Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christa Schneider Writes To Me (copy)

Christa Schneider, allegedly, writes in. Which is very odd timing I would say, and I think I am best to continue to write about Chris Dabney and what his comments were to me. Something stinks, and is up, if she would write in. Especially now. I also have to write the ER post and yes, I'm writing the OIG and including all names and asking for a complete investigation. Here is a copy of her comments and my response. Oh, and let it be known, before she dropped off the face of the earth last time, she asked me and wanted to know how many emails I had from her saved, and asked where all my email accounts were, and if I just had them with college and yahoo or MSN as well. I told her I was about to download all the information from my computer, onto a huge CD disc collection. And then that's what my son and I began having health problems and the twitching and fasciculations and there was hacking on the computer that was more noticeable. It was right after this guy from Wenatchee had got his hands physically on my computer as well, Greg from Computer Park in Wenatchee:

"Correspondence with Christa (before I knew she was a rat ) Sept. 1, 2006"
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameo,I recently discovered this blog, and after reading several of these posts I want to say that I have only loved you. It has been a very long time since I've heard from you, and I am surprised to find that you think I have wished any ill-will upon you and your son. I see that you are under duress, and I am sad to know that. I only hope for your happiness, as I still love you for the dear friend you have been in my life. Christa

January 10, 2009 8:09 AM
Blogger Mama said...

I'm not surprised you'd find a time to write. It is a good move for you, isn't it? to act as though you are responsible for nothing when you know as well as I do, what you've done and what you've been involved with. I also think it's strange that you "suddenly" found this blog and I note your comment about my being "under duress" which is the standard excuse for things that have been done and said to discredit me.

I was warned about you, as being "psycho" by your former roommate and I should have listened. I didn't know if you were involved or not and if the leaks regarding my litigation with the abbey were from bugging or because of you, but I played you out long enough to find out the truth. information was leaked OUT, but I couldn't say whether you spread the information that I gave to you ALONE, or whether someone was listening in to my conversations. Then, I waited, and it was YOUR QUESTIONS which confirmed you had been a part of this.

Not only that, you desperately wanted me to believe you'd arrived at the church you met me at BEFORE I ever knew the monks which was untrue. You were the one to ask me exactly what I was going to wear to Stephanie Maiers wedding shower, down to the details, and you NEVER cared about those things, in the 7 years I'd known you, until then. You wanted to know how I was doing my eyes, my hair, curled and up or not, and what dress, what shoes, and lipstick, and then you asked me what gift I would give Stephanie if I could give her whatever I wanted. At the same time, you were telling me to send you all of my undeveloped film, which you knew had photos of you on it, and my "book" I lied and told you I was writing, about the abbey business. You said you would have it "edited" for me.

I went to that shower and Karine, Steph's friend whose family is involved in NY FBI, was wearing an exact imitation of what I told you I would be wearing. She had her hair curled and up in a high ponytail like mine, and red lipstick on like mine, and a leopard print dress on like the one only you had seen me wear, to the neckline and length, and style. She was wearing the same shoes, and she gave Stephanie the exact gift I said I would want to give her, if I could afford it, a large crystal vase from Tiffany's and when Steph opened the gift, Karine looked directly at me, watching for my reaction. She then took Steph out for breakfast and said crap about me along with some social worker friend that was there. That was not a "coincidence" and YOU were the one asking all the questions and getting the info. You were also the one, the ONLY one, I told about when and where I was filing some important legal motions in ORegon, and someone from the Abbey's team "just happened" to be sitting there, waiting ahead of me, and KNEW I was going to file something and then served ME first instead, because they had foreknowledge and anticipated what I was doing. They didn't just "guess" this. They were waiting at the courthouse at a specific time.

You were my "friend" until you had taken me out enough, where you thought I would self-destruct from the different guys you had along, to find me in an intoxicated state. You were the only one who always knew where I was going.

I thought, I can't be certain, and for years, I put off absolute judgement, until that wedding shower, and then your questions afterwards about WHY had I NOT worn what I had told you I was going to wear? which Karine wore to match me. You then began asking questions about how I would least like to die and after getting this information and finding out I was NOT giving you the film or the "book", and after I told you some pyshcologist had said I should be locked up, you never called again. You had everythying you needed, and the assurance, you thought, that a psychologist would say I was nuts and this would cover what you'd done.

You're sick, and you've always been sick, and I'm the only one to know it or who has known it. I know you are one of the most vindicative women I've ever met, and you used to tell ME your plans to make people "pay" for upsetting you. You actually plotted and premeditated how to "get revenge" and you threatened me when you found out I'd let Dick WHittemore know I found out about the one piece of info you gave me, about his synchronized swimmer girlfriend. You then called me and threatened me, and I let it slide but I was more careful after that. the only reason I continued to be "friends" with you was to find out what you were up to. I stopped trusting you years before we quit talking, and I quit calling and you never called or wrote after asking me how I would most hate to die, and I told you torture would be worst.

You plotted against your own ex-boyfriends about how you would make them "pay" and I think you actually thought at some point, maybe you'd take me in and cover me even on your team. The lawyer who offered me a settlement iwth the Abbey with a gag plan, came after I talked to you.

But then I said some things to you that you didn't like, including something about the nun who was raped, and how I wondered if they ever got a taste of their own medicine and suffered the way they made me suffer. You stiffened and became hateful after that.

You were never a "born again christian". You are a baptised catholic who has been screwed up for a long time, and who used me for your own gain and the gain of others, and now you hope to write in as if nothing has happened and you're an old concerned friend.

You know very well who you are and what you are.

I didn't come to my conclusions about you impetuously. I took years. I wanted to be SURE it wasn't someone else, through surveillance, and that could have been going on too, but I knew about you, because you revealed youself through your questions and comments.

Funny how you just disappeared after asking me about torture, and write in now.

Don't write again, bitch. If I see you again, it will be after you've been caught and are being held accountable for what you've done. I don't expect you to ever pay. You have enough connections that you knew you never had to be worried.

I am scared for any man who is close to you, and for those you get close to in any way.

I learned a lot from you though. What you did, you should win an award for. You are so smug, you even write to me now, and pass this all off as my "duress".

It's convenient, the times in my life you've appearred and then disappeared and then appeared. You were only around when you needed information and you were worried about what I was up to.

You'll burn in hell, and it's too bad I'll never have a front row seat to see it. Then again, you may get your repayment in this lifetime on this earth, and that would be true justice.

Do not write on my blog again and do not ever come near me or my son. I will have a restraining order against you so fast your head will swivel.

It's too bad your mother has you for a daughter. She was a sweet woman.

January 10, 2009 3:28 PM

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