Tuesday, January 13, 2009

UPDATE on Nigerian "Politician"

Update: So I went to bed, where I've been sleeping for over a month, because I was tired, and this woman comes in and lies, and says it's HER room and she's been "sleeping in the street" (?!) and that she wants this room and bed back.

So, given I at least feel sorry for this woman, and how she's treated ME, even though I know and believe I have a right to stay in the same room I was always stayed in, I told her I was going to move out, out of respect for the elderly.

So I did, I moved my things to a couch. And she is claiming she wants to stay in the same house her son AB told me, she NEVER ONCE stayed in. All these years, coming back and forth from Nigeria, she never stayed at this house, according to AB and always preferred to stay at a hotel, but NOW she suddenly wants to stay in the room and in this bed, and she's GOING OFF.

I moved out of bed, when I'm totally sick and don't feel well, and was misled into I guess what is starting to sound like some fraudulent sham set-up, and she just goes off, insulting me, and she won't even allow me to calmly explain to her who I am and clear up at least a few things for her.

She has spouted off a TON of racial comments, about her son and the "white girl" and came towards me with those nails, and honestly, I didn't want to do how they fight in Nigeria. I don't even know if she's a U.S. citizen at this point, or a Nigerian citizen?

So she's decided to clean the whole house tonight, out of this rage, and has swept a bunch of crap that was there before I was ever here.

Oh my God, now she's said, "You're such a nice person...I don't know why your family doesn't..." It's like Jekyl and Hyde mode. Before she kicked me out of my sick bed, she made a point of telling me SHE was a nice person and then screamed at me all these insults.

She tried to get me off the computer, saying I couldn't use it, but I think I may have an argument for using it. It was conditional, when I said I would stay here, that I have use of a computer and I have used it every single day. It's my only form of contacting people, and it was a very specific condition to whether I moved here or not. If someone had told me how this was going to turn out, I never would have bothered with the hassle--I allowed someone to "help me" and it's turned out to be a huge headache. I was even going to try to give him money as a gift, which I didn't have to, but I spent all of my own SAVINGS paying for my own food, own transportation, and my own everything else, and I bought things for others too. Oh, and then I had to spend a large portion on medications and phone stuff.

At any rate, this woman hurled insult after insult, and I calmly told her I could let her know what I was really about if she wanted to give me a chance, and I was sorry that her son didn't tell her, and that I felt she would have a different opinion of me if she would allow me to tell her--but I guess all her questions were hypothetical. Her "I don't know you!" and "Who are you?!" was followed up by a silencing of the hand and then more insults.

Her son, I called for him and asked to talk to him and he just said, "What?" and that was it and then disappeared to skulk, I guess, in his room. His mother tells him he needs a girlfriend and then looks at me and says, "You are NOT his girlfriend!" (I stand to the side, bowing my head at the dishonor...nodding, "yes, I know..." tears rolling down my cheek. just kidding).

What I'm a little upset by, is the fact that, I think, ALL of those officers, this one woman told me, came from the same office. So, if the first two came out, why did they then send another two out, to more forcefully harass me? I was thinking they were from different jurisdictions or precincts, but this woman I talked to thought it was people from the same place, so I don't know. It was Barrero and then she gave me two other names, men's names, but there were four people altogether.

So the last I'm hearing, is that this woman is talking about going to court. So I guess someone told her about court or whatever. I told this one man who accompanied her, who was pretty mellow and has known I've been living her, because he comes with the mail and peeps his head in to say hello to everyone--well, I told him if she wants to save time and money to let her know to just write out a 30 day notice and it's as good as any form or going to a lawyer and would save her time.

I told him my intention, as AB knew from the start, was not to stay here forever, but when I was able to get on my feet, and believe me, it's difficult after all the medical stuff.

AB must have just thought I was a potential play-mate or something, because why try to kick me out? or Jeff or whoever he works for didn't like the fact I was writing about his job and the things missing from this house.

At the least it's interesting that one day after I write some embassies, I have someone trying to pull out the rug from me again. And not only that, his mother must have been around longer than just the last 2 days, because her brochure from the police in Prince George's County, is dated December 12, 2008. There is no mailing stuff on it, just a hand-affixed label with this Major's information.

So maybe she did just fly in a few days ago, or maybe she didn't. I don't think she's the most honest person, and maybe not her son either, at this point, because of what they're doing to me now, AND after seeing the social services applications that don't add up, and some other stuff.

I think what I'm going to have to do, if I have to go to court just to get the 30 day notice or whatever, is show the judge all of my emails where I gave out this address as my primary address. Because I have not received mail here and that's suspect in itself.

That, and if I can get copies of some other things, where I used the address, it should be good enough to establish that this has been my residency.

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