Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lawsuits To Be Filed On Behalf of the Public

I am in fucking pain because of the fucking doctors that refuse to do anything to examine or treat my back pain from assault. Then I have the assholes from GW calling to have me go in for follow-up on the miscarriage, because they KNOW what happened to me was dangerous and is still dangerous.

So I ask them if I can kill 2 birds with one stone because I cannot even WORK in the U.S. because I have been refused pain relievers that would TREAT my pain so I am able to work. SO I asked to be seen for fucking back pain AND the miscarriage and I was told I had to go to some other health department or random clinic.

I cannot establish "care" when I'm all over the fucking 3 states around here and I am NOT going to bust my ass going to some clinic and ALSO going to GW.

These people should have taken care of this, and there is no reason why I shouldn't be seen for both things.

If I had enough money, I would be fucking suing so many different people I cannot even keep track anymore.

My back hurts just sitting and I've taken a FUCKING LOAD of advil and I've been taking this my whole life. This has nothting to do with anxiety, it is legitimate pain the refusal of so-called doctors to treat this pain. Then I have someone telling me to just take weed, and that does NOT cure bone pain. It doesn't even help muscular pain for me, it just turns me into an imbecile with zero memory.

So I was thinking, yesterday, which lawsuits would I file if I was going to sue, not just for myself, because I've already listed all the lawsuits I could file in this regard, but I thought about the lawsuits which should be filed on behalf of the public:

1. Abolishment of Summary Judgment. Get rid of the fucking loss to the right of a jury and power in the hands of ONE judge who favors the larger corporate firms and favors.

2. Sue the federal government for withholding a preventative treatment and cure from the public, and PROSECUTING countless people for distributing a medicine that is proven to help people with glaucoma, bone tumor disorders, and migraine. Sue the federal government for taking favors and bribes from powerful pharmacuetical lobbyists and owners and corporate lawyers. The feds SUE tobacco companies for damages to the public, known to be caused by nicotine, and then allow people to SUFFER in pain with things like intractable migraine, while knowing there is a historically proven cure. Sin of omission is no different, or crime of omission, rather, is no different from crime of commission. Tobacco companies committed crime by concealing addictive and harmful properties from the public and yet the federal government makes weed totally illegal, when they KNOW it helps people.

3. Sue for right to jury trial for dependency cases, for IRS tax cases, and non-monetary cases. Right to a fucking trial by JURY for EVERY case that affects the character, reputation and finances of anyone, poor or rich.

4. Sue for right to jury and PUBLIC DEFENSE for civil rights violations. If someone slanders or defames someone, in media or otherwise, someone who is poor should have public defense because this kind of civil offense will affect their entire life and reputation and make them vulnerable to other accusations of, possibly, later, crimes, and other things because of a diminished credibility which that poor person was never able to fight, because they had NO MONEY and no lawyer willing to stand the fuck up for them. Great Britain or England has made defamation a crime. If it is not made a crime in the U.S., it should be made a civil violation which entitles someone to recourse through public means, and the media or person responsible for that persons damages should be required to compensate not only the individual, but the public as well, for screwing with our system and our time. They should always, in every case, pay punitive damages.

5. Sue for the right to revision and uprooting and reform of the entire public defense system which is paid for by the state, the same state which pays for these police officers and prosecuting attorneys to make their cases against people who have no money. Public defense through private firms that are completely disconnected from the state, federal, and other forms of government, but who receive incentives, tax breaks, and more privileges than any fucking church or other "non-profit". The right to public defense is to REASONABLE defense and this isn't honored. So, also, sue to break up the monopoly of the various State Bar associations which work with law schools to screw students out of their money and push them onto selling their souls for a corporation that uses and spits them out until they start taking dirty deals themselves. Reserve some of the best and brightest for public defense alone and give them a full tuition forgiveness for at least 5 years of committed public service, just like teachers get for serving in certain districts like low-income or indian reservations or whatever. It shouldn't be an adage that if you're "just going to do public defense" you should save money and "go to any old law school". That's B.S. People doing public defense should have HIGHER standards than the rest, and it should be Ivy and other best from public law schools that are selected for these positions, not those who can't make a living any other way or who try to scrape by with making deals.

6. Sue for the reinstatement of punitive damages, and whatever "excessive" awards a JURY decides to give for medical malpractice and the unethical behavior by medical professsionals who are found guilty of damaging or destroying lives. It is corporate lobbyists, like John Kaempf, whose father is a doctor, who worked on behalf of doctors in Washington and Oregon, to eliminate the ablity of the PUBLIC to award whatever damages for punitive means. People like John Kaempf and other corporate lawyers, supported by doctors and insurance companies, who serve the top and take the top cut of everything and screw people out of kidney transplants when their kids are dying, because of "cost", should be held accountable for screwing the public and a jury's ability to PUNISH those who offend. The whole POINT of punitive damages is to make a very serious point, so others know they may also be in trouble if they try something similar. Without punitive damages that are scary, there is no preventation of further damage to the public. The corporations and doctors and insruance companies feel safe, to continue screwing people and then intimidating them from filing cases, and feel assured even if they're sued, they won't go out of business because of what they did. If it's bad enough, and the PUBLIC and the JURY decides it's bad enough, the fuckers who did the damage should be out of fucking business and those who are more responsible, educated, and careful, and honest, will take up the fucking SLACK. THAT is a democracy. The strongest, but not just strongest, but most ethical, will survive and fucking corrupt corporations should die.

What do these lawsuits have in common? Every single one of them would have the effect of protecting and preserving and RESTORING the rights of the public. These lawsuits, every single one, are all in the interest of bringing down the plutocracy for restoration of a true democracy. This is NOT a democracy and the educated fuckers and those who live in the system all know this. The rest of the public, who conform and don't think about anything except their picket fence, don't get it and yet they will go down with the rest.

7. It should never be illegal, in ANY state, to tape record conversations in public or in private, in person or over the phone, when there are corrupt individuals who lie and try to destroy others and feel safe that even if evidence is obtained, it will be inadmissable. It is not just the right of the GOVERNMENT to tape record people they have contact with, it is the civil RIGHT of the public to protect THEMSELVES with the ability of tape recording whatever they want, whenever they want.

8. Sue for the right of children to be taught, in public school, what their civil rights are and how to protect themselves. The rich get private lawyers, and the poor get screwed. Every single kid should know their rights regarding search and seizure, basic tenant-landlord law, and they be taught about investments including risks and benefits of every type: real estate, annuities, stocks, bonds, savings, and business ventures and money management. I'm not talking about the stupid money management class they give on how to figure out how much to spend on fucking groceries per month, I'm talking about real advice, on how to stay within means but still get ahead. and it is the fucking FAULT of MANY for this economic disaster, because of the false idea that credit is never-ending and never comes back to bite you in the butt. the risks those stockbrokers and bankers and insurance firms took, were ridiculous and probably half of them fueld by cocaine on the fucking floor. Public school children need more than education on "birth control" and sex ed as if that's all that life is about. They need education on law and legal rights and their options in finance and civil rights. Some kids get this on the street or from parents, and others never do and think others must be lying or they're vulnerable and get screwed.

I have other ideas, and I know what needs to be done, but who else is WITH me?

I cannot even get my fucking son back, on fair and equal terms, so you will probably have to find fighters in your own ranks. I am not doing anything for this country without my rights restored and my back, and the whole CPS case fucking dismissed for federal rights violations.

You help me, and maybe I'll help you. For now, all you get are my fucking good ideas, which you can steal or which others will do all they can to keep you from fighting for. They will screw you until every last vestige of respectability in the U.S. is gone. Some of you know what I'm talking about. And then there's the 75% that are frogs in a pot. Still.

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