Saturday, January 10, 2009

Last Night Surveillance & Christa Connections

I want to say, something is stirring. I get this email from Christa this morning, and last night I went out for a walk and there was a ton of obvious surviellance.

I either wrote something that concerned someone, in a poem or in what I said I was going to write about next, that has someone concerned.

I don't know what it is, but there is a reason these things are happening. Maybe it's the info about Chris Dabney, I don't know. Mabye the info about what happened at ER, or maybe the poem I wrote about Kara-Corrine.

Not to mention, at this point, this is no small thing. This has involved parts of the FBI, and involved their attempt to hide obstruction of justice. Christa was the only one I told I wanted to join the FBI as a lawyer, and then I wrote them and then after telling her this, suddenly I meet Bujanda and Garza. She wanted all the information about what I wanted to do with the FBI.

This is a totally random, completely unlikely tangent, but it's crossed my mind maybe once, that someone was targeting my cars and property because I had told Christa something about Kaempf being "German" and a "Nazi". I have wondered what the Schneider's connections were, if there are any, to an old Nazi group, because I told Christa I was meetihng this German guy for dinner but joked about him and she didn't seem to like it. No one knew where I was going except Christa. After dinner with the guy, who acted cold almost as if he'd overheard my jokes about him, I walked to my car and my tires were all savagely slashed in broad daylight. I had to call Triple A and there began a series of massive car vandalisms and break ins to my apartment. No one knew where I was going to meet this guy for dinner except Christa or knew what my car looked like. I sensed it was a planned, but didn't know until it kept happening, like every single week. I met Christa right before Fr. Joachim warned me by email that I was in "danger dire" and to keep quiet or my life might be endangered. He was antsy about my going out with Christa but I ignored him. He was the one threatening me, warning me "you don't want your good name dragged through the mud do you?" so I didn't pay him as much heed as I became afraid of HIM, that he would threaten me and start lying about me and writing cover emails after he'd known me a full year and counseled me.

So because I'd made cracks about the guy being German and that I hoped he wasn't a nazi or from Nazi lineage, and said something about Kaempf (who is German) as well, I wondered if it was some kind of skinhead attack.

Then, I never thought about it again until I met Chris Dabney, and someone told me his tatoos were skinhead tatoos. He didn't seem to be a skinhead or racist so I thought it was a hipster statement, of irony. He had tatoos on his chest with the number "13" and on the computer the table "13" was blocked out. It was supposed to be blocked out for bad luck. 13 is also a mafia number, mafia knows, but I didn't get this feeling from him. At first, I did note racist comments from him and his partner Niki, but I figured if anything it was a cover for undercover work because SOMEHOW, Chris had inside information on me, and he only got it one of TWO places. If he is NOT intelligence of any kind, he was getting information about me from Abbey people or those who have started all this mess against me.

At this point, when I have so many people in government or governnment related offices who are refusing to honor even my basic rights of giving me evidence, I strongly question who is behind this and the confidence that some have acquired, in breaking the law and keeping documents and evidence from me.

If I were NOT a "threat" these groups would have NO reason to keep information from me. I would have recieved documents for discovery, for my case file, for a number of things. Every single thing never reaches me, including records from this case for dependency.

At this point, I know I've lost my son. There is no way these people will let me have my son, when they flagrantly break the law on so many things, and refuse me the right to challenge what is going on.

Going for a psychological evaluation by anyone there will only be used against me to permanently take my son from me. The only way I'm going to get my son back, at all, is to get assistance from another country that believes me and knows I am fully in need of political asylum. This is out of hand and there are plenty of people who know this.

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