Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Philip Strauss from Suburban Hospital & the U.S. Medical System

Terrible. Basically, I lost my job and can't work because of him.

I went in, because with having to move all over because of the assault, I have had to try to find a new place to live, last minute. SO that's not my fault that I cannot "establish" care in one place when I'm all over the place because of a domestic violence incident which wasn't my fault to begin with.

So I went to ER because I DON'T have a way of "establishing care" when I have to move back and forth from VA to D.C. to Maryland, and this Suburban hospital was the closest thing. My leg is totally numb and it started after the assault. It took about 2 weeks or less but the pain has progressed.

So I'm sleeping in the same bed with this guy, but not having sex with him at all, and I couldn't sleep at all because of the severe pain in my back. It wasn't in my leg but my back and then the numbness radiated to my thigh and I once had tingling in my toes. I couldn't sleep bc of the pain and took a Vicodin, which does NOT work as well as Percocet. And no, marijuana does NOT help this kind of pain either and I don't smoke it for that. I only use a tiny bit for migraine, period. I don't think it works for my back because I don't think it's a muscular problem alone. Something else is wrong and I was TOLD to go back to ER if I had problems.

So I did. And this woman first sees me and accuses me of being drug seeking again, like the idiots these people are, and I had to point out to her, that I HAD a legitimate injury and that I'd only been given 27 pills TOTAL, since the 13th, and had to use them 2 at a time, and even at night because of pain from waitressing and other pain, because my back hurt enough to keep me awake.

So this guy sees I took one pill and didn't want me to, and I don't know why not. And then, 45 minutes later, nothing was better so I took the other pill. He didn't WANT me to. What the hell is wrong with him? He sees I have serious pain and that I can't sleep and my legs are curled up to my chest, and he's acting like 10 mg. Vicodin total is "bad" for me. Which is BS and I thought these people were from Colombia anyway. I had hoped I was getting at least a former gang from Colombia which was nice and would treat me well. But no, I probably get the fucking Colombians in training to be rats for the fucking CIA. I mean, what the hell? I was prescribed these pills and he KNOWS I need them. So then I STILL couldn't sleep and was really, really, hurting, and I took one of my Valiums which have last me forever. I waited another hour. After 2 hours, I took Valium 2 and this guy is acting like there's something wrong with me.

NewsFLASH...there IS something fucking wrong with me and it's called PAIN.

NO one should fucking be telling ME that I'm fucking drug seeking when I get jumped and have pain and there's no fucking way to be "addicted" when you need it legitimately to control pain so you can work.

I am NOT living in this fucking country. How many accidents and injuries have I had, that I could "nurse" and LIE about, just to get pain pills?

If I was fucking drug seeking, I would be making a big deal about my FUCKING BROKEN NECK, which, on X-RAY and MRI PROVES I already have early onset osteoarthritis. I would be making a BIG fucking deal about my broken neck which involves my spinal cord.

But no, I have only, in my life, requested help for pain relief, when I've NEEDED it. And I asked this other fucker of a doctor, Todd Muller, for a cortisone shot or something stronger, and he gave me nothing. So basically, I can't waitress, which is what I've been doing here.

THEN, I go to the ER in Suburban and ask for help so I can stay on my feet and even sleep at night, and what happens? First this woman in training, Sarah I think, tells me Percocet gives me "euphoria". How the hell does she know? These idiots, most of them, have never taken pain meds in their entire lives because they've never had broken bones or any other problems.

I did NOT just ask her for more Percocet. When I went in, I specifically asked for an MRI because I am NOT doing better and I HAVE to work. If anything, after this, I'm going to a pyschologist just to get confirmation I have depression and anxiety from the maltreatment by medical professionals who should NOT be in the medical field at ALL.

So she tells me no MRI, and then tells me to take Advil which I've been taking my entire fucking life and someone should be evaluating me, at this point, for liver or kidney damage because of it. So then she said she could give me some kind of steroid pack, which isn't cortisone but something different, and it could help, and I said okay, but she just went on and on about Percocet and it WORKS for me and helped me to work besides. And, I was even able to go out dancing, but I had to quit at some point, because my back was hurting, even with the medication.

So she gets this stupid Philip Strauss who is a RUDE motherfucker, and he just comes in with prepared answers for everything, claiming I don't have a herniated disc and just some nerve problem with my thigh, and how the hell does HE know for sure when he hasn't done an MRI?!

And then he says he's giving me "Tramacet" or something like that, and claims, just like Sarah did, that it was "just as strong" as Percocet. Then, I asked another attendent to give me the real scoop and he was at least honest and told me, umm, no, Tramacet is NOT stronger than Percocet. So two different doctors looked me straight in the eye and LIED to me. And then I asked Strauss for at least this steroid pack or whatever to see if that helped and he dismissed this, saying no, it was only good for herniated discs and he didn't think I had one. He doesn't even KNOW. I told him, I NEED something that it just as strong at the 2 percocet at a time, to sleep at night and to function as a waitress.

Sarah told me she'd give me a "note" to excuse me from work.

I canNOT MISS fucking work and I TOLD her this. I TOLD THEM, I will LOSE my job and I HAVE to work. I cannot afford to be without money when for the last whole month I was on fucking bedrest with a complicated miscarriage and the month before that, I was suffering in dire straights of pain from an ectopic pregnancy and severe prolapse that Wenatchee and Washington state lied about, through their teeth.

So they refused to give me anything besides Tramacet and I'm not even filling the fucking prescription because I can't AFFORD it and it's pointless. It's basically like Toradol and acetametaphin put together and it's NOT strong enough. They gave me one pill before I left the hospital, and my back still hurt. I took it in the hospital. I still had to go home and take a fucking BATH because my back hurt so bad, after I took MORE of the 800 mg. fucking ADVIL.

I should be SUING all of these FUCKING doctors for kidney and liver damage when I get it for REFUSING to treat my pain with something that WORKS besides Ibuprofen and Toradol.

So what did I have to do last night? I had to take TWO VALIUM, and 800 mg. Advil after the Tramacet they gave me in the hospital, AND take a bath. OH, AND marijuana for good measure. Like that's a LOT better. And I'm unable to work. So that's just great. And marijuana doesn't help with this back pain, it just makes me tired, and it is NOT conducive to waitressing. I can't remember a frickin' thing I've said if I smoke marijuana, even just a couple inhales. There is NO way I can orders and remember drinks and names and people on that stuff.

Thank you Philip Strauss for being a dumb fuck.

Oh, and not only that, this guy came in and I kept asking him why he wasn't going an MRI and do you know what he did instead? He kept cutting me off, refusing to answer my question. Over and over, he was cutting me off. I wondered, "What the hell...?" because he kept avoiding my question and INSTEAD interjected with "why do you think you need Percocet?" which wasn't even what I was talking about then or asking him for. I told him, finally, "Because I know it WORKED for me and helped me to keep working on the job." So I say this, and he slams the curtain shut saying, "You're not getting Percocet or Vicodin or any narcotic" and he refused to even help with the steroid pack. He stormed out, probably to his computer, so he could enter a bunch of bullshit about how I came in asking for "drugs" when really, HE KNEW I went in for an MRI and for SOME kind of stronger pain control if he wasn't going to give me Percocet to get by.

I lost my job and my ability to work because of Philip Strauss and partly because of this Sarah too.

The only decent person there, well, there was a cool black guy from the Caribbean, but I won't say what his position was, and then there was this hispanic tech, and THAT guy was the only one with a brain and who was listening to me and actually seemed to know what I was saying. I told HIM, "YOU are the one who should be the doctor around here, not these other guys" and told him if he WANTED to, he should go back to school so there were some decent doctors in town.

I think about all the problems I have with these doctors and the kind of just BIZARRE ignorance that they have and I wonder how in the hell these people are ever getting jobs to begin with. Is it just that medical schools make a lot of money through the tuition they receive so they'll pass anyone, and accept anyone, just to make corporate money?

Because WHY do I happen to know MORE than half of these idiots who have been in MEDICAL SCHOOL for years ahead of me? Half of these people are just narrow-minded and ignorant imbeciles. They don't even KNOW their "stuff" and if they do, they discriminate against patients for what? profit?

I think the U.S. medical system totally sucks. I have no idea why people come HERE for treatment anymore because it's all going downhill and the federal government doesn't even have the common sense to experiment or allow experiments with things that work.

Thanks, Obama. Yay, we get embryonic stem cell testing okayed but NOT testing for fucking marijuana which is a total cure and prevention for migraines, glaucoma, and a variety of other illnesses? This is the most fucked up scientific regulatory committee or community or government I've ever known.

I wasn't even asking for help with JUST "narcotics" but I told them it "worked" which is what a patient should do. I ASKED for something else but Philip Strauss evidentally didn't want to give me ANYTHING that actually helped me, like that steroid pack. WHY? Because he WANTED me to lose my job? because he wanted to minimize what was wrong with me?

What the FUCK is wrong with PHILIP STRAUSS?

I am looking this mutherfucker UP. That guy needs to get a new job, probably as a DEA administrator.

Now, my only recourse is to sue this woman who assaulted me, for these damages and inability to work. And you had better believe I WILL. That's a simple small claims court process and that woman, Frances Darnell Adogu, is getting SUED sistah. If she's a paralegal like she claimed, she'd better get her back-up team ready, because I am proving my damages and may join the "Hon. Caro" whatsherface in the suit as well, for letting her in the house to take aim at ME.

Oh, and I looked up the medication and it's "Ultracet" and the name of the woman chastising me about Percocet was Sandra Forti. I thought it was Sarah. But no, it's Sandra Forti, PA-C.

But I have all these things going on, and I DO have pain and these fuckers WANT me to suffer.

And lie about the goddamn "Ultracet". Do you know how it was described to me? I was told, at first, that it was extremely powerful and just as strong as Percocet and was just like a narcotic but without the "euphoric" effects.

Since when the hell am I flying around looking "euphoric" and since when the hell, if someone in pain DOES appear to look "euphoric" is this a BAD THING?!

Because I write some "euphoric" poetry, I'm not a creative artist but just on drugs? that's bullshit. I write "euphoric" shit whether I'm taking something or NOT.

I just think these people are idiots and most of them SHOULD be sued and should never be given a license to practice. They violate their Hippocratic Oath every single fucking day.

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