Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best Way

I think I know what the best solution is but it's also the hardest one in some ways, just because so many times, so many times, up again, on my feet, something new and for once I almost don't want independence but I do.

I cannot take the easiest path. I must make a choice again, for the best path. I honestly don't know why I should have to work for anything anymore, after all I've been through.

I want the best thing for me and for my son.

I also want to be part of a team. One cannot make things happen for the team but only for oneself and someone has got to meet you halfway or there is no way. I might choose one thing, but if I am not met halfway, it's never going anywhere. So I guess you figure out what your odds are too? Sort of a weird way to think of things.

I think I am seriously confused right now.

Choices are easier when you can see the future and when you know what the odds are.

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