Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Status Quo 'Ho (Dating a Banker Anonymous)

Love the NYT. It was like watching Fox today, reading, on Section A20, the title:

"It's the Economy Girlfriend". A photo which cracks me up, of all these so-boring Stepford Wives in-training, and the article is about women meeting over their banker boyfriends like it's AA.

I cannot believe these women would want to be seen, but hey, look at me. I guess our values are different. I don't care if someone thinks I'm different but a status quo ho I do not want to be.

Yes, I would marry someone for convenience to pay for a lawyer for my son. Of course. But given my full independence, what would I choose?

I choose me baby.

I am not a high maintenance hooker-wife. Well, I'm high maintenance in my own way. I have some principles when it comes to money and what I'm willing to do for it. I would not marry someone with money for racks of cashmere. Not even for a better rack.

Anything that should come after "worse" if there is a "better" in the skyline of any marriage I maintained for true love or convenience, is just the fucking maraschino cherry, not the martini.

I highly recommend reading this article though, because if you think like me at all, and see any kind of irony and dry humor in this, you will find it very amusing.

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