Friday, January 16, 2009

Obama's Inauguration & My Feminism

I like Obama. I've liked him from the start. I've written harsh things and angry things, but you know what, I'm real with my feelings, and I am pretty good at projectives.

I said Obama was going to be it, when so many were still going for Hillary and didn't like him, and he is it. I said Lady Gaga was going to be the next up and coming singer, when I heard her, before she broke into the U.S. market with releases, and I was right--I heard she hit fucking #1 with her first release.

I can see the future quite well, for myself and others, and how things will play out. It would be fun to be some kind of forecaster but how do you get a job like that?

At any rate, I also felt for Obama on his letter to his daughter's and for his wife, because I sort of understand. Michelle is looking really good and classic (liked the black and white sheath) and Hillary is actually looking better than I think she's EVER looked.

Hillary is like a woman renewed in a lot of ways, even if I still want her and Bill to apologize to Paula Jones and Lewinsky. Her suits and jewelry completely enhance her and it happened sometime during her campaign. I just started noticing how good she looked.

So, I'm saying some good things now, but I don't take back any of the jokes or harsher stuff, because why the hell can a MAN wisecrack and not be offensive, but a woman canNOT?

I tend to write in an aggressive way and sometimes, seeing humor in others, but I have realized, if I were a man, I would NEVER get the notice or flack I do for simply being a woman. It seems there are a lot of women out there who want to claim they are all this, and professionals and a modern woman, but they are afraid of ever saying one thing publicly, out of fear it will be held against them. Where did all these opinionless women go? and why are they hiding in mosh groups? I just see the gossip moshers, and those who are comfortable with the status quo, who will be aggressive, but not in a spirited debate style, or funny way, but in a mean way, where they are just sniping behind backs. I don't understand that. It must be a form of defense, but I actually miss the women I used to know, who were willing to stand up for a good thing, and speak out and loudly, and take criticism and being laughed at in a jousting way.

Seriously, if I were a man saying and doing all the things I've done in the last few years, I would not have even been noticed or disparaged. I have mainly been harassed and it's flown, because of society's expectations of women, still. Which is too bad. I guess, if I'd been a man, someone could say I sounded gay, with some of my remarks, but my more direct style or anger and desire to hold people accountable and be accountable, wouldn't be a big deal.

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