Friday, February 27, 2009

19 Years Old

Lol. I met this guy who I really like in a deja vu way. He reminds me of someone, maybe one of my cousins? Anyway, we exchanged numbers and I felt I really clicked with him. He's a nice guy, Dad's in military and he's been in the area forever and is going military after college. Navy.

I just found out he's 19!!! He said "high school", something about high school, and I thought "huh?" and so I asked. So funny, because I would totally hang out with him and think he's a great guy. There's something open and honest about him.

19 though. I said, "You just got out of high school?!" and he said, "Well, I'm 19" like it's so different from 17 or 18. Anyway, he's a nice guy. I'll keep in touch with him.

I wonder how old he think I AM? I know I don't look that young right now bc I've lost all this weight. I look older.

His Dad toured in Europe. I kept thinking he was from London. He says yeah, he gets that a lot. London or Germany.

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