Sunday, January 25, 2009

Marijuana Por Medicina (Migrainier)

I'm butchering mi espanol again pero yo recibe a comment para una mujere regarding migraines she has and how she's tried everything but is going to try marijuana!!!

I'm sooo happy for her, and she was also put on continual birth control and had horrible results and Immitrex sort of worked but didn't.

I tried Imitrex too, but it made my heart race and didn't eliminate the pain. I tried a newer triptan while in Canada, Axert I think? and it worked a lot better but the migraine was back within 12 hours. It just didn't last and I had similiar heart racing, dizzy sensations and had to sleep.

I swear to God, I don't know if anyone read the exchange between me and my mother, wtih my mother telling me not broadcast my discovery of marijuana, but like I told her, how can I hide such a discovery when I know it's a cure and healing? Even for the sake of my own son, how many thousands of people with migraines, could I be helping by sharing this information?

It really truly works and I feel it is this crazy miracle that came out of something bad. Something good happened that has changed my life, literally, because I am no longer dependent upon ER or doctors to keep living and working and socializing. My migraines took a FULL SIX days out of my life every MONTH, and there is a cure!

I could disappear and never show up at an ER because I know what cures and prevents my migraines now. My enemies cannot use this handicap against me any longer as well, by trying to schedule hearings to coincide with my pattern of migraine.

I want everyone with migraine, to know this and try this.

I admit, I am still sort of figuring out how much to take. I take very little, and sometimes if I don't take enough I still get a killer headache, but like I said I have to sleep and then try to smoke but the best thing, I've found, is to PREVENT them by trying something a little ahead of expected date. I forget though, and just wing it.

Advil and tylenol are actually somewhat effective IF I still have migraine after the punch is taken out by marijuana. I wish I knew how many people have tried this because they've read my posts.

There is so much documentation too, medically, and it's not just my testimony. After it worked for me, I wondered if there was documentation about it, and that's when I found out there IS. It's exhaustive. All the doctors were AGAINST the federal ban of marijuana in the 30s because they had already documented the effectiveness for a variety of ailments.

Sooo happy to hear from someone who is goinbg to try this. I posted her comment and then couldn't find where I posted it so I'm writing this new post. Please, anyone with migraine, especially menstrual migraine I guess, TRY this.

I DID still sometimes get a cruel headache but it was different. More of a terribly throbbing full frontal headache which I could get rid of with a little sleep and lots of Advil. Don't give up, just try what works for you.

I started out very small and then tried a tiny bit more to see if I could completely abort them. I try to take the least necessary because like any medicine, the effectiveness will weaken over time, or you may need more. So I'm really careful, and for ME, I'm a total airhead after smoking even a little. It definitely affects my short term memory. It's extremely noticeable in me, so I wouldn't recommend it unless it's before bedtime or something, just relaxing and not having to think much.

Gracias a Dios por Marijuana.

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