENTANYL, to control the severe pain.

And believe me, I had extremely severe pain and it wasn't treated very well at PGH until they started giving me at least 2 mg. diauldid

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