Sunday, January 25, 2009

Princess Di Loved by Pakistani

I will just say a couple of very small things about the dips or people I've or will stay with. I have this to say, to affirm the love of Princess Di by Pakistanis.

I stayed with this guy who had maybe only 4 books in the whole apartmento and one of them, the one he brought out for me to read, was...

YOU GUESSED IT! Princess Diana and portraits. A really nice, comprehensive hardback book. He said, "She was a really nice lady."

So I sat there, watching Cary Grant movies, eating food from Pakistan, and reading the book about Princess Diana, when I was there.

I think she solidified her friendships with the Pakistani people, no? ;)

I feel I'm being a little anti-social, on the computer, but I did tell this novio, if I were on a deserted island...well, what I'd choose given the option between a man and a computer with lifelong internet. I found out, some t.v. station did a query recently, on this very topic, and they found most women wanted email over a man, given the choice, and men chose a woman over email. But email is sort of limited. I would choose a man over just plain old email. But over the whole entire world de informacion? No, you have to think, with a man you're going to fight over the bananas on a tropical deserted island. No fighting with the computer. No compromise. Just years and years of conversation, writing, research and MUSIC, and television and movies, right?! I mean, come ON.

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