Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog Harm, Blagovitch & Diplomacy

I realize having this blog up, with my real name, has hurt me quite a bit. Some people just read parts, and don't get to know me, and assume all kinds of things. If I hadn't had a blog up, I could have dated many more men seriously, and had a different situatin by now, and not scared people off.

But, on the other hand, there is probably a minority that appreciates the honesty of my blog, and those people who have read not just parts but the whole, AND who know me personally, know I'm a very sincere and good person. Probably a little more boring than the blog would reveal, but fine nonetheless.

I choose to write what I will though, and I do try to conceal some identities and I'm careful. I am not out to expose individuals for small petty stuff. The only things I report are things I believe are wrong which could affect the well-being of others as well.

Aside from that, I'm very protective of those who help me.

Like I said, the guy from Pakistan who let me stay on the couch for a bit, well, I left because I think he thought I was going to put out or something, at least eventually, and people are starting to figure out that's not what I'm about. I can help others out in different ways though, and someday, you just never know what kind of position I may be in to return even a small favor, by giving someone a place to stay or whatever. I've done it in the past and wouldn't be any different in the future. But yes, while I wouldn't let a very nice Ethiopian taxi driver into the bathroom of the Pakistani's house, it wasn't because I didn't like the Ethiopian guy. He was great! I loved him. But I try to protect the privacy and the house of those I stay with, out of respect. If the Ethiopian guy was letting me stay at HIS place, I'd do the same for him.

I did this another time for the Muslim-Arab guy I roomed with for 2 months. He and I had nothing going on that was romantic, and he asked that i limit who came in or we'd discuss it. I didn't let anyone in except I did make a mistake ONE time, to let two different people in to chat, but I watched them the whole time too, and just talked on the couch with the blinds all fully open and made them leave before 10 p.m. I probably shouldn't have, but at that place, there were people coming into my apartment and stealing my work shirts.

So anyway.

I have probably trusted people I should have never trusted. But I maintained higher ground, and I feel that in the long run, it goes towards international peacemaking in a way.

I consider myself, in an international sense, to be completely neutral. If anything, I've had problems with people in my OWN country. I would like to be known as a sort of Swiss Red Cross type person who is willing to welcome people of any race and culture and religion, sincerely, and who will fight for those who are exploited, no matter who they are.

One thing I am passionate about, is the right to a defense that is honest. I used to think criminals, so-called, were the bottom rung, and included mafia and theives and predators, and others. But really, a lot of these people get SCREWED by incompetent defense when part of the Bill of Rights guarantees FAIR trial. Anymore, in the U.S., someone who is even charged with anything, is assumed to be guilty. And then you have lousy lawyers making deals with other people.

Blagovitch, or whatever that guys name is, you know, is all over the news as being named by the FBI for corruption and trying to sell jobs. Then when this guy complains about not getting fair trial by not being able to call witnesses, he is made to sound like a whiner. But he's not. He's RIGHT about that.

If he IS guilty, what does the FBI or justice system have to hide? The guy should have every right to a fair and equal trial and that should include the right to call witnesses.

I've heard stories of people getting railroaded by the IRS as well. And, from what I hear, if you get charged by the IRS, you do NOT get a fair trial. You don't even get a jury.

The right to jury is essential to defense of any and every citizen. The decision to let Judges steer cases where there is a right to jury which may be denied through a successful Summary Judgment, is just wrong.

There is no place for Summary Judgement, which prevents the right to a jury. There is also no place for incompetent defense. The poor are supposed to have "reasonable counsel" not crappy counsel. And crappy counsel is what most of them get and their lives are permanently damaged and ruined.

The system in the U.S. and the corruption is not much different than it used to be except that NOW, we have our newest groups of criminals WITHIN the justice system and in lobbyists and those who make policies that harm and restrict if not abolish the rights of the public.

The poor often have nothing to lose. They are sometimes more willing to speak up about things, and then they are punished for it by people in the very government who take oaths and claim to uphold the law.

Blagovitch deserves the same rights as anyone, in his trial, and so do "terrorists" and so do the poor in America.

But this ship is going down, and it's strange, I think, how all of a sudden, I have about 5 people all at once telling me to hold on and that "it's not over yet" as if there is something better around the corner. Hold on for what? I've been asking for assistance and for someone to investigate corruption for years.

I also find it strange that all of my job offers, of any significance, are put off until "April", the same month I'm told my rights to my son will be terminated.

I don't want any fucking job in the United States, period. I want my son back.

No, I'm not abandoning my son to marry some billionaire abroad. If some rich guy wants a marriage of convenience and will help me, they will be honest and forthright enough to help me while I'm in the U.S. to FIRST get my son and THEN leave.

I don't enjoy hanging out at posh parlors or pubs or hotels or offices where I might meet the richest of the rich, and half the events and galleries I couldn't afford to get into anyway. Hanging out in Hyattsville was a blunder perhaps, but at least I was working towards something, towards helping the hispanic workers.

I need to marry someone very rich, who won't miss the money, who will just be fine with a prenup to protect everything else and will pay whatever it takes, whatever cost, to get my son back on fair and legal grounds, and sue the shit out of them for violations of rules of procedure and withholding evidence. I'm not interested in marrying someone for their money so I can live large; I'm interested in a marriage of convenience for assistance to get my son back, and there is, frankly, nothing wrong with that. If we divorce, fine. No big deal. People marry for convenience all the time and why should anyone care or point a finger?

Historically, the whole deal has revolved around financial support for sex and companionship I guess, but I'm not putting out when there is nothing signed or contractual or agreed upon. Otherwise, someone just walks out and it's a scam. Just as I would expect to sign a pre-nup, I would expect someone to be considerate enough to alleviate my own concerns.

Too many scam artists who want call girls in the world.

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