Sunday, January 11, 2009

my day today and tomorrow

will write about dabney tomorrow. too tired finally, tonight, after finishing post about er bloodletting and disaster.

I am thinking I should hire myself out as a "witness" who just goes with people to their med appointements, with a recorder, and helps them get what they need. A hired advocate because some people get screwed in hospitals and nurses and good doctors know it. So, hmmm. new idea. too bad Ive been too sick to find work for all my other clients--don't worry mija, and hombre, I've got your back, just getting on my feet a bit first. Sick a little bit.

Today I saw an adorable curly haired blond 3 year old. Precious and precocious girl, drinking her hot chocolate. And I met an older man who was fun to talk to and has some literary interests and we talked a little about homer's odessy and then he offered to buy some groceries for me and for once, I accepted. I don't and wont' unless I really to, and so I did. It was very kind of him and we're going to meet again and talk. Nice educated guy with a lot of wisdom and knowledge about the sad state of the system. How even unions don't seem to have teeth for people anymore. So talking with a new friend.

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