Saturday, January 3, 2009

Caroline Kennedy for Secretary of State

I was confused when I said I supported Kennedy running for Secretary of State. She was, it was pointed out to me, running for Senate to fill Hillary's spot. But I think Hillary should stay in the Senate and work on domestic matters, and that Kennedy should take the Secretary of State position.

Can Kennedy jump to this position? Is it required to first work in Senate?

My concerns about Hillary are still the same. While I like her, woman to woman, and like her woman's rights record, I don't like what I've seen with her Bill alliance and how they handle politics. They are both lawyers, and they didn't get their starts working in civil suits and civil justice like Obama--they worked for corporate firms and private practice.

They have a history of deceipt, which is nothing new with lawyers, but is important with regard to the public trust. They totally trashed Lewinsky, and I don't forgive them for this, because I cannot remember when Bill or either one of them apologized to Lewinsky or to the public, for slandering her and for lying to us.

I had someone ask me, since I've been in the D.C. area, if I knew Lewinsky personally. I don't remember who this person was and what their position was, but they kept asking questions. I told them I didn't know her at all and I don't know people who know her either. But I think what was done to her was wrong so I've stood up for her. I believe the best thing Bill and Hillary could do for themselves, their careers, and for Lewinsky and in the sight of God, would be to apologize for trashing Monica. If they apologized, or rather, Bill did, I could take them seriously again and feel maybe they've learned something from their mistakes. But Bill has made no apologies and to me that signifies the arrogance and inability to admit fault, or to make amends. It shows a cover-my-ass mentality that doesn't serve the public very well. I'm not saying Lewinsky was an innocent, but she WAS very young, and an intern of Clinton's besides, and what happened really amounts to sexual harassment and yet she never pursued this and no one else pursued this on her behalf. And then Clinton not only lied and trashed Lewinsky, but REALLY trashed Paula Jones as well. If the Monica story had never come out, we'd have all believed Paula was some trailer-trash and just vindictive, not knowing Bill had a pattern of going after women who worked for him. I think Bill needs to apologize to both Monica and Paula, and I'm sorry, but even Hillary...Hillary, if you're going to be a role model for the rights of women, you're not going to "stand by your man" like some kind of Tammy Wynette, when he trashes other women. You could speak up for the rights to healthcare of women around the world, but when you're covering for your husband, who abuses and trashes women's rights, including your OWN rights, it doesn't look good.

I think Bill's collections from other countries poses a conflict of interest, and why in the world would Obama hire someone for Sect. of State who has constantly alienated other countries with emotional comments about obliterating the iranians and putin's kgb inability to possess a soul. She's good with domestic work, but I don't see how giving her proximity to intelligence and diplomacy is going to be good for this country, given her comments. I like what she's done for women around the world, but she could still do this, and work with the UN while she's in Senate.

I do not see Kennedy as a Senate woman. Caroline is going to have to work very hard to gain the trust of New Yorkers who like the direct and forthcoming style of Clinton. Clinton has done a good job for New York. Caroline has a totally different personality and style, which I think is better suited to international politics than domestic affairs.

I wouldn't be opposed to giving Hillary a HIGHER position in the domestic sphere, but not one that is so entangled with international affairs.

I think other countries would like Kennedy and would choose her over Clinton, for Secretary of State. I think Kennedy is more trustworthy than Clinton, and I say this, despite what some think is my anti-catholic position. Like I've said, I'm not the one who is against any particular religion--I just know which group's members (some) have attacked me most. But Clinton, anyway, is Methodist and that means nothing to me, because I still look at the track record.

I would put Kennedy at the Secretary of State job. If Obama can be President when he's still learning the ropes, so should a woman be given the same faith in her ability to learn quickly.

I don't know if she'd want the Sect. of State position and how it would differ from Senate, but I just think she is better suited to international-domestic affairs and that Hillary should stay on home base for New York.

Hillary's personality seems to be, my wild guess...ESFJ or maybe ENFJ. I would say she's more of a thinker than a feeler, but I think although she doesn't appear to be "soft" her comments off the cuff indicate more of an emotional nature. I would say Kennedy would be, maybe, an INFP. Which would be extremely rare, maybe she's more of an INTP. I haven't seen or watched enough of her to guess. She stays out of the limelight, so seems I, I don't know enough about her to guess N or S but if she likes parlor games like charades I would say more N than S, and then I don't know enough to guess whether she's T or F. I feel more confident that she's a P than a J but I could be wrong about that. She seems like someone who takes her time drawing conclusions, who wants all the information first.

I don't think other nations will respect Hillary as the "top diplomat" for our country. I think many other nations will be unable to trust her, and will believe she takes sides too hastily. If her job is to dialogue with other nations about U.S. policy, and to stand as a representative for other diplomats, I don't think she'll win their trust when she's already made so many nasty comments, which are prejudicial on a nationality, and ethnicity basis. She and Bill even made some racially insensitive comments during the Obama campaign.

Again though, I could actually even see myself WORKING for someone like Hillary. I think she'd be a fun and fair boss, in general, and I think she'd be hands-off and allow me to be independent. I don't think she has bad character, I just think it's not fully formed until I can see some kind of regret and reformation for the treatment given to other women, Jones' and Lewinsky, by both of the Clintons.

I really did think Hillary did the right thing by hanging in, during the campaign and not allowing people to bully her and I have immense respect for her for that. She won my vote for the next round, by showing she had the strength to not give up.

I am wondering if Kennedy is positioning for the Senate so she can later run for President? Because that's where Hillary was first. Maybe Kennedy or her advisors are encouraging her to take a Senate seat in order to go for Presidency next.

At any rate, I will vote for you, Hillary, if you guys can give public apologies to the women whose names you've trashed: Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. You do that, and I will believe you've changed, as a team, for the better, and that you will be able to care for the interests of all women, not just the ones who have never threatened your careers.

I don't know though, I think there are also others in the shadows, who would do a very good job, who were not born into politics with name recognition. When it comes to names I know, I'd choose Kennedy over Clinton for Sect. of State. But when it comes to the position in general, no one in America really knows anything about the other contenders. The others never get the media coverage and that isn't fair.

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