Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sudden Roommate's Notice to Vacate

So it just gets better this New Year.

After I have things disappearing from this house: my cell (and then returned), and my charger (and then returned), and my sleeping pills and one bottle of make-up, and after a file from the recorded D.C. CPS cover up attempt to deny me a release form with the General Counsel present, I'm told I may need to "leave". Supposedly because this guy's mother is a "politician" and wants me to leave. But I think he wants me to leave because nothing has become romantic as maybe he first thought could be possible. I was straight up about that, and he said he understood, but I don't know.

So the agreement was to let me stay a few months until I got on my feet and then I'll pay towards rent, but unfortunately, I had the baby die day 2 after I'd moved in. So then I was stuck unable to work, wondering when I was going miscarry (at any time?) which dragged on for 3 weeks until finally a week ago it happened and I've been in ER so much, this last time they finally just put me on 7 days of "bedrest" which isn't exactly conducive in my ability to get back to work. I am on Day 2 of "bedrest" and I've gone out to take a couple walks but I'm still weak and get nausous often, for some reason, which is a new thing for me. The nauseau. As soon as painkillers wear off, I feel sick. I don't know if it's sick from pain or what.

So I was told tonight maybe I have a week. Which is no notice when I've been here a month and was told I could stay for a couple of months and get things together. So I don't know what I'm doing yet. All my mail comes here but I've had a curious delay in getting any mail, from even a month ago. I should have bills and court stuff and libarary things coming to me.

I tried to help out with money by offering to go to the state while I was still pregnant, before miscarrying, to get at least cash assistance which I'd have given them, but I couldn't do it because the next day I miscarried so now I can't get cash assistance. I've paid for my own food and they've had some of my food as well, including an entire pizza I bought last night.

I don't know. I will have to find legal counsel if someone just tries to boot me out when I'm still medically not well, when we had an oral agreement. It would be better if they decided to bide time until it is physically possible for me to even be working. And it's not like I haven't been looking for work, but I don't think it's lawsful to kick me out with no notice when I've been here over a month and thought things were fine.

Well, hopefully, these two guys who are in the application process for working for the CIA will get in. I guess it's just their interviews next. Good luck to them. ANd good luck, I guess, to the politician mother here on sabbatical from Nigeria. And good luck to the other guy who is being offered a job through the military which would pay him at least three times what he makes now.

I haven't complained about anything here. But they deserve the best and I hope they get what they want.

I really don't know, anymore, why I set my sights low. Maybe next time, I will look a little higher and be open to having a chance to get by, until I can make it, with someone who actually is rich. I have one guy in mind, and if he'll also loan me use of a car in the meantime, it could work.

It's not my fault that I was fired, because of "romantic politics" at the work and the fact I couldn't keep up because of severe pregnancy pain from an unusual pregnancy. I don't take that to heart myself--it wasn't my fault and there was nothing I could do about it and I took proper steps to try to get help. Then everything after got screwed up with complicated miscarriage on top of unnecessary death of my babies after a painful pregnancy.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna say this was my "doing" and is something I should take the blame for. If it's going to be an issue in my getting back on my feet, some of the DNA from James River should be used to prove who the father is and get him to start paying for his part in this. I didn't knock myself up, for one thing, or fire myself, and as for the rest, it wasn't his fault or my fault but the fault of incompetence and medical negligence once again.

No, not sleeping with any of the guys here and they've all been respectful. Nothing weird at all. Safe in that regard--no problems. Met the Down' Syndrome brother today which was nice, and had my first small glass of wine in over many months, with dinner, a steak I made with salt, pepper, and jalapenos. Very good. Just need to fiond another safe spot until, well, you know...I strike it rich baby and go in glory to sue the bastards who illegally took my son.

Good night. To the tune of "Eternal Flame" (love this 80s stuff, stuck on it). It's a good nighty-night song. Sleep well, all.

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