Saturday, January 10, 2009

For William & Harry: New Inquest for Princess Diana

I shall be making some notes, from time to time, about my observations from the official inquest records and other things.

It appears, if one is to go by a very small sample I've read and investigated, there must be a new inquest for Princess Diana.

The testimonies of the most firsthand on-site witnesses were not taken seriously, and evidence was withheld which cast doubt on the credibility of witnesses presented.

Princess Diana was not killed by a swarm of papapparizi. They were not even in the tunnel at time of impact. She was killed by the same strobe light technique spoken of by former MI6 man Tomlinson, for which information this man has been chased around the world and refused entry to several countries. This was pre-planned and premeditated, and the cover and screen was in place to be exactly what the line was at inquest.

Diana was murdered, and this was a highly organized and sophisticated assasination. How was it ever accepted her partial disembowlment and embalming of her lower half was "NORMAL"? How did this ever pass?

Diana was pregnant and more than one country's intelligence knew this. This has been concealed from the public and most intelligence, and the entire inquest was plied and stuffed with disinformation to point to something the general public could accept and grasp more easily.

It was also easier on her sons, on William and Harry, to accept this version. But I am not an advocate for their feelings, but for the truth and what happened to Diana stinks. The strenuous attempts to cast Diana as unbalanced, in the face of reason, is also evidence that some people had something to cover and wished to discredit her. She was right. William and Harry, you must be prepared to accept whatever the truth is, even if it the worst.

Your mother was murdered. She was assassinated which is harder to find peace with. But you must be willing to fight for your mother. She is not "at peace" while her murderers are at large. I am alive and I know what has been done to me. While on one hand I would want my son to carry on and forget about me and live his life, and take meaning and not dwell on the past, I would be sorry if he doubted his own mother and what her concerns were, and trusted others instead.

I have been accused of the same imbalances, because I chose to take a stand and raised my voice. Your mother was not just an angel and a good mother and a saint. She had risen to the level of "activist" and she was a threat.

I beg you to allow a group to once more, go through every single detail and find out the truth. The mindset must be that the theory of papapparazi accident is untrue. If your mother was killed intentionally, someone will have to go through every document, published and unpublished, even the embarrassing parts.

What is first clear to me, as a "non-professional", but someone who feels close to your mother in spirit and who is able to "sort things out" as she could, even without a degree, is that the inquest findings do not add up. I spent only a half hour on one small part and it didn't add up. Evidence had been withheld.

This is significant. People don't eliminate evidence or withhold evidence unless they are trying to cover for something.

I believe these things so far: 1. She was pregnant, and 2. She was not killed by papparazzi but by hit men, 3. This was organized and planned in advance, 4. The strobe light disorientation theory is plausible and fits most accurately, 5. She was allowed to bleed to death by intentional delay in the ambulance and who knows what else, 6. Her activity with landmines and weapons and activism in weapons of warfare caused anxiety with more than one country, 7. Brenda Wells must be found if she hasn't already, 8. Doubts were cast on Diana's state of mind as an attempt to discredit her rather than cast more suspicions she had reason to fear for her life.

I cannot prove everything, right now, but I've already uncovered one thing. That took a half hour.

I know I can correct all assumptions there was anything drastically wrong with Diana, mentally. I absolutely want and know I will write a book to clear her name with regard to this, and I will castigate those who made these ugly accusations to obstruct justice and conceal crime.

I also believe I am going to find out more about this inquest that was done wrong. I want to be a part, somehow, of going through everything all over and finding all of the mistakes, deliberate or not, and I want to be part of an ongoing investigation to find her killers, no matter how great or powerful this group may be.

I don't know how to contact the right people, because many out there are the wrong people. The only people I feel I can trust, absolutely, are the ones Diana trusted absolutely--her own sons. But there have to be others, and they are all afraid, as I am, of the wolves in sheep's clothing. I am an advocate for Diana and I know God has put this in my heart for a reason. I am not a weird fan-follower. I feel I stumbled upon all of this for a purpose. I never followed Diana news before and preferred Mother Theresa to her. I do not think I am a reincarnation or have some weird identification deal with her. I think I can rightfully claim to understand her better than some, and anyone could see why, if they know my own story and believe me. I want to have a professional part of finding out what happened to her and I believe there is more to come. I'm going to go back and get the names of the man and his wife who made testimony which I read, from official inquest documents, which stood out to me, and I'll fix that post.

I suppose I hope Harry and William somehow read this and will be open to having an independent evaluation of what happened, that they will go on to live their lives but allow others to investigate the methods of the inquest and the evidence. Just as I would want my son to believe in me, when he was taken from me and will be filled with opinions and ideas which are wrong, with the pretense of caring for his mother, I hope Harry and William will be on guard and trust their mother to have known what she was talking about. The oldest trick in the book is to claim an enemy is mentally unbalanced and then to harass and provoke that person until, hopefully, they can create evidence to support their claims.

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