Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assaulted for Being A "White Girl With Balls"

I believe I have further grounds for political asylum and persecution reasons, as of yesterday and today.

The police, I have confirmed, instructed the landlord of my residence, to file and make up a false claim against me for restraining order when she couldn't legally have me removed and was told the law says she has to give me 30 days.

First, this officer, or two of them, harassed me and pressured me to leave, against the law, and threatening me, one of them saying, "How are we going to do this? Am I going to have to use force?" This was the second group that came in yesterday. Apparently, after I refused to leave, knowing my rights were secure, these officers instructed this woman, the Nigerian "politican", to file a restraining order against me to get me out. So she made up some incredulous lies, in bad grammar, and filed it with the commissioner, in a town or county which she has contacts in. Before she did this, last night she threatened me, saying, "Do you know who I AM?" and telling me she had connections and was going to harm me and my reputation if I didn't leave. She insulted me and yelled at me all night, coming at me and parking a chair next to me when I was minding my own business at the computer. Then she had the computer disconnected. She told me she was racist and not afraid to say so, and that what was a "white girl" doing trying to get with her "black son" and went on and on. She insulted me with everything in the book. I responded to her racial comments with, "I'm sorry you feel that way; I'm not racist and I'm surprised you would be proud to be." She said, "YOUR family wouldn't let a black man stay in YOUR house." On and on, all night, and then she left, and on the restraining order, temporary one, she made wild accusations and admitted the officers had told her to file this.

I was completely unaware this was being done, but while she was gone, her friend came over and physically assaulted me. I am not kidding. I had to call police and they all lied, but I had voice recorded what happened. I told the officer, I had this, and showed him and instead of doing anything about it, he REFUSED to even make a report that this woman had assaulted me.

This woman sat there, and told me she was a paralegal and listened politely and I thought she was a normal person, until later, when I heard her making racist comments. She and the others there started mocking the fact that I'd had a miscarriage and I began to cry, and they made racist comments and I said, "Why would you laugh and make fun of someone for having a miscarriage? I wouldn't do this to you, no matter what you did to me, and you tell me you're proud of being racist, and why would you even be proud of that? I'm not racist, and I'm proud I'm NOT." I had no way of knowing this would infuriate this other woman, but she leapt out of her chair, slammed the door into me, grabbed me by both arms and steered me across the room to the couch, and then pushed me in the lower back, hard. Then turned around, joined the group and laughed. I thought about showing her the tape recorder, which was on, to protect myself, and see if she stopped, but decided against it, thinking last minute she might grab it and destroy it.

I called for police and she kept wanting the person with her to leave with her. She didn't want to be there. She said to them, which I overheard, that if she stayed, "I might be going to jail" and then said, "That white girl follows the law, I don't care about the law." and then she said, "I got to hand it to her though, she's got balls. For a white girl, she's got balls."

I don't know how anyone came to that conclusion, except for the fact that I stood up for myself not to leave when the black officer was bullying me to leave, agaisnt the law, because he must have known this woman from Nigeria (whose face is on a commmittee thing with the county police), and I also told them what the law was, calmly.

I never yelled. I calmly tried to explain and they just freaked out more. They kept saying they were NOT going to give me any "30 day notice" even though I was entitled to it, by law, and they'd had people tell them this. They started putting new locks on besides, I supposed feeling certain they would kick me out, with no notice, while I was sick, one way or the other, no matter how dishonest they had to be, and what they had to do.

I am telling you what, right after this, a "black" woman helped me and couldn't believe what happened, and I can't imagine anyone lying the way they did. Even the son, who I had thought was some fresh-faced guy, lied. He flat-out lied about things he didn't even NEED to lie about, about things he could be CAUGHT lying about.

Basically, what they did was retaliation, and they were prepared to use illegal means, lies, and police they knew who were corrupt, to acheive what they wanted.

I did not lie about them. No matter what they did to me, I didn't exaggerate their faults, or actions.

Oh, by the way, they weren't "catholic" as far as I know. This woman and her son kept telling me they were "christian." The other black woman I was with later, laughed out loud and said obviously they weren't for real.

These people also told police they'd never seen any mail coming to the house for me. I checked upstairs and they hadn't, and they had no reason to lie. They are just normal tenants and helped me with use of a computer.

I had thought people were not mailing me things, but I at least know some people WERE, but my mail was deliberately and illegally withheld from me.

I gave the correct address.

I have more to say tomorrow.

I have a lot more to say tomorrow, but I also want to apologize to my hispanic friends I made, who I was helping to find jobs, and who, I think, mainly, have my back. I know there are many who don't like me, but I have a lot of postive confidence in the hispanic groups and I'm rooting for Mexico to pull their people together and stop fighting eachother--I think they can be a very strong and independent economy all on their own. There are people holding them down, I believe, even when they cross borders to try to get ahead over here in the states.

I am still not feeling very well, but I'm not going to any of the hospitals I've gone to previously. I would rather go elsewhere and have follow up care. And I'm not in a homeless shelter, and I'm taking nothing from the state, and I'm making friends as I go along.

I have proven, once again, and more than once, that I can pull things together fast, when odds are stacked against me and my enemies outnumber and outresource me. I owe this to me, to God, and to those who extend a hand along the way. What I take from this, is pride that I was the one who was willing to follow the law and rules, and who was calm, and who did not lie to cover myself or harm someone--not even my enemies. They did horrible things, and I held my head high.

You can say it again, and next time, I want you to say it louder honey:

"I got to hand it to her, for a white girl, she has balls."

I wish I could say the same for you, that you deserve some kind of credit, but I'm not without hope you can't change. Your prejudice is inborn, not justified, and your morals are the result of never being taught what it is to have straight ethics in the first place.

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