Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Spanish Must Suck

I just got a call and I don't know who it was from. Someone I was trying to find work for, pero mi espanol esta no bueno.

How come I don't have a problema en person? my gestures? It's terrible, because I was trying to get his last name and he didn't understand me. I got his first name and I have a list of people I was trying to find work for, so maybe I can find him that way. I told him I'd had to move locations because of domestic violence, and didn't know if I could help without a carro, pero I told him maybe si possible por mi mira y communication de telefono.

Mi grammatico esta horrible. Mi pronunciation esta okay. I met dos mujeres para Mexico esta dia y no problemas, y yo pregunte ella, "que tu pense de guerra de drugas, or violencia orrita para drugas? tu pense Calderon esta en drugas or no? y que tu pense esta el solution?" and ella comprende me, si con difficiles pocito.

No sabes si esta person quien telefonome esta para trabajas or esta person yo conoce, so it's a problem.

I think mi espanol esta okay pero then I think, when yo escuche the dial tone, "My Spanish SUCKS." I asked him, "tu tienes papeles para trabajas?" y el medicime, "No." so then I think, "hmm, quien esta?" porque I told the people I met, "esta necessario por ti tienes papeles porque esta problema para mi si no. Quiero mira por trabajas para TODOS personnas, pero esta problema por me si no legales, porque yo tengo bebe ye si tengo problems con la policia, esta problemo para mi familia."

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