Thursday, January 15, 2009

Living Situation & Mr. Transylvania's Catch

Yeah, grim. But, I can attest, once again, I have never had to "sell" any part of myself, not even my "soul". ;)

I was in very good luck after my bad luck, to meet some nice guys who are perfect gentlemen, in every sense of the word, and...federal employees to boot.

Hmmm. Anyway, I will not say anything to reveal them at all, but they have told me some interesting stories about corruption in the D.C. area--what people will do for a slip of a few bucks in the palm of the hand.

I have the worst luck and the best luck all at once. I thank God, and this morning, I thanked God.

Hey, and whaddya know, I may even get a photo shoot of my sectoral heterochromia. That's it of course. But they have a camera so I'll bet I can get those photos and load them. I don't know what they'd think about the IV line with the bag and the blood...yuck. But maybe I'll be able to photograph that too, and get it online.

I'm the perfect match for Mr. Princely Translyvania...sectoral heterochromia and fresh blood. Emm, and old blood? is he picky???

I looked like hell yesterday, but today I curled my hair and put on make-up. 100% improved. And then I saw this very goodlooking older Italian (I'm sure, because of the eyes) man at McDonalds today. Which is why I though about the eyes and princely conversation about the Italian. When I say the "eyes", I mean this...

With what I call the typical "Irish eye" it's sort of deeper set, but slanted, which I think makes for a twinkling crinkly quality, especially when laughing. There isn't as much of an upper lid. With an "Italian eye" (sort of general but not always the case) there is the heavier upper lid, usually warm brown eye with a more rounded appearance, and sometimes a bit of a shadow beneath the eye. Then there's the "German eye" or whatever, which Granny has, which is a lot like the Italian eye, but lighter. Blue, but with the heavier upper lid.

My eyes are not anything special except, I guess, for the small brown spot that makes them heterochromia. You will see, because I'll upload a close-up to capture the spot.

Anyway, these other guys trust me, I think they could tell what I was about after I'd had one drink. I haven't had anything to drink, really, for about 3-4 months, so I was quite honest after just one vodka. I'm sure they could see right through me. It's a truth tonic, that demon liquor.

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