Sunday, February 22, 2009

Silence from the Family

My family didn't call or write when I was in the hospital with these newer problems and when I wrote my aunt about my marriage plans and return, I got a fairly cold response from her.

I do not believe my family has ever had my best interests or the best interests of my son in mind. They only wanted to justify themselves and defend against my accusations against them for some of the things they've done and how they are.

My family has lied to me about trying to reunite me with my son, and I have no faith in them. They are basically not my family. I care about Granny alone, and now I'm also validated about my claims she has Alzheimers because there is no disguising it now, her memory is getting much worse.

My husband and I will be going to Wenatchee in peace, to make the transition for my son as smooth as possible. And my husband is a good man, and is good with children, despite faults. He has also committed to me in a more meaningful way and we've worked some things out and we're moving forward on this. He wants me to have my son and is going to fight with me, to hold the state accountable for what they did, and provide support for me and my son.

I will also take support, financial or otherwise, from others and I will set up a fund for the money or contributions when I am in Wenatchee soon. I want it to be set up so people can make anonymous contributions, knowing the account and free to put money into this account without giving out their identity if they don't want to be known.

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