Saturday, January 3, 2009

Crazy Cab Driver Lady From PGH

i will have to write about some of the other odd things that happened at PGH. when i left, the cab driver and the people in the waiting room.

i asked the receptionist to call a cab for me. all the staff knew i was going to have to call a cab because i didn't have my roommate's number with me and they'd lied claiming he never tried calling me when he did. they knew, long ahead of time, that I'd have to call a cab, and when they called for me, the woman who arrived was a woman i had received a ride from in either washington or oregon.

it was the same women because i commented about her a long time ago, and it was the same car, with the glass in the middle and the st. michael the archangel sticker and she did the devil-casting-out weird stuff again.

the woman had short reddish blond hair with bangs and i asked her why the cab had a thick plastic glass type of partition and then noticed the st. michael the archangel sticker to the right side. it was just like this cab i'd commented on in either OR or WA but I can't remember which right now. when i said i thought i was going to get another cab, she freaked out and started casting out devils, literally, chanting some kind of catholic stuff, and yelling. the woman was not "okay".

totally weird. and then the woman who was there in the waiting room, who knew the other guy who kept looking over at me and laughing and i saw them give eachother looks of recognition and then she asked me if i "knew the lord", specifically, "do you know the lord?" with a smirk, which didn't bother me but i remembered i had told christa how much it bothered me when someone said this to me.

i had told christa how much it bothered me then, when someone was always asking "do you know the lord?" i don't care now, and it doesn't bother me, but it was like this woman came in to specifically ask me this question, and she wasn't sick and didn't come into ER with someone who was sick. she didn't even check in. she just sat in a chair and then asked me, deliberately, this question, while looking over at the other guy with dreadlocks who was just laughing and making fun of me (i've no idea why bc i didn't know him at all).

anyway, why would that driver be all the way across the united states, in maryland? with the same car? it doesn't make any sense. i asked the receptionist to the hospital to call another cab for me and she told me that was the only number they had. the number for the crazy catholic nut lady. the st. michael's sticker totally triggered my memory and then the way the cab driver acted...just weird, weird, weird. this woman was almost like pure evil in a way. it was one of those weird situations where a person is religious, but in the worst sense, where they make their own religion look bad because they're so full of animosity and zealous fanaticism. she seemed to be both very religious and full of hatred at the same time, and it's such an odd combo.

it was like people knew i was there, and would be checking out, and someone just wanted to find a way to harass me on my way out.

i hope someone comes forward to validate my claims, because a lot of time and energy has gone into harassing me and it has to stop. i've told people i am not safe and that bad things have happened to me and my son because of others and I believe my last baby died because of this as well. i have people still trying to screw with me. they hate me with a pure vengeful hatred. sheer, pit of hell, hatred.

Oh, and to make sure this is on the record here, when i finally got another woman to call for a cab from a different service for me, he picked me up and on the way to my house, he was almost ran into, on the side, by a speeding car with hispanic men. we were very nearly hit. it happened at the cross street right before my street, just a few houses away from my house. the men in the car who were speeding made no attempt to slow down at sight of our car and my driver had to swerve and speed up out of the way. we were within inches, literally, of being hit.

not only this, it took TWO HOURS ? to drive diana 3.25 miles to the hospital? this does not make any sense at all. there is no excuse or reason for taking this long, even if she needed transfusion or stabilization for blood pressure. it was 3.25 miles away. she had every chance of being saved and staying alive if she'd been to the hospital in time.

i wonder what she went through in that ambulance.

i know how i felt when i knew i needed a blood transfusion and the machine wouldn't work, for over a half hour, and no one was calling for help or for a doctor. i placed a call myself and the other hospital was concerned and perplexed and all of a sudden, it started to work. i called before i passed out, because i didn't trust my care at that hospital and wanted someone else to know what was going on in case i did pass out. i wonder what diana witnessed prior to her death. if someone had stalled on my receipt of blood transfusion, what would have happened to me? why the hell did it take 2 hours, for was like someone was buying time and stalling to ensure her death.

i do not think the queen was involved at all. i actually think that despite the findings of the inquiry, she leans towards believing diana was killed intentionally. the queen is wise enough to know about things most people don't know about, and is also wise enough to keep her mouth shut (unlike me). she wouldn't admit to any of us or the media, that she thinks diana was killed. i don't know that she'd even tell william and harry what she really thought. i think the queen would keep it to herself or maybe tell one trusted person and that's it.

listening to olivia newton..."let's get physical"

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