Friday, January 30, 2009

Princely Count?

I wonder if I saw him the other day. I only thought maybe because one eye was very different, like the womans eye, sort of marbled, it was the right eye. But there are contacts for that. He was very tall besides, and wore a long black jacket.

Very handsome, and stood behind me in a line and I just wondered because I noticed the eye, and I'm farsighted, so it was more defined than my heterochromia.


  1. Hi Cameo!

    Your Princely Count Vitus Sebastian Barbaro has been a hot topic lately within another blog!

    It appears that Avoision never took any time to find out about PCVSB's history. They posted a rather dumb remark about his upgrade notice of going from Baron Albergo to Princely Count Barbaro.

    Five years later, a troller found it and used it to pull a prank on Avoision, pretending to be a newspaper official who was going to sue Avoision for posting a picture of the notice without authorization. Avoision took the bait and was asking to bring on the legal papers in some false sense of bravado. The troller made Avoision look so ridiculous!

    So what do you think Cameo- was it due karma for Avoision's rudeness. I think so- the universe has its ways you know. Or maybe it was a warning to not play games with the 5th Princely Count of the Grand Principality of Transylvania- kind of like playing with fire, one is just asking for trouble.

    If anything, this gives new meaning to me on the concept of a dish served cold- I wonder if Princely Count Vitus Sebastian Barbaro thinks its sweet?

    So Cameo, have you snagged that hot princely count of yours- when's the wedding, I haven't gotten my invite yet!

  2. hahaha! I love this post. Thank you. You have a way with words besides. You should be on your way to writing a book or play. A play I think! Sort of a gossip, "W" magazine, merging with Merchant Ivory productions.

    Albergo/Alvaro and Barbaro/Barbosa. Weird coincidence. But what do I think? I don't have enough information for forming an opinion.

    Haven't snagged anything since I took my ring off, I must say.

    Keep me posted.
