Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kissing Around The Priest Bar Flys

I was out dancing and having a great time and sat for salsa and chips. I had a couple drinks total, and I kissed someone. First time I've kissed anyone since Dabney, months ago. But then I sat down and cleared my head with food.

I danced with several new friends. Really fun. I was self-conscious but then tried to feel the music. I got a really nice said, "You dance like a Latina".

Realidad? I think that was towards the end, and the pencil fell out of my hair and this one friend picked it up and put it behind his ear. When he asked if he wanted it back, I put my hand on the back of his neck and bent his head toward me, taking it back with my teeth.


But I had so much fun. I have a new boyfriend now too, not the pencil guy, someone else. Well, I've known him for awhile, so it's not really new, new, but sort of cemented or confirmed.

And I saw this priest next to our table with a medallion and a man next to him, praying. Seriously praying and I thought to myself, "Oh my GOD. I'll bet he's praying for ME," because I had just sat down after kissing this guy on the dance floor, quite passionately. I saw some disapproving looks from the room. But I sat down and ate and didn't drink more and just danced the rest of the night and by the end, all looks were approving! I guess my dancing was getting better. well, and I wasn't moshing lips with someone in full public view.


At any rate, I was so glad to see someone praying at the table next to me, with this priest in black looking at me with a nice smile. I was like, "Hmmm. Well, the prayer couldn't have come at a better time." Slow down, back up, back up..

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