Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mormons & Swingers in the CIA as Agents

Tell me what you think. FBI, yes.

CIA? Undercover? I'm thinking no. I'm thinking Mormonism automatically excludes someone from being an operative agent in the CIA.

I mean, you have to be bad and dirty. Like Chris Dabney.

Right? I mean, reallly dirty.

I was in the Princess Di book section and found this book placed over all the DI books. Like it was sitting there waiting for me to pick it up. "Blowing My Cover" about "my life as an undercover CIA spy" or whatever. Some woman wrote it. So I skimmed it. I was like, "HEY! she got in trouble for checking the MMPI box for "do you ever wish you were a member of the other gender?" and she said yes, like me and her reasons were the same." But anyway, reading it, I was like, she's kidn of boring but also daring.

All these CIA women have to be willing to throw their shirts off and expose their breasts and sleep with everybody. I mean, they get interrogated, and what's that woman's name, Valerie Plame, said she'd fool a hotel server by getting it on in the bed with the other guy.

So I'm just thinking, No, No Mormon in the history of time, has ever been an undercover CIA spy. Especially no Mormon woman.

I think the CIA only hires swingers.

I think they scour S&M and swinger sites for recruitments.

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