Thursday, January 22, 2009

Whereabouts of Fetus James Garrett

I talked to Mr. Rinaldi again this morning and he said that "Dee" was telling him, THIS time, that it had nothing to do with a signed release form (which was the excuse last time) and that now, it was being refused release because PGH considered it to be a "specimen".

So they were telling him I had to jump through hoops if I wanted to have it released, and generate a death certificate, on my own, and get that process started before he could pick it up.

So I called PGH and talked to their administration and finally just got a call and now I'm told this is going to be done for me and that a physician will sign off and it will be transported by Monday.

So, THREE WEEKS after I gave specific instructions as to what my wishes were, this baby that I wanted, which was wrongfully killed, is finally going to be released, when everyone knows THREE weeks later is a little bit late for an independent pathology.

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