Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pathology & Whereabouts of James River Garrett

At last contact, PG hospital was still trying to refuse to release my son to the requesting funeral home that was able to keep the fetus preserved until independent pathology was done.

I had contacted an attorney who called me again today, and inquired and I told him I'd been trying to find out what was going on, because the funeral home guy had called and said PG refused to release it until I signed a form and I had already signed a form; I made certain I did so before I took one foot out of that hospital, and the form was in triplicate carbon copy, AND it was not just thrown on a desk or filed absentmindedly--the head administration nurse in charge, whose photo I found online for director's of the hospital, read what I had written.

I watched her reading the form and what I'd written, before I left the hospital. I specifically indicated PG was NOT to do any pathology or autopsy but was to keep it preserved for release to ________, and I gave his name and phone number, where, I wrote, the fetus would be preserved for an independent pathology. So, I clearly wrote PG was NOT to destroy or do anything with the fetus until it was transfered, and 2. I stated the fetus was to be released to a specific funeral home that had preservation capabilities, and 3. I stated what I wished to have this funeral home do--preserve the fetus for independent pathology. It was clear, direct, to-the-point, and specific.

PG was trying to tell the funeral home guy, that I needed to sign a release, and I'd already signed the release and they had a copy. I told the funeral director this and he said he'd call again and let them know.

As for what happened prior to signing the form, several nurses went to GREAT lengths to try to refuse me a phonebook, and a form regarding the pathology or what I wanted done with James. I had been inquiring and telling doctors and nurses, from the point of miscarrying and viewing James myself, that I wanted to be sure he was preserved for later pathology by another group. I repeated this many times, to everyone, more than once.

During this time, I had at least one nurse say to me it was odd I had not been given the form for indicating what I wanted done with the fetus. I didn't know what she meant, and she said they should have given me a form.

So I kept asking for that form, from that point on, and they refused to give it to me. THEN, at the very end, after I got a phonebook, they were trying to prevent me from calling to make arrangements before leaving. I knew, based on their actions, I needed to have things written down before I left. So they cut my phone line off, but not before I got the name of this funeral director through another person (who wanted to help but didn't have a cooler or what was needed for preservation). I made quick work in getting ahold of the secretary and confirming I was releasing this baby to the care of their place.

Then, one of the nurses took away the form after another nurse gave it to me. I asked to have it back and she told me I couldn't have it and they were not required to give me any form and that the fetus was THEIR PROPERTY and PG could do WHATEVER they wanted with it. I said this wasn't true and clarified I had a right to decide what was done with the fetus. This other nurse kept yelling at me telling me it was the "product of conception" and was some kind of scientific "part" that belonged to THEM, and I couldn't make any decisions.

At the very last minute, someone decided I couldn't have the triplicate form and made a photocopy of the front page and said I could sign that and give it back to them. They didn't want me to have my own copy. So I said, no, I wanted the other form, and then the administrative nurse who arrived, gave, or instructed that I be given the triplicate form, and I peeled off the last page which was yellow and kept it and left the white and pink pages to them.

I left the hospital, with the rights to my decision regarding James, intact.

It was clear, what I had decided, and yet even after I left, I was told the funeral director was being lied to by PG or given wrong information.

So as of today, a lawyer I talked to THEN, called me again and is making inquiry for me.

As I said before, I believe PG wanted James to deteriorate, so no one could do a pathology. As of today, I do not know where he is, although he should have, according to law, been transfered immediately, to the funeral home of my specification, when the director called to request.

UPDATE: I just found out from the funeral director, that the PG was telling HIM that I was never "registered" there. They couldn't "find" my registration, AT ALL, according to THEM, and I believe the funeral director because I know how much they lied at PG. I gave him both of my registration names and they said there was nothing at all, and I know when I went in a second time, they couldn't find my registration for the first time, when I went in and had the MRI which killed my baby.

So now he's, the funeral director, calling them again and I'm faxing him ANOTHER form of release, but I told him they have to have something there, because I know for a fact I signed it and they received not one, but two copies.

At this point, I think PG should be sued for everything they've done, including withholding the release of my baby, and all of the other intentional "mishaps" that occured there, which include the fact they cannot allegedly find my "registration" for the first visit, which was witnessed by more than one person.

So what are they claiming next? I was never registered and never had a fucking MRI? I want to know where the MRI record is because if it's gone, this is absolute corruption.

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