Friday, February 27, 2009


I really care about Dabney and what happens to him. But because of my circumstances, and because I'm a little suspicious as to why Christa Schneider suddenly decided to write in on my blog, out of the blue, at a certain time, I'm going to write what I know.

I wonder, often, why anyone or any group, would go to such lengths to get so many involved in screwing with me, but it's happened.

I came all the way over here, and had odd interactions with some in the D.C. CPS offices, and I just know for a fact that there are people who hate me and who would love nothing more than to see me completely lose my son, or be tagged as mentally ill for the rest of my life.

I also know when my problems began, and it was with the Catholic church shit and their lawyers and Christa, and I know I never had problems with anyone prior to that. The first time anyone ever involved law enforcement that was specifically Catholic and friends with the Abbey attorneys, was with my problems with Mt. Angel Abbey.

I've had people trying to distract me and cause problems with my getting accountability ever since. I've had records disappear besides.

I tried to tell Julia Thornton that it WAS important to consider a religious motive in what was happening with me, and with the FBI employees, because I had already seen the Abbey attorneys use people they KNEW, in law enforcement, to screw with me under color of law, just to get something bad going against my name.

So when Dabney is having sex with me the first time and the first thing that comes to his mind to say is: "Here's another one in the hole", after I'd discovered other boyfriends I'd had were just trying to harm me, it makes me wonder. What does this mean? to me, it sounded like he was "another asshole" in the whole scheme against me, and was part of some groupie vendetta to get to me. "Here's another one in the hole?" and he did have info on me that he couldn't have had unless he was with the FBI or Christa Schneider's group.

I think it's odd.

I also cannot find another reason for the reappearance of my workshirts, at work, except that he knew the roommate I was staying with when they disappeared or someone took them and put one in the cubby? it doesn't make sense.

With my fiance, I try to trust him, but sometimes I wonder, naturally. I wonder I guess, about my CD now, and I wonder that I had problems with GW after telling him I was going there. I wonder when I saw someone that looked like him, and was wearing what he was wearing on a day I was there. I wonder why certain things are always delayed and stalled and why he never wants me, or wanted me, to go to the hospital or a doctor for certain things. Why he didn't want anyone to check my horomone levels and why he doesn't want me to have medication for pain. Why he and his friends were taking me to do a bunch of different things when I had things to get done here, and why they noted the date I told them I'd lose my son if I wasn't back in Wenatchee. I first told them one date and they remembered and wanted to see my reaction to what they thought was the termination date. Then again, when I gave a different date. And then now, I just don't know. Why I was told I'd have my own car and why he had a fax and printer and a computer that were brand new when I was first with him and he let me use it and then was refusing to let me use it when he knew I needed it to meet the "deadlines" I gave for needing to get my son back. I was never allowed to use the computer when I suddenly needed it. So then I was going to the library and asking around and then after someone gave me a computer, he returned his to the store?

I am not saying anything is wrong, but I've just been trying to pay attention, because it is important. I've been fooled by people pretending to be my friend in the past. Huge mistakes. So I think it's important to think and watch and raise the questions and that doesn't mean anyone is guilty as doubted, but that I'm being careful.

I watch to see if I'm being held back or if someone is really helping me move forward on very important things, with relation to my son.

I also got a little concerned when he was going along with some others about how I just needed to "cooperate" with the state. I told him the state had done illegal things and that I didn't need to cooperate with dictates they won through illegal methods, through violations of my constitutional and civil rights. I told him either he believed in me and trusted in me and what I was saying, or he didn't. I will not and cannot marry anyone who doubts me, in any way, with regard to what happened with my son.

What would seem like a help can be a hindrance, so I'm paying attention.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything at this point. But I'm watching everything, and if it doesn't line up...Something isn't right. I am not going to be trapped. I am looking out for my best interests and the best interests of my son.

I'm going to finish the OIG complaint now.

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