Saturday, January 10, 2009

Explanation for Interest in Diana Inquest

I sort of wrote an appeal to harry and william, which may look crazy, but it's not, when I can prove I'm uncovering things other reporters have neglected to look into.

I know I'm on the right track. I have been given some of my own experiences, to be able to be in a position to fully believe Diana and imagine the possibilities.

I'm sitting here listening to 80s radio on lastfm. At any rate, I think I was given some encouragement by the things I've found in just very preliminary examinations of some of the material.

After just the small bit I've read, and seeing how important information was withheld from even such a large and public inquest, I wonder how in the world anyone can believe this was an "accident". It's just easier to believe, is all, for all these people who don't realize how things are premeditated and people are bumped off these days, very carefully.

No one would have dared do what they did to me and my son without feeling they first had an alibi of my "mental instability" to discredit my claims with. They had to build a cover before they could go through with anything. I had told so many I might be killed and there was enough evidence of break-ins and vandalisms, my actual "death" would have been more suspicious than torturing me and my son and knowing no one would believe me. It was far easier to get away with than creating suspicion with my "disappearance" or death. Even trying to fake a suicide would have been difficult because I told so many people that if it ever looked like suicide, don't believe it, because I was worried someone would try to use this.

The easiest thing to do, to harm me and my son and bury me alive, was to torture us and then prevent us from getting diagnostics to prove it, and relying upon a "mental illness" to cover and conceal my claims about what was happening. I'm sure it's more satisfying to sadists, besides, to watch the aftermath, and get a sense of pride out of what they've done. These people were not just hit men, they are sadists and wanted to watch me and my son suffer.

Having gone through what I've gone through, and seeing what levels this has gone to, even seeing what happened with the multiple equipment failures at the PGH which killed my babies--none of this was normal and I don't think it was coincidence. Too many bizarre things have happened. I'm actually shocked there are regular people who don't think these things are odd.

First it was that I was mentally ill, and now lately, I've heard, I'm "a liar". I guess this is to explain or cover for my seeming "mentally sane" status now. So if I sound a little "out there" they'll claim mental illness and if I'm sounding far too stable or halfway normal (if still creative), I'm a "liar" and I "lie a lot". I have never heard anyone describe me as dishonest before until I was last at ER. I was surprised and realized although I've a great track record for my honesty, because of having to lie a few times to uncover the truth or to protect innocents, I've given some "ground" to enemies to claim I've "lied" in the past. So I must write a post describing the very few times I have "lied" and how each instance lines up precisely to my policy for when it's okay to lie--which is never to cover for myself or to make myself sound better than I am or make excuses for my actions, wrong or right. I have lied on specific occasions, and each time lines up with my self-given policy.

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