Thursday, January 22, 2009

Suing For Medical Costs Over James Garrett

I should be suing INOVA for negligence in refusing to take my complaints about pain from pregnancy seriously.

I went in, so many times, and talked to so many people, and no one listened to me. I had to deal with idiots like "Army Wife" besides, and really, it is because of people like her that my babies died.

I had twins. It is confirmed that I had one twin in the usual place, in the uterus, and the other one was inside of my ovary.

Then, I had people trying to hide this from me when it was discovered, and trying to kill it and shrink it down before I ever "noticed".

Both of them died from a malfunctioning MRI machine at PGH, and yet it all could have been avoided if someone had listened to me at INOVA.

I have incurred medical costs because of this, not to mention distress and loss of my job, because of this, and frankly, the father should be and is partly responsible.

He was partly responsible for having me fired from my job, and it takes two to create a baby and he paid for nothing.

I called to talk to a lawyer about getting costs covered by Dabney. Not all, but half. I was told there is no precedent.

Which means someone should start a precedent.

If a man or father can be held responsible for the cost of a child that is born into the world, alive, he can also be held responsible for the cost of a child that dies and is miscarried through natural causes.

I had someone say to me, "You chose to keep it, not the father." Um, yeah, and that's the same argument that's used for child support issues over a living child. I know plenty of fathers that wanted the mother to abort the child and yet she didn't and they pay child support. The fact that I chose to keep my own child and it was miscarried and I accrued costs because of it, is also partly my choice, but it was no more my choice to "create" a child, than it was the choice of the father, and Dabney knew what the risks were of unprotected sex and he was sober and there is nothing more to be said.

He should be responsible for paying for part of the medical costs I accrued which resulted because of consensual sex between two adults. Why should only the mother bear the cost? WE have to bear the pain of carrying the child, and the pain of childbirth or miscarriage, but it is a joint responsibility to create a life.

So, because I have medical costs I wouldn't otherwise have, if Dabney had not participated and made choices which resulted in this life, I believe I am entitled to have part of my bills paid.

If this is considered a "precedent", it should be an avenue made available to ALL women, and not just me.

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