Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Suing the U.S. Government for Withholding Evidence from Public

Anonymous said...
Hello, I was put on continuous birth control as well. The first one didn't work at all, but the second one totally worked. Nor QD. That is, until I realized I'd gained 35 pounds on it over two years AND it began to lose its effectiveness AND my hair began to fall out in clumps. ALLLLL due to altering hormones. I've stopped taking the pills. Imitrex has worked for me, but I feel so sick after I take it for days. So, I'm researching medical marijuana and am hopeful. It sounds like you have gained relief from using it. I hope to be able to try it at least.

January 24, 2009 2:34 PM

Mama said...
I found this after going through an inbox I'm soon cancelling.

I put your comment up on a new post, because I wanted more people to read it, but also, here is a response to your comment.

Thank you so much for writing. Do try this, and let us know if it works for you. If you are not in a state where it's legal, go discreet. Seriously, the best place to look is to hispanics, sometimes African Americans and hippies. At least these groups sometimes have a little history or sometimes an understanding frmo their own history of experimentation and culture, to know and remember it works, and pass it down to the next generation despite the crap and lies about how it's not good for anything.

I don't know ONE person who would say weed is going to contribute to criminal activity. I'd like to see all the stoners try to hold up a bank...dddduuuuuuh.

It's ridiculous.

Good luck! I am rooting for you and all sufferers of migraine.

I am absolutely convinced, now, that all this is garbage about how it's worthless is because people in the DEA and other organizations want to keep their jobs and bc there would be a MASSIVE loss of profits from those in pharmaceutical companies. Think about how much Immitrex and allo the other triptans cost, plus Demerol, plus trigger point injections, and the profits to hospitals from those who have insurance. I mean, these people are making bank on the suffering of others, when there is a KNOWN cure and preventative treatment that you could grow in your fucking backyard.

You just wait. You'll find out for yourself.

I think a fucking lawsuit should be held for keeping this information from the public. How is THIS different from the withholding of information from the public, of nicotine harms?

The government SUES nicotine and tobacco companies for causing cancers, but they keep the weed cure from everyone who suffers from migraines and maybe some other things, and you tell ME how this is any different. For once, the public should be suing the government for contributing with pharmacueticals and lobbyists that pay their wages, for keeping the public in the dark, and in pain, and out of jobs, all because an elite few want to make bank.

January 28, 2009 10:29 AM

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