Monday, February 23, 2009

Out of Hospital

I got out last night and picked up prescriptions. Didn't get to bed until 12 or so and then didn't wake up until 2 p.m. this afternoon. I didn't realize I was this tired.

My music is back, I'm on a connection that allows it I guess, and we're staying with a Colombian woman until things are wrapped up here and we fly into Wenatchee. I don't have much to write now...I am focusing on lining up some legal things today.

I saw someone at CVS last night who looked so familiar somehow but I don't know who he was. He was very tall, with sort of longer hair cut but it was short still. I think he wore glasses. I tried to place him but I don't know who he was. But very familiar. We made eye contact and I kept thinking I knew him from somewhere.

I looked up the doctor who saw me for pain, whom I decided had knowledge of me by the way he acted and what he said and recommended. I found no connection to the pacific NW, but he did go to Swarthmore and was interested in pain and Dr. Butler went to cornell and was also interested in pain so perhaps they know eachother through that circuit? he was also in the military for at least 3 years as a medic for a clinic in San Antonio. Dr. Stuart W. Houghs. What was interesting, is that after he acted like he knew me, when he left and closed the door, I heard the nurse say to him, "Is something wrong? You look like something's wrong?" So I wondered too, what was wrong. He and I barely spoke. Maybe he knows someone who knows me, I don't know. I'm not usually wrong about these things. I just noticed he's a competitive runner, which is funny, because the first thing I said to him, was that I used to be a competitive runner and I said, "As you know, runners know the difference between good pain and bad pain." My guess is that he may know Dr. Butler thought his various memberships in pain relief societies--it's a small community in the U.S.--the pain specialist doctors. I looked at the other pain specialist and probably would have been better off seeing him because he specializes in disc herniation pain and spine disorders. It would have been good to see him. Stuart is more of a cancer pain guy.

I haven't taken any pain medications today. I had to take so much last night I figured I should try to save for night-time. Last night, I had to take 3 Percocet and 2 Flexeril until I was able to sleep without fighting pain. This morning I've taken nothing. I've decided not to take Lyrica, though we paid for it. I think it will screw up epilepsy diagnostics if I'm on medications. So I'm not taking it. I have it for trying later. I took advil this morning and that's it though I could probably use one Percocet and may take one. My stomach feels much better but I'm bleeding more today, not a lot though. The gastrointestinal problems with my stomach are gone basically, since they did the D&C. I think there must be a problem in my stomach, connected to my uterus somehow. I would like to get diagnostics of my stomach and pelvis. I think these would show further evidence of damages I had from childbirth and go to show how the doctors were trying to cover for what they did, by lying about the childbirth and lying about me.

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