Thursday, February 5, 2009

Weirdness at Hospital

I went to the hospital today, after giving blood yesterday for the hormone pregnancy levels.

The levels are supposed to be at ZERO but they're still not. And I had some weird issues there when I was trying to go back for a physical evaluation because things are still not the same.

I had been told to follow up, by Dr. Collins (love her most of all) and then I got jumped, and then I was too traumatized thinking about it to go back. So I finally did. There was no payment issue with Collins but when I tried to go today there was a huge issue made out of it, and right before I was late to my appointment and told they wouldn't see me without payment up front, I saw--Guess Who--Dr. Salemy walking out.

I was then told to go to the ER if I wanted to be seen today. I was in the other building, which is across from the ER building (I was at the OBGYN clinic) and I asked if Salemy was going over to the ER because if she was, and was the one in charge that day, I was NOT going to ER to be examined for this.

They said they didn't know and this one woman, Jackie Maloney, who was so insistent I not be seen or examined, kept acting weird and nervous and wouldn't call to find out.

It was sort of weird, but I just walked out. When Maloney gave me the results of the blood test, which she didn't want to do, she tried to minimize the fact that it was not at zero.

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