Friday, January 30, 2009

Letter To My Son

Dear Oliver,

I wanted you to know I am thinking about you every day, at every hour and every minute, and as the time passes, I only want to see you more and am more determined we will be together.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

So much bad luck, but then sometimes a few good things come through at the last minute. I don't know how anything will turn out for sure, and I'm sure I will be duped again, and again, but every single time anyone tries to derail me and get me off track from getting you back, I turn back to the course, or take a new direction in order to find the right one. I know the right course is not to give in to corruption, and this makes everything more difficult, but it is worth it in the end. It means I fight harder for you, not less.

You're going to see me very soon, and I am going to be arriving with a private lawyer. I am coming to visit you and take you back, not for anyone else. If I can file a case for corruption or violation of rules of civil procedure outside of the state of WA, I am going to do this and that's what I'm checking into now. I am not wasting any time, I am not stalling, or delaying...I am doing the best that I can, given every single obstacle, to get the information I need to find out what the best possible solution is, at the last minute.

I still know there are grounds for other cases which have statutes that will not expire anytime soon, but that's a last resort.

Do not let anyone take anything from you that they have no right to. I have had people try to take so much, and there are many things I give away voluntarily, but you decide, for yourself, what is acceptable and unacceptable and you fight to the end, to ensure what belongs to you stays with you or is returned.

This includes any kind of violation of privacy. Information YOU choose to reveal and give out, should be done at your discretion. If anyone violates this right or attempts to violate your right to personal privacy on certain matters, do not give in and do not give up.

I am not a ward of the state and neither are you. You will be accountable to yourself, and to God alone, and I am only accountable to God, myself, and those who are given to me to care for, as a part of my natural and inalienable rights.

There are some enemies in life you may never make amends with and will want to distance yourself from. Others, will have to be seduced and encouraged to be your friend, not for your sake alone, but for the sake of many who have to put aside differences in order to establish the changes which need to be made, and I am thinking namely of the state of this country.

I love you and think about you all the time. I am getting you back the right way, the way which is guaranteed by law and by our constitution and Bill of Rights and I will not give up until I complete my mission of finding the help we need to enforce our rights and hold others accountable for corruption.

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