Friday, January 16, 2009

Dabney...And former housemates Tomorrow

I am setting aside this post for Dabney. I can't remember if I've already done it, but I just think it's necessary. It's been put off too long and it's important information.

Also, I have to write about the crazy accusations for the "restraining order" this one woman filed. It's so crazy, and I know it's not true, I almost don't even care and would walk away from it. But I'm going to address it, because for the record, someone needs to know how off the wall she is.

I also have serious concerns about the honesty and some things going on with former housemates, and the involvement they had with police, but today, several people told me the police over there are notoriously corrupt. I didn't know that. I was told, by several black AND white people, that people who have lived in the area know this.
So I was glad to hear it's at least been noted. I'll have to address this tomorrow.

As for Dabney, I feel very sad about thinking of writing more about him. I actually feel bad about it, and it's prevented me from getting it done, because I just feel bad for him and wonder what he was thinking and why he chose to say the things he said and do some of the things he did. I really cared about him, and it has made me more of a person, and a better person, despite the disappointment. It makes me feel sick to get into some of these things, and I keep hoping he was just saying shit and getting info on me as a cover to infiltrate who is pulling the crap on me, but I don't have this evidence. All of my evidence, points to the opposite idea. So it makes me sad to disclose things, and something holds me back, and then I just think about the crazy things he said and it spells major trouble, so how could I withhold? what if revealing is informationn someone needs who just might be investigating?

So, I will do it, but not with relish.

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