Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fun with Photo Shoot

I'm having a little bit of fun. Got the camera out. I shouldn't be having fun right now--I should be dour and depressed, but, well, I don't know, I can't keep a good woman down??? I don't know what my problem is...I'm far too happy and confident for my own good, well, I'm certainly not over-optimistic, but I think, how can I even be having FUN right now?

I got some photos of my eyes. It's flourescent lighting and there's a glare but the heterochromia does show up enough for proof. It's not the best lighting though. I would have someone else take them, but I'm too shy--I feel more comfortable zooming in on my eyes myself. And then I took a full face shot and thought, "I look like a long-faced, stuck up, old patrician." I sort of do, I think. I must have aged a decade recently. Still okay looking but more like Donald Trump's type, well, not even as cute as that. I did have the attention of another young guy today--college age again. Maybe it's the flourescent lighting, but I think I look very, very, old--older than I do in natural lighting. Oh alright, face it, I'm getting older.

All I need is a little fix up. Maybe they should break my nose and jaw and just give me a whole new look when I do my disappearing act. Unfortunately, someone already has my DNA and fingerprints on file.

Oh, and yeah, I did send letters to competing countries, but I think that means I'm diplomatic right? I really don't consider myself to be an "enemy" of any country. I like all of them, for different reasons, but going to one kind of country, sometimes, means you are in a position of appearing to be enemies with another country. I don't want any country to think I'm against their country. Maybe Nigeria thinks I am bc of latest incident, but no, that was personal and didn't have anything to do with nationality or race for me.

I'll upload the photos after the battery is charged. It has to charge first, because I took a couple photos and then it was dead.

I was just talking, or mentioning Mossad with this guy. There's a spy movie on, which mentioned them so I brought it up, how they're supposed to be renowned and he agreed.

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